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Bump 07-13-2024 06:37 PM

reading around about college football 25, sounds like it's incredibly easy to cheese the AI to getting good recruits. I for one will resist that urge, cheesing in a single player franchise is not my thing. Hopefully one of those madden guys from operation sports comes out with good realistic sliders as I will be using those to make it more challenging too.

I'm probably going to dabble in the ultimate team to see if it's any good first but will inevitably switch to dynasty and I guess I'll have to rock KU.

WhawhaWhat 07-14-2024 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Bump (Post 17583193)
reading around about college football 25, sounds like it's incredibly easy to cheese the AI to getting good recruits. I for one will resist that urge, cheesing in a single player franchise is not my thing. Hopefully one of those madden guys from operation sports comes out with good realistic sliders as I will be using those to make it more challenging too.

I'm probably going to dabble in the ultimate team to see if it's any good first but will inevitably switch to dynasty and I guess I'll have to rock KU.

I'm the same as you and I also never play online. Just dynasty mode by myself.

Bearcat 07-16-2024 07:58 PM

I skipped through much of it, but this video doesn't give me the warm fuzzies... it's exactly what I did years ago with KU football, I could win a NC in 3 years. He wins a bowl game in year two... using a team that was FCS a couple seasons ago.

The first game he plays is everything I remember about EA football, except usually you're the team that goes up big and then has to hold on.

And then the guy gets to the NC and who's he playing.... ****ing Iowa State. LMAO

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

New World Order 07-16-2024 11:15 PM

I've played it (I'm on Xbox) and I think it's really fun. I think it's worth the buy.

I've played a couple of online games, but haven't jumped into online dynasty yet. It feels like a classic NCAA game.

I would recommend it. Buy it and I'll play all of you online.

WhawhaWhat 07-17-2024 08:15 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Patrick Mahomes is entering his eighth training camp, and he says he has never brought a television with him until now. <br><br>Two reasons that changed, he says:<br><br>- The Olympics<br>- EA Sports College Football 25</p>&mdash; Pete Sweeney (@pgsween) <a href="">July 16, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Sassy Squatch 07-17-2024 08:21 AM

Apparently you can't edit damn near anything for players currently. Literally their equipment only. Unless that's just until the day one patch or something this game is going to die out very fast

Pasta Little Brioni 07-17-2024 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by kcgreene (Post 17572586)
I've been playing it a lot lately... it's crazy good. I think I like Stellaris more, but it's really close. I mean, both are made by Paradox and have the same feel.

I remember somebody telling me about it once, and I'm always up for new stuff. I'll grab it and give it a shot!

EU4 is (I think?) an RTS. You can pause it, but it operates on days, months, years. It's not turn based like Civ, every player/country is operating independently simultaneously. I mean, I guess technically days are 'turns' in a sense, but the clock keeps running unless you pause the game, but now I'm getting into the meaningless minutia

Every game is so different too. It can have such wild variances it's like a new game every time

Pasta Little Brioni 07-17-2024 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Nirvana58 (Post 17576945)
So how does this game differ/compare to say crusader kings 2 and 3?

No clue, but it's ****ing awesome. Haven't played it in years so I'm sure it's tuned even better now. Have had some chill games and some with crazy ass battles with the Ottomans or full coalitions against me in games I've gotten to greedy. The game really punishes you in a lot of ways if you try to overextend your empire too quickly.

Pasta Little Brioni 07-17-2024 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17581619)
Pretty frustrating seeing how promising College Football 25 looks. EA is capable of making a decent football sim, they've just been lazy and complacent.

Recruiting is supposedly completely broken which would completely ruin it since I like to start cupcake and SLOW build into a powerhouse

Sassy Squatch 07-17-2024 09:04 AM

Yeah, it's pretty fundamentally broken in nearly all aspects. The gameplay itself seems decent enough for prelaunch but recruiting, simming, and even the logic for ranking/CFBP seems completely ****ed at the moment.

Pasta Little Brioni 07-17-2024 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 17588400)
I skipped through much of it, but this video doesn't give me the warm fuzzies... it's exactly what I did years ago with KU football, I could win a NC in 3 years. He wins a bowl game in year two... using a team that was FCS a couple seasons ago.

The first game he plays is everything I remember about EA football, except usually you're the team that goes up big and then has to hold on.

And then the guy gets to the NC and who's he playing.... ****ing Iowa State. LMAO

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That is horrible ROFL ya it's broken

Pasta Little Brioni 07-17-2024 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17588781)
Yeah, it's pretty fundamentally broken in nearly all aspects. The gameplay itself seems decent enough for prelaunch but recruiting, simming, and even the logic for ranking/CFBP seems completely ****ed at the moment.

Small schools dominating rankings after barely a year or

Rausch 07-17-2024 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Pasta Little Brioni (Post 17588809)
That is horrible ROFL ya it's broken

Of course.

EA doesn't even try these days...

Pasta Little Brioni 07-17-2024 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 17589350)
Of course.

EA doesn't even try these days...

People have begged for the series to return and they put in minimal effort...sad

Bump 07-17-2024 04:54 PM

I'm still waiting because I'm not doing the pay to not be late bullshit. But it doesn't sound great, hopefully the gameplay is good at least. Should know by now not to expect anything from EAsports.

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