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rico 05-24-2014 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Lane (Post 10649183)
What is everyone think the over under at about 83?

Can you like, phrase that in a sub-human, non-spaceman language? Because I can't figure out what you are asking... Thanks, homeslice!!!!!

TambaBerry 05-24-2014 08:40 PM

I agree this place is a shit show, I think the first time I posted somebody made fun of my username back when it was tambaberry.

lewdog 05-24-2014 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by dingleberry (Post 10649242)
I agree this place is a shit show, I think the first time I posted somebody made fun of my username back when it was tambaberry.

Dude, dingleberry is more creative than Tambaberry. That's ****ing atrocious.

rico 05-24-2014 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 10649231)
You guys lurked before joining because you were scared?!

I joined the same night I found this place. I got into a late night convo with Kurt Cobain and Bugeater, with Bug eventually negging me a few times over the next few days. I wasn't scared though.

We joined at the same time, dudely... I remember that specifically... there was you, me and that BoneKrusher dude from the coalition who I think won n00b of the year that year (I wasn't even mentioned...and wasn't butthurt because I wouldn't have mentioned me either). I remember that luv chick posting something like, "whoa! Is there going to be some sort of n00b revolt?!"

Anyways, people responded much more positively to your posts than they did mine...presumably because your posts were better. Not to mention, you had a "**** you if you don't like what I have to say" vibe to your posts...mine didn't. You were welcomed with extended arms....I was welcomed with a beer-bong full of antifreeze, prepped and ready to be force-fed.

It wasn't a matter of being afraid or was a matter of being unconfident when I knew what I was up against...and ashamed with what I had written or said in football talks with my friends previously, for I accepted the epiphany that I was likely incorrect about a lot of shit.

TambaBerry 05-24-2014 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 10649244)
Dude, dingleberry is more creative than Tambaberry. That's ****ing atrocious.

Haha this is my first forum my bad bro

Pasta Little Brioni 05-24-2014 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 10649231)
You guys lurked before joining because you were scared?!

I joined the same night I found this place. I got into a late night convo with Kurt Cobain and Bugeater, with Bug eventually negging me a few times over the next few days. I wasn't scared though.

It was weird. I didn't realize how little i knew about football at the time.

rico 05-24-2014 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 10649244)
Dude, dingleberry is more creative than Tambaberry. That's ****ing atrocious.

Tamba Hali...Eric Berry.... I dunno, I kind of dig it. I don't like digging at dingleberries though. I mean, I wouldn't like digging at dingleberries if I had them...that would be itchy and stinky, I presume.

I dig dingleberry as a username though. Dingleberries are hilarious.

"It sounds kind of 'Christmasy' to me. Let's put a dingleberry on the tree!!!!"

Pasta Little Brioni 05-24-2014 08:48 PM

Should a gone TAMHOUS

lewdog 05-24-2014 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 10649245)
We joined at the same time, dudely... I remember that specifically... there was you, me and that BoneKrusher dude from the coalition who I think won n00b of the year that year (I wasn't even mentioned...and wasn't butthurt because I wouldn't have mentioned me either). I remember that luv chick posting something like, "whoa! Is there going to be some sort of n00b revolt?!"

Anyways, people responded much more positively to your posts than they did mine...presumably because your posts were better. Not to mention, you had a "**** you if you don't like what I have to say" vibe to your posts...mine didn't. You were welcomed with extended arms....I was welcomed with a beer-bong full of antifreeze, prepped and ready to be force-fed.

It wasn't a matter of being afraid or was a matter of being unconfident when I knew what I was up against...and ashamed with what I had written or said in football talks with my friends previously, for I accepted the epiphany that I was likely incorrect about a lot of shit.

Rico, you are one of my favorite posters. Seriously, you seem genuine. Sometimes, maybe to a fault.

Bug gave me shit for a while when I joined but did something amazing for me in real life last year. Pretty cool how this place works.


Originally Posted by dingleberry (Post 10649249)
Haha this is my first forum my bad bro

Mine too. And you don't see me sucking!

Pasta Little Brioni 05-24-2014 08:49 PM

Let's get this thing to 10K!

Top 101/Late night BS version 10

rico 05-24-2014 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10649250)
It was weird. I didn't realize how little i knew about football at the time.

I wish I would have joined in 2005. I'd probably be confident to spit football shit by now if I did. I posted exclusively on wrestling boards from 1999-2011 (with an exception of trolling nerds on IMDB from time to time).

I dominate every wrestling board I post on...I'm a freaking God on those.... I'm a wrestling pride dude, but I'll admit...the CP posters are much more intelligent and well....very erratic/ornery.

In58men 05-24-2014 08:52 PM

If you can't take the heat get out of the garage. This cats ain't shit but biscuits and brownies breh

lewdog 05-24-2014 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10649250)
It was weird. I didn't realize how little i knew about football at the time.

Me either and I still don't. Some of the guys on here must have computer/desk jobs and surf the web all day. They've got incredible knowledge about everything football related. I barely know any guys drafted after the first few rounds anymore. I no longer read any football articles about the Chiefs unless they are on here. And it keeps we so well informed that I can own any Chiefs fan in real life that isn't a CP member.

lewdog 05-24-2014 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Inmem58 (Post 10649260)
If you can't take the heat get out of the garage. This cats ain't shit but biscuits and brownies breh

More pictures of your wife.

Less of you typing.

lewdog 05-24-2014 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by PGM (Post 10649258)
Let's get this thing to 10K!

Top 101/Late night BS version 10

It's only 8 here and I'm barely hanging on. Gonna watch the Royals choke one away here.

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