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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thought u guys hated wwe</p>— Pabst Blue Ribbon (@PabstBlueRibbon) <a href="https://twitter.com/PabstBlueRibbon/status/1435729101227167746?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Imagine a guy who looks like Adam Cole being believable to a kid watching wrestling. He'd be lucky to crack the midcard in the 90's. AEW has too many generic looking wrestlers. I understand the steroid era is over but larger than life characters and physiques is what gets people into wrestling. Not what I saw on TV yesterday.
Vince gets a hair in his ass at times about this and guess what it never works. They end up hiring former football players and bodybuilders..most never make it to TV cause they're asshole..or you end up with Braun Strowman or Nia Jax who are really unsafe in the ring because they weren't trainee properly. Anyway who are you looking at that's making you post this anyway.. |
I'm not only talking about the bodybuilder look. Guys like Bret Hart or Mr. Perfect weren't bodybuilders, but they had a much better look imo. Better costumes and physiques than these guys. |
The in-ring stuff has also gotten worse with too many flips, big spots, false finishes. It cheapens the product. There's little in-ring psychology or emphasis on big moments in the match. |
Wrestling has been shifting away from 1980's WWF Hulkamania style for a long while.
Big spots saved them in the 90's. Now it's 5 idiots sitting outside of the ring waiting to catch a flippy guy. |
Bulldog Bob Brown held the NWA Central States Title 19 times: https://www.onlineworldofwrestling.c...obbrown/02.jpg Back then, All Star Wrestling was held almost every Thursday night at Memorial Hall in KC, KS and while it's not a large place, it was virtually filled every week. They'd have road shows to other cites in the four state area when they weren't in KC. Lots of big names came through the area back in the day, and it was Harley Race's home when we didn't have the NWA World Title. |
Welp, didn't expect the person to have their reputation ruined by "Dark Side of the Ring: The Plane Ride from Hell" the most to be Tommy Dreamer.
Such a crazy story.
Yeah, Tommy Dreamer might regret that interview. |
Ric seemed to be jealous of all the negative attention Tommy was getting so he posted this in a series of Twitter messages.
Every person that I've worked with, from my lawyer to my publicist to my wife has said not to post a response; but I've never run from past behaviors before and I'm not going to start now. I want to clarify a few things: About four years ago, I gave ESPN full access to my life for a "30 for 30" special. They covered taxes, financial issues, adultery, divorces, the passing of my child and drinking/partying AT LENGTH. Rory Kampf, desperate to matter for another 15 minutes, did an interview about it this morning. When Rory’s lips are moving, he's typically lying, but one part of what he said was the God's honest truth: "I'd never heard that he had forced someone to touch his genitals,” Karpf admitted. "Everything with Ric that was construed as negative I tried to address in the 30 for 30. His drinking, his philandering, his adultery, his money problems, there's quite a bit, but never, at least in the people that I spoke to, no one ever brought up that he would force himself on somebody." I allowed my personal life and the lives of my wife and children to be turned upside down for one reason: Whether it's good or bad, even the really bad, the truth has to matter. Even in wrestling. My issues have been well documented over my 40+ year career. The impact of drinking too much (which nearly killed me 5 years ago) has been told time and time and time again. The reason Rory (or anyone else for that matter) never heard stories of me forcing myself on ANYONE is simple: it never happened. |
Wouldn't be surprised if a flood of similar stories to Heidi's comes out now. He's basically begging to be buried by his horrendous behavior in the past.
Undertaker may be next up for his role in that dumbass kangaroo court they ran back in the day and for being a genuine piece of shit when it comes to his "friend" Kanyon. Once he came out as gay Undertaker legit beat the shit out of him on a Smackdown and smashed him with one of the most brutal chairshots I've ever seen. The reactions of Tazz and Heyman are telling. https://streamable.com/j9s2ri |
At least now performers can come out as gay and it's just not a big deal. Anthony Bowens of The Acclaimed is openly gay and you wouldn't know it if you didn't read it elsewhere. And then you have Effy, one of the top guys in the indies. He is flamboyantly gay and it's the core of his character and he gets huge pops all over the place because he is a great performer. Even 10 years ago that would not have been the case. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk |
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