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Hammock Parties 04-05-2018 05:48 PM

You're a pea-brained whiner. Go watch cartoons.

Easy 6 04-05-2018 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13504834)
You're a pea-brained whiner. Go watch cartoons.

Even Hamill didnt like where TLJ took his character, I'd say his thoughts count for something

Also, I dont give two shits about these new characters, to kill off the only guy left to care about was dumb, Dumb, DUMB... and who gives a rip about some token ghost appearance in #3?

This. whole. damn. thing. should've centered around Luke freaking Skywalker... ok fine kill Solo, its what Ford wanted since the early 80s, but you dont kill off the franchise player, in favor of 'Rey and Finn'

They can both die in the first 2 minutes of the next one, and literally no one will care

Hammock Parties 04-05-2018 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 13504872)
This. whole. damn. thing. should've centered around Luke freaking Skywalker...

No, it shouldn't have.

That was not the point of the ST.

The ST is Rey and Kylo's story.

You can't have 65-year old Mark Hamill as an action hero. It doesn't work.

Easy 6 04-05-2018 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13504878)
You can't have 65-year old Mark Hamill as an action hero. It doesn't work.

Tell that to Liam Neason or Sly Stallone, or even 800 year old Yoda... he was a featured action hero :hmmm:

And lets be honest, 'action hero' in this story can mean many different things... bottom line is the story could've easily been crafted around Hamill

Let Rey and Finn do the young hero stuff sure, but dont give me 30 seconds of Skywalker in the first one, then kill him in the second one after spending the whole movie making him some reticent - no action - asshole and expect me to give a shit about noob characters like Rey and Finn

The whole thing has been jacked up, they'll be lucky if I even rent the next piece of shit

Hammock Parties 04-05-2018 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 13504895)
Tell that to Liam Neason or Sly Stallone, or even 800 year old Yoda... he was a featured action hero :hmmm:

Liam Neeson is 6-foot-4 and in far better shape than Hamill has been recently.

You're barking up the wrong tree. We already got a trilogy about Luke Skywalker. He was never intended to be the main focus here.

Nor should he have been.

Go read the cartoonish bullshit EU stories if you want that.

Easy 6 04-05-2018 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13504900)
Liam Neeson is 6-foot-4 and in far better shape than Hamill has been recently.

You're barking up the wrong tree. We already got a trilogy about Luke Skywalker. He was never intended to be the main focus here.

Nor should he have been.

Go read the cartoonish bullshit EU stories if you want that.

You clearly have no idea how to make a real Star Wars movie anymore, go shove your peen in a Sarlacc pitt dweeb

Hammock Parties 04-05-2018 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 13504911)
You clearly have no idea how to make a real Star Wars movie anymore, go shove your peen in a Sarlacc pitt dweeb


You just want a rehash of the OT.

That's not interesting at all.

Sweet Daddy Hate 04-05-2018 09:47 PM

That Luke ended up jaded and mistrustful of force-wielding was brilliant, not to mention a perfect mirror to the lives of so many fans who grew up with brash, bratty, idealistic young Luke.



DaneMcCloud 04-05-2018 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Claysexual (Post 13505135)
That Luke ended up jaded and mistrustful of force-wielding was brilliant, not to mention a perfect mirror to the lives of so many fans who grew up with brash, bratty, idealistic young Luke.



Poe, Holdo, DJ, Rey, Finn. Ackbar sucked into space.

Leia Poppins.

You know, the rest of the movie.

007 04-06-2018 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13505219)
Poe, Holdo, DJ, Rey, Finn. Ackbar sucked into space.

Leia Poppins.

You know, the rest of the movie.

Still irritates me they couldn't even give Finn a heroes death. Not my only issue with the movie but that was probably by biggest "come on man" moment. I kind of forgave the part you mentioned about how they should have all been sucked into space, but Leia Poppins was pretty horrible.

And yes, I was also disappointed when it was revealed that Luke was a projection. Made him much less badass and kind of ruined the scene. Also, on that subject, the timing of dice trinket desolving into nothingness WELL AFTER Luke had already died. Come on man!

