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Tribal Warfare 06-30-2018 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by tomahawk kid (Post 13611658)
I’ve never been so pissed walking out of a movie as I was TLJ.

Couple that w/ Johnson’s idiocy on twitter and its been enough to make me not spend another dime on SW (haven’t seen Solo).

Disney and KK literally killed the golden goose.

With Kennedy's comments and pushed narrative she alienated a good quarter of the fanbase

banecat 06-30-2018 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 13611665)
With Kennedy's comments and pushed narrative she alienated a good quarter of the fanbase

It's a shame that her view of female empowerment doesn't involve topless women using lightsabers

Tribal Warfare 06-30-2018 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by banecat (Post 13611688)
It's a shame that her view of female empowerment doesn't involve topless women using lightsabers

That would be entertainment that Matthew Vaughn would've pursued/ sarcasm

banecat 06-30-2018 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 13611698)
That would be entertainment that Matthew Vaughn would've pursued/ sarcasm

One of my friends and I were watching TFA and he talked about how SW needs a love scene and it should contain nudity. I couldn't tell if he was kidding or not, but I agree

MarkDavis'Haircut 06-30-2018 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by tomahawk kid (Post 13611658)
I’ve never been so pissed walking out of a movie as I was TLJ.

Couple that w/ Johnson’s idiocy on twitter and its been enough to make me not spend another dime on SW (haven’t seen Solo).

Disney and KK literally killed the golden goose.

I walked out of the TLJ thinking, "Decent enough flick, some funny moments, cool action sequence against the Guards and Chewbacca was good." Then my brother and his friend started discussing it and I realized how crummy it really was. Once, you take a second glance at the film, the illusion is lifted. Plot holes, contrived moments, dumb characters and contradictory morals galore.

Prison Bitch 06-30-2018 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by banecat (Post 13611709)
One of my friends and I were watching TFA and he talked about how SW needs a love scene and it should contain nudity. I couldn't tell if he was kidding or not, but I agree

Only Rey. She can get nude

Not a CGI Leia. Unless she's 30

Sassy Squatch 06-30-2018 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by banecat (Post 13611709)
One of my friends and I were watching TFA and he talked about how SW needs a love scene and it should contain nudity. I couldn't tell if he was kidding or not, but I agree


banecat 06-30-2018 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 13611876)
Only Rey. She can get nude

Not a CGI Leia. Unless she's 30

Agreed. Especially if that golden bikini falls of to distract the sith

RINGLEADER 07-01-2018 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 13611665)
With Kennedy's comments and pushed narrative she alienated a good quarter of the fanbase

The sad thing is I don’t think it is intentional. I think it’s just coming from a place of not really understanding the franchise and the characters and yielding to others who were equally clueless about what was and wasn’t acceptable in the Star Wars universe.

Bowser 07-01-2018 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13612232)
The sad thing is I don’t think it is intentional. I think it’s just coming from a place of not really understanding the franchise and the characters and yielding to others who were equally clueless about what was and wasn’t acceptable in the Star Wars universe.

I think I agree with you on that. But it's still remarkable she (and RJ) did the one thing that would upend and drive off lifelong SW fans - interject politics into the story (not to mention green lighting a shit script). How did she not see this coming, PARTICULARLY after the success of Rogue One? R1 checked all the SJW boxes, but it was still a fantastic movie because the story was solid and not over the top preachy like TLJ was.

It might not have been intentional on KK's part, but she damned well thought a little too much of her "vision" of what Star Wars really was.

Prison Bitch 07-01-2018 01:29 PM

The Star Wars story was about a dad who lost his way and a son who didn't, and their reconciliation at the end. There is no other story and continuing it is kinda pointless.

The franchise caught 2 huge breaks: 1) Darth Vader, a great character who's rated as like the 3rd best movie villain of all time by surveys, and 2) Harrison Ford taking Han's role. Had neither happened the franchise would've been a fart in the wind.

Baby Lee 07-01-2018 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Prison Bitch (Post 13612356)
The Star Wars story was about a dad who lost his way and a son who didn't, and their reconciliation at the end. There is no other story and continuing it is kinda pointless.

The franchise caught 2 huge breaks: 1) Darth Vader, a great character who's rated as like the 3rd best movie villain of all time by surveys, and 2) Harrison Ford taking Han's role. Had neither happened the franchise would've been a fart in the wind.

So very very very much of the franchise depended on the first film, ANH. Some of it fortuitous. Some of it by design. Some of it just timing.

The story itself came at a time when the nation was hungering for it. It was swashbuckling, triumphant and escapist in an era where grit, realism and pessimistic allegory were hitting too close to home and were wearing moviegoers out. Not just the popcorn fare, but all the most acclaimed material was about decay and failure and shattered illusions. One big Vietnam and Watergate pity-party.

The special effects were revolutionary and presented the first time in history that fantastical elements weren't cheesy.

The editing was taut and really focused on coherence, which gave the narrative a natural and easily followed flow [see below].

A BIG BIG BIG factor was John Williams' score. It practically dictated a universal emotional response to the storyline.

The cast were, with the except of Sir Alec, either complete newbies or costumed 'aliens' and they all knocked it out of the park, if not in total acting proficiency at least in capturing the mood intended. Again, a lot of this goes back to editing.

Jaws introduced the concept of the blockbuster, but Star Wars was the first blockbuster we were prepared for and sort of expecting. First entering the era where people expected something spectacular in the summer that everyone HAD TO see right away.

Finally, first film to capitalize on the synergy of a toyline where kids went home and collected pieces of the film and acted out their own narratives all day every day.

Mood, timing, editing, score, toys. All the things that made ANH the lynchpin in a generation of moviegoing.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

ThaVirus 07-01-2018 03:21 PM

I finally just watched this on Netflix..

That Leia force scene was horrendous. I've assumed it was her Yoda was talking about with his "there is another.." line from the OT, but I just didn't buy the application here.

It wasn't a good movie.

Prison Bitch 07-01-2018 03:51 PM

And great point on Williams Babbly.

I really missed the boat on that aspect.

Tribal Warfare 07-01-2018 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 13612468)
I finally just watched this on Netflix..

That Leia force scene was horrendous. I've assumed it was her Yoda was talking about with his "there is another.." line from the OT, but I just didn't buy the application here.

It wasn't a good movie.

She should've been a powerful Jedi like Luke instead she was a novice Force user.

Roth assured that per Luke and EU

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