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KurtCobain 06-10-2007 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
sword fight in here?

bring it on

greg63 06-10-2007 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
sword fight in here?

On guard!

greg63 06-10-2007 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red
Hey pussies.

What's up Red!

greg63 06-10-2007 09:13 PM

...Don't have the energy to stay up all night.

Nite Planet!

2112 06-10-2007 09:13 PM

Jesus Christ, this thread has become an abomination.

I think I'm going to get it locked. :fire:

greg63 06-10-2007 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Jesus Christ, this thread has become an abomination.

I think I'm going to get it locked. :fire:

Where you been young man! :)

KurtCobain 06-10-2007 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Jesus Christ, this thread has become an abomination.

I think I'm going to get it locked. :fire:

you bastard

2112 06-10-2007 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by greg63
Where you been young man! :)

I've been you been?

2112 06-10-2007 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by joey
you bastard

Where have you been?

And you're no longer ''running away'' ;)

luv 06-10-2007 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Jesus Christ, this thread has become an abomination.

I think I'm going to get it locked. :fire:

Yeah, prayer helps.

Simply Red 06-10-2007 09:18 PM

Crazy, Greg, Bill. [tipping cap]

greg63 06-10-2007 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
I've been you been?

The same, and tired; that's why I'm wimping out early tonight. I'll have to get back to that other board we frequent sometime to see what the night crew thread is up to over there. :D

2112 06-10-2007 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by luv
Yeah, prayer helps.

LOL..How's it going luv?

I've missed my winter time night crew friends.

Simply Red 06-10-2007 09:19 PM

It's been a baseball kinda night. UNC and then the Braves in a great Sunday night game...

greg63 06-10-2007 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red
Crazy, Greg, Bill. [tipping cap]


Simplex3 06-10-2007 09:21 PM

Good grief, this s**t hole is still populated with the same people.

Oh, and "good evening".

greg63 06-10-2007 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red
It's been a baseball kinda night. UNC and then the Braves in a great Sunday night game...

Just heard the Braves won it five to four!

2112 06-10-2007 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by greg63
The same, and tired; that's why I'm wimping out early tonight. I'll have to get back to that other board we frequent sometime to see what the night crew thread is up to over there. :D

Yeah, come on's a little more fun during the season over there.

Sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite! :D

Good night, bud.

Simply Red 06-10-2007 09:21 PM

Going to crash soon...

greg63 06-10-2007 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Yeah, come on's a little more fun during the season over there.

Sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite! :D

Good night, bud.


Thank you my friend! TTYL

Nite Planet!...Again! :D

2112 06-10-2007 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red
Crazy, Greg, Bill. [tipping cap]

Whats up red!


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Good grief, this s**t hole is still populated with the same people.

Oh, and "good evening".

Good evening, how's the berrilyium thread doing..whats the count on the search engine?

Simply Red 06-10-2007 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by greg63
Just heard the Braves won it five to four!

Yep scored 3 in the eighth.

luv 06-10-2007 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
LOL..How's it going luv?

I've missed my winter time night crew friends.

Tired as ****. Passing out soon. You?

KurtCobain 06-10-2007 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Where have you been?

And you're no longer ''running away'' ;)

Had to get a new laptop.

And I tripped. :)

Simply Red 06-10-2007 09:24 PM

critical because all teams in their divi. lost today. Now only 2.5 behind the Mets.

Simplex3 06-10-2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Whats up red!Good evening, how's the berrilyium thread doing..whats the count on the search engine?

It never did s**t, so I made the only move available to me: I gave up.

Simplex3 06-10-2007 09:26 PM

Hate to drop another drive-by-posting, but it's bedtime for Bonzo here.

G'night, pussies.

Simply Red 06-10-2007 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Whats up red!

Good evening, how's the berrilyium thread doing..whats the count on the search engine?

Not much. I'm crashin. Posting a lot tonight. See you all tomorrow. AM.

2112 06-10-2007 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by luv
Tired as ****. Passing out soon. You?

I'm good, thanks.

My liver is pickled and I can't sleep, a terrible combination. :(

Sleep tight! :)

2112 06-10-2007 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red
Not much. I'm crashin. Posting a lot tonight. See you all tomorrow. AM.

Good night


Originally Posted by joey
Had to get a new laptop.

And I tripped. :)

You should have gotten a Macbook. ;)

2112 06-10-2007 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Hate to drop another drive-by-posting, but it's bedtime for Bonzo here.

G'night, pussies.

G'night Simplex.

Geez, this feels like the Waltons. :hmmm:

Simply Red 06-10-2007 09:37 PM


crazycoffey 06-10-2007 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by greg63
...Don't have the energy to stay up all night.

Nite Planet!

night night


Originally Posted by Simply Red
Crazy, Greg, Bill. [tipping cap]

Howdy (again)


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Hate to drop another drive-by-posting, but it's bedtime for Bonzo here.

G'night, pussies.

How did you know it's my bedtime?

SLAG 06-10-2007 09:53 PM

they should rename this thread the pussy thread

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 09:54 PM

night pussy

KurtCobain 06-10-2007 10:01 PM

Good morning anybody?

