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IowaHawkeyeChief 11-05-2023 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 16025865)
It's like that once-every-50-years Super Bowl victory didn't happen because of Mahomes or something.

Talking about benching, or worse yet, trading the guy is unfathomable. There's negative and then there's just plain ****ing dumb.

or the "it's time for Andy to go" nonsense....

JohnnyHammersticks 11-05-2023 09:47 PM

Watching us play is many orders of magnitude more enjoyable for me if I stay away from all the miserable whiners in the game thread. I checked out today in the 2nd quarter. Can't even imagine how bad it was in the 2nd half.

Sassy Squatch 11-06-2023 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by dannybcaitlyn (Post 17211599)
What happened to Superturtle?

It's me!!!

Lzen 11-06-2023 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by smithandrew051 (Post 17212402)
He is now Sassy Squatch

Man, these name changes are so annoying. I wish we had a rule that when someone changes their handle, they have to have text under it that says previously "previous name" for like 6 months so that everyone could get used to it.

DaFace 11-06-2023 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Lzen (Post 17213334)
Man, these name changes are so annoying. I wish we had a rule that when someone changes their handle, they have to have text under it that says previously "previous name" for like 6 months so that everyone could get used to it.

It doesn't help for people who change it (or have it forcibly changed) multiple times, but this does kind of exist if you hover over someone's username.

Sassy Squatch 11-06-2023 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17213432)
It doesn't help for people who change it (or have it forcibly changed) multiple times, but this does kind of exist if you hover over someone's username.

LMAO Yeah, no reason why that would be relevant.

Lzen 11-06-2023 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 17213432)
It doesn't help for people who change it (or have it forcibly changed) multiple times, but this does kind of exist if you hover over someone's username.

Right. I know that exists. But like you said, if they change their name several times in short timespan then you can't see who they were for a long time. Like SS was some other nasty name at some point after Superturtle. Perhaps a better solution would be to only allow one name change in a certain time period.

Example: You want to change your name? Ok, done. You now have a new name but now you can either A) change it back at any time or B) you will have to wait 6 months to change it to something else.

Sassy Squatch 11-06-2023 01:43 PM

LMAO Jesus ****, I know I can be a knee jerk reactionary sack of shit, but now I'm getting blamed for the mod abuse inflicted on me ROFL

Lzen 11-06-2023 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17213457)
LMAO Jesus ****, I know I can be a knee jerk reactionary sack of shit, but now I'm getting blamed for the mod abuse inflicted on me ROFL

That was mod abuse? I didn't know that. ROFL

Forget everything I said. :D

Dartgod 11-06-2023 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Wah-zen (Post 17213334)
Man, these name changes are so annoying. I wish we had a rule that when someone changes their handle, they have to have text under it that says previously "previous name" for like 6 months so that everyone could get used to it.

Better? :evil:

Lzen 11-06-2023 01:49 PM

Well, I guess I should feel honored. First time I've ever gotten abused by mods. :)

Lzen 11-06-2023 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dartgod (Post 17213465)
Better? :evil:

Bob, you assho.......errrr........I mean......thank you sir, may I have another?

Bearcat 11-06-2023 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Wah-zen (Post 17213446)
Right. I know that exists. But like you said, if they change their name several times in short timespan then you can't see who they were for a long time. Like SS was some other nasty name at some point after Superturtle. Perhaps a better solution would be to only allow one name change in a certain time period.

Example: You want to change your name? Ok, done. You now have a new name but now you can either A) change it back at any time or B) you will have to wait 6 months to change it to something else.

We could technically do it ourselves... so like we change Sassy's name 15 times for the LOLs, then change it back to Superturtle for 5 seconds before changing it to Sassy so it fixes the previous name.

Sounds like a lot of work though.

Lzen 11-06-2023 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 17213472)
We could technically do it ourselves... so like we change Sassy's name 15 times for the LOLs, then change it back to Superturtle for 5 seconds before changing it to Sassy so it fixes the previous name.

Sounds like a lot of work though.

So, that previous name of mine wasn't so bad. I could just tell people that since I play guitar, it's my Wah pedal.

And yes, I know I'm just asking for it. I really should step away from the keyboard.

JohnnyHammersticks 11-06-2023 02:03 PM

"Squirty Snatch" ROFL ROFL

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