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KC native 03-05-2015 02:08 PM

And that should provide some burst.

Katipan 03-05-2015 02:09 PM

I'm so happy to be the first one to post after that.

ThaVirus 03-05-2015 02:11 PM


Burst activated.

Discuss Thrower 03-05-2015 02:12 PM


Pablo 03-05-2015 02:14 PM

Who was the last person to upload a dick pic for the planet?

Dr. Johnny Fever many moons ago maybe?

BucEyedPea 03-05-2015 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by ChiTown (Post 11362282)
Pic of 3 Boob Woman here.

Nah, I didn't say they were all equal.

ThaVirus 03-05-2015 02:15 PM

A friend of mine who is a girl, and a whore, swears 99% of peens she's seen were right around 6 inches. All but one which she said looked like a thumb (poor guy)..

It's hard to take a girl's word for it, though. Women can't measure shit worth a damn with equipment. Not sure I trust them to gauge shit with their eyes.

KC native 03-05-2015 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 11362374)
Who was the last person to upload a dick pic for the planet?

Dr. Johnny Fever many moons ago maybe?

I have no idea. That is a good piece of trivia info.

KC native 03-05-2015 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 11362381)
A friend of mine who is a girl, and a whore, swears 99% of peens she's seen were right around 6 inches. All but one which she said looked like a thumb (poor guy)..

It's hard to take a girl's word for it, though. Women can't measure shit worth a damn with equipment. Not sure I trust them to gauge shit with their eyes.

Paid whore or just a whore?

KC native 03-05-2015 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Pablo (Post 11362374)
Who was the last person to upload a dick pic for the planet?

Dr. Johnny Fever many moons ago maybe?

I really just wanted to send it to hootie since he has a thing for looking at dicks, but you can't attach files to PMs.

Mods should really fix that.

ThaVirus 03-05-2015 02:18 PM

15K penis's examined. How do you measure up?

Originally Posted by KC native (Post 11362386)
Paid whore or just a whore?

Just your average local slut..

Katipan 03-05-2015 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 11362381)
A friend of mine who is a girl, and a whore, swears 99% of peens she's seen were right around 6 inches. All but one which she said looked like a thumb (poor guy)..

It's hard to take a girl's word for it, though. Women can't measure shit worth a damn with equipment. Not sure I trust them to gauge shit with their eyes.

I'm not going to overly argue with you about the whole distance thing in general but I do really think you should think about shoes.

Shoes, man.

Women's shoes sizes pretty much reflect normal inches.

I want to say "most", but I will definitely say many many many many many women know what 6, 7, and 8 inches looks like.

Pepe Silvia 03-05-2015 02:34 PM

No he didn't. ROFL

ChiTown 03-05-2015 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by KC native (Post 11362352)
Hai buddy. I couldn't attach a pic to PM (didn't realize that). So here you go.

Image: Not Safe for Work
NSFW Image

Image: Not Safe for Work
NSFW Image

Bugeater 03-05-2015 02:36 PM

I might be impressed if I had any idea how long a stick of Old Spice is.

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