KurtCobain 06-10-2007 10:04 PM

Coffey, don't post in here again until next year. You've got 2007 posts.

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 10:33 PM

Ok Joey,


I'm back, can't sleep.....

Bugeater 06-10-2007 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by joey
Coffey, don't post in here again until next year. You've got 2007 posts.

LMAO I see I passed Milkman, dammit. I'll have to go delete some posts.

KurtCobain 06-10-2007 10:54 PM

I bet I get post number 22903

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Carlson the Bugeater
LMAO I see I passed Milkman, dammit. I'll have to go delete some posts.

I was bored one day and reviewed some of the past pages on this thread, I was wondering what the hell you were up to.

KurtCobain 06-10-2007 10:57 PM

Well shit, huge day tomorrow. I'm off to bed soon.

Hammock Parties 06-10-2007 11:00 PM

This sucks. I have to get up at 6 in the mornin and my body is not letting met get to sleep at all. This happened last night and i only got 2 hours of sleep... ****ing body of mine is too ****ed up and stressed out right now to get anything straight. Anybody got any suggestions for an insomniac?

KurtCobain 06-10-2007 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhawkerman2001
This sucks. I have to get up at 6 in the mornin and my body is not letting met get to sleep at all. This happened last night and i only got 2 hours of sleep... ****ing body of mine is too ****ed up and stressed out right now to get anything straight. Anybody got any suggestions for an insomniac?

Turn off all the lights, close your eyes and humm.

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhawkerman2001
This sucks. I have to get up at 6 in the mornin and my body is not letting met get to sleep at all. This happened last night and i only got 2 hours of sleep... ****ing body of mine is too ****ed up and stressed out right now to get anything straight. Anybody got any suggestions for an insomniac?


but if you get an answer, please let me know.....

Hammock Parties 06-10-2007 11:04 PM

that doesn't ever seem to work for me, because my mind is always running at a million miles per minute. I can't ever shut it up for a second.

KurtCobain 06-10-2007 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhawkerman2001
that doesn't ever seem to work for me, because my mind is always running at a million miles per minute. I can't ever shut it up for a second.

Same as me. However, I usually have to pull an all nighter to sleep the next. Lately however, I've found listening to ESPN radio for an hour in bed usually knocks me out.

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:08 PM

go back and read this thread, that has been putting me to sleep the last few months.

I have been growing a tolerance to it now, though...

Bugeater 06-10-2007 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhawkerman2001
This sucks. I have to get up at 6 in the mornin and my body is not letting met get to sleep at all. This happened last night and i only got 2 hours of sleep... ****ing body of mine is too ****ed up and stressed out right now to get anything straight. Anybody got any suggestions for an insomniac?

I've never been able to easily fall asleep in a quiet dark room, my mind always wanders. I usually turn on the TV as it sucks away nearly all brain activity.

Hammock Parties 06-10-2007 11:10 PM

I think i may have to listen to some techno really softly or something. Ive tried sleeping aids, yet they don't work on me much anymore...

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:11 PM


Hammock Parties 06-10-2007 11:11 PM

well, wish me luck, im going to cuddle up next to the wife and try to get my precious sleep. Good night you guys, peace out.

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhawkerman2001
well, wish me luck, im going to cuddle up next to the wife and try to get my precious sleep. Good night you guys, peace out.

Good luck, bit of advice, (from my experience with my wife) don't accidently poke her butt with your non-erect penis head, they don't want to be woke up in the middle of the night like that.....

KcMizzou 06-10-2007 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhawkerman2001
I think i may have to listen to some techno really softly or something. Ive tried sleeping aids, yet they don't work on me much anymore...

Smoke a bowl and watch the History channel.

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:16 PM


they are talking about different ways the world ends....

black hole, valcanoes, etc
not sleepy time entertainment.

KurtCobain 06-10-2007 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia's Nut
Smoke a bowl and watch the History channel.

Excellent advice. Except replace the history channel with ESPN or NFLN and you're set.

KcMizzou 06-10-2007 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey

they are talking about different ways the world ends....

black hole, valcanoes, etc
not sleepy time entertainment.

Well crap, that's not history at all...

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:19 PM

I've never smoked a bowl...

KcMizzou 06-10-2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
I've never smoked a bowl...

C'mon over.. I can hook you up.

PS. Bring Taco Bell

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia's Nut
Well crap, that's not history at all...

I KNOW, that's kinda what I was thinking....

Bugeater 06-10-2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia's Nut
Smoke a bowl and watch the History channel.

Or find a soccer game.

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:21 PM

I just turned it to Comedy central, "malibu's most wanted"

Jamie Kennedy is an idiot....

KcMizzou 06-10-2007 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
I just turned it to Comedy central, "malibu's most wanted"

Jamie Kennedy is an idiot....

Worse than that.. he's not funny.

Dunit35 06-10-2007 11:25 PM

B-Rad from Malibu

KurtCobain 06-10-2007 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia's Nut
PS. Bring Taco Bell



crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia's Nut
C'mon over.. I can hook you up.

PS. Bring Taco Bell

I can't just yet, but someday I may PM you to take you up on it.....