Fish 04-06-2018 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by 007 (Post 13505239)
Still irritates me they couldn't even give Finn a heroes death. Not my only issue with the movie but that was probably by biggest "come on man" moment. I kind of forgave the part you mentioned about how they should have all been sucked into space, but Leia Poppins was pretty horrible.

And yes, I was also disappointed when it was revealed that Luke was a projection. Made him much less badass and kind of ruined the scene. Also, on that subject, the timing of dice trinket desolving into nothingness WELL AFTER Luke had already died. Come on man!

I thought it was great when we were teased with Finn wanting to sacrifice himself for everyone else. Then that dumb Rose just shat all over everything. At first I thought she died in that scene, and I was like "Well that's just ****ing dumb. You kill yourself preventing Finn from killing himself, and you still didn't take out the big gun that's now going to blow the shit out of everyone else?" Finn was going to trade his life for the lives of the rest, and she was so damn selfish she gave up her life just for him and screwed over the rest. As if their stupid little love story was more important than preventing the deaths of the only remaining members of the Rebellion. Uggh.

Also... how were the golden dice in solid material form in Leia's hands while Luke was an incorporeal projection?

listopencil 04-06-2018 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 13501760)
LMAO Sorry, but those of you who are desperately hoping the Star Wars franchise tanks because Rian Johnson didn't pander to the Nostalgia pillowbiters are going to be sorely disappointed. Spoiler Alert: Disney will continue to churn out successful movies and most of the folks that hated this movie will whine and bitch and moan and gnash their teeth while paying to see it 5 times in theaters, then spam review websites about how bad it was.

Nah. I'm just hoping that they stop making bland, pointless movies. And I'm hoping that they can tell stories that are worthy of this rich universe that has been built up over decades. And it would be nice to see engaging characters perform meaningful actions. Go ahead and continue eating whatever plates of steaming bullshit Disney decides to serve. They had a tremendous amount of credit built up and they spent it stupidly by giving us a rehash and then a poor movie. I won't go to the theater to see the next episode. If someone I trust recommends the Han Solo movie to me then I might go see that. And that's exactly what Disney deserves now. **** 'em.

bowener 04-06-2018 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 13505349)
Nah. I'm just hoping that they stop making bland, pointless movies. And I'm hoping that they can tell stories that are worthy of this rich universe that has been built up over decades. And it would be nice to see engaging characters perform meaningful actions. Go ahead and continue eating whatever plates of steaming bullshit Disney decides to serve. They had a tremendous amount of credit built up and they spent it stupidly by giving us a rehash and then a poor movie. I won't go to the theater to see the next episode. If someone I trust recommends the Han Solo movie to me then I might go see that. And that's exactly what Disney deserves now. **** 'em.

<iframe src="" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>

Sassy Squatch 04-06-2018 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 13505349)
Nah. I'm just hoping that they stop making bland, pointless movies. And I'm hoping that they can tell stories that are worthy of this rich universe that has been built up over decades. And it would be nice to see engaging characters perform meaningful actions. Go ahead and continue eating whatever plates of steaming bullshit Disney decides to serve. They had a tremendous amount of credit built up and they spent it stupidly by giving us a rehash and then a poor movie. I won't go to the theater to see the next episode. If someone I trust recommends the Han Solo movie to me then I might go see that. And that's exactly what Disney deserves now. **** 'em.

That I agree with 100%. It really shouldn't be that hard to make a good Star Wars movie, and yet the best they could do so far when it comes to Skywalker centric movies was a beat for beat remake and whatever the **** The Last Jedi was. If Rogue One was any indication, they should just stop shoehorning in old characters if they aren't going to use them right and make up original stories.

Easy 6 04-06-2018 06:21 PM

Heres another stupid aspect of this new series... Kylo Ren is the son of epically strong force lineage, he has been in training with the dark side for years, and in TFA is powerful enough to stop a laser shot in mid-air

Yet Finn, with absolutely no training, is able to hang with him for a while in a light saber duel... and not only that, but Rey, again someone with absolutely no training, is able to wound him and fight him to a draw in the TLJ

Its just dumb man, the whole new thing is just poorly thought out garbage... sure the kids gobble it up, but that doesnt make it any good

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