One of my fantasy goals for the future, on my 65th B-day, smoke some weed, get into a high speed chase running from the Popo (ok, not sooooo highspeed as just run from them).

I'd probably spend a few weeks in the slammer, but the look on the copper's faces when they finally catch me will be worth it.

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia's Nut
Worse than that.. he's not funny.

He's had his moments, the experiment show was quasi-funny, at times....

KurtCobain 06-10-2007 11:28 PM


Hey everybody my name is Joe
I gots a story to tell
and you probably should know
that i stole yo mail
and im going to jail
and this jail is a wreck
i feel like im in heck
all because i stole your welfare check

KcMizzou 06-10-2007 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
I can't just yet, but someday I may PM you to take you up on it.....

One of my fantasy goals for the future, on my 65th B-day, smoke some weed, get into a high speed chase running from the Popo (ok, not sooooo highspeed as just run from them).

I'd probably spend a few weeks in the slammer, but the look on the copper's faces when they finally catch me will be worth it.

You'll be much too paranoid for that.

Weed is best smoked at home, with a couple good buddies, and a couple good movies.

In my experience, anyway.

Bugeater 06-10-2007 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by joey


WTF are you laughing at, and why aren't you finding those NBA eastern vs western conference statistics to prove me wrong?

Dunit35 06-10-2007 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
I can't just yet, but someday I may PM you to take you up on it.....

One of my fantasy goals for the future, on my 65th B-day, smoke some weed, get into a high speed chase running from the Popo (ok, not sooooo highspeed as just run from them).

I'd probably spend a few weeks in the slammer, but the look on the copper's faces when they finally catch me will be worth it.

An old lady did that a few years ago in my hometown. A chase, the top speed was 20 miles an hour...she said she didn't see the flashing lights.

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia's Nut
You'll be much too paranoid for that.

Weed is best smoked at home, with a couple good buddies, and a couple good movies.

In my experience, anyway.

well then, I'll smoke in my birthday, and wake up have breakfast and go for a Sunday drive....


KcMizzou 06-10-2007 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
well then, I'll smoke in my birthday, and wake up have breakfast and go for a Sunday drive....


Those'll be the best eggs you ever had.


KurtCobain 06-10-2007 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
I can't just yet, but someday I may PM you to take you up on it.....

One of my fantasy goals for the future, on my 65th B-day, smoke some weed, get into a high speed chase running from the Popo (ok, not sooooo highspeed as just run from them).

I'd probably spend a few weeks in the slammer, but the look on the copper's faces when they finally catch me will be worth it.

Watch out, the cops look for any reason to kick your ass. If you live in the KC area, you prolly heard about the explosion on Delaware here in Independence. Well, my buddy got kicked out of his house and due to bad timing, had no place to go so he went to a house close by that got damaged and was empty. Long story short the cops showed up and he hid under a collapsed wall, they saw his feet and told him to come out. When he did, he stood up, put his hands in the air and asked what was going on. Then a cop yelled that he was trying to run and they all beat his ass. He's covered in scabs and bruises.

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Dunit35
An old lady did that a few years ago in my hometown. A chase, the top speed was 20 miles an hour...she said she didn't see the flashing lights.

oh, no - I will at least go 45......

BTW, in case you didn't know, I was a cop for 12 years and am trying to get on with a department in the St. Louis area.

So that's why no dope for now, but someday I have to go out a tangent, smoke some of this stuff and break a few laws for once in my life.....

KurtCobain 06-10-2007 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Carlson the Bugeater
WTF are you laughing at, and why aren't you finding those NBA eastern vs western conference statistics to prove me wrong?

I'll answer both question with one answer. I'm stoned.

SPchief 06-10-2007 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia's Nut

What did I miss that got your name changed to Phobia's nut?

KcMizzou 06-10-2007 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
oh, no - I will at least go 45......

BTW, in case you didn't know, I was a cop for 12 years and am trying to get on with a department in the St. Louis area.

So that's why no dope for now, but someday I have to go out a tangent, smoke some of this stuff and break a few laws for once in my life.....

I knew you were a cop...

A little weed wont kill ya. I'm a big drinker, and honestly... I think weed is less harmfull. That's just one drunks opinion.

crazycoffey 06-10-2007 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by joey
Watch out, the cops look for any reason to kick your ass. If you live in the KC area, you prolly heard about the explosion on Delaware here in Independence. Well, my buddy got kicked out of his house and due to bad timing, had no place to go so he went to a house close by that got damaged and was empty. Long story short the cops showed up and he hid under a collapsed wall, they saw his feet and told him to come out. When he did, he stood up, put his hands in the air and asked what was going on. Then a cop yelled that he was trying to run and they all beat his ass. He's covered in scabs and bruises.

Yeah, yeah. But as a 65 year old, I probably won't look like a threat, in fact, I'm betting the cops will do a double take, when they see me....

If I don't look old and skippyish enough, then I'll wait another ten years....

KcMizzou 06-10-2007 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by SPchief
What did I miss that got your name changed to Phobia's nut?

Hell if I know... I missed the joke.

I don't mind though... I haven't been "moderated" since Phob was runnin' the show.

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