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Saul Good 10-07-2011 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7974256)
WhitlockJason Jason Whitlock
My sources say Ball State n negotiations 2 join the Big 12 if Mizzou leaves 4 SEC. Dave Letterman committed 2 launching Cardinal TV Network

Might as well. They can start a rivalry with Tulane.

BigCatDaddy 10-07-2011 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 7974254)
****ing Boomers...

Jesus you guys suck ass.

I'll miss you guys. I want Mizzu to stick around so I might be bias, but I really think MU fans will regret the move. I'm sure you'll hear "wait for the new recruits to come through that we'll be getting" as an excuse for being in the bottom 1/2 of the conference for awhile, but eventually that will fade and it will just be a bunch of pissed off people.

alnorth 10-07-2011 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 7974145)
Over/Under. How many years after joining the SEC do Mizzu fans start having buyers remorse? I say during the first year you start to hear squeeks about it and during year 2 a full blown meltdown about how "stupid the move was" and with demands to go back to the Big 12.

That is going to depend entirely on the Big 12's stability and their next tier 1 contract.

If the Big 12 eventually falls apart, then I don't care how far their football program gets buried, leaving for the SEC is a smart move.

If the Big 12 cuts a very good tier 1 deal that makes their per-school payout competitive with the other major conferences and if they become stable for the long-term forseeable future, then leaving may become a tragic mistake, but we're talking 5-6 years out before anyone can even begin to conclude that.

It is a very tough decision that could have dramatic consequences if they make the wrong call, but there's no good way for them to predict what the "wrong call" is.

I'd think the correct move is to just stay with the Big 12, keep your ancient rivalries and your Texas recruiting pipeline intact, and rely on the probability that you'll be the first one thrown a lifeline if realignment apocalypse happens. The SEC is a sure thing now, but the only way MU gets left out years from now is if the PAC 12 goes to 16, the SEC stays at 14 forever, and the B1G stays at 12 forever. Possible, but very unlikely.

HemiEd 10-07-2011 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 7974010)
Easy there. While it is true that many SEC households have more than 1 television it must also be taken into account that in 96% of those households one of those televisions does not work and is sitting in the front yard supporting the television that does work ifn you hold the beer can rabbit ears just right.

ROFL, I love this. Where would we be without stereotypes to make the world such a funny place? You need to work a gun rack and confederate flag in there somewhere.

BigCatDaddy 10-07-2011 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7974260)
Kansas is the doormat of the BIG 12-2-2, but I don't hear them clamoring to get into the MIAA.

I saw Nebraska do something similar :)

Saul Good 10-07-2011 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 7974267)
I'll miss you guys. I want Mizzu to stick around so I might be bias, but I really think MU fans will regret the move. I'm sure you'll hear "wait for the new recruits to come through that we'll be getting" as an excuse for being in the bottom 1/2 of the conference for awhile, but eventually that will fade and it will just be a bunch of pissed off people.

I'll remember that when the Louisville-BYU score scrolls past the screen while I'm watching us play between the hedges.

BigCatDaddy 10-07-2011 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by alnorth (Post 7974270)
That is going to depend entirely on the Big 12's stability and their next tier 1 contract.

If the Big 12 eventually falls apart, then I don't care how far their football program gets buried, leaving for the SEC is a smart move.

If the Big 12 cuts a very good tier 1 deal that makes their per-school payout competitive with the other major conferences and if they become stable for the long-term forseeable future, then leaving may become a tragic mistake, but we're talking 5-6 years out before anyone can even begin to conclude that.

It is a very tough decision that could have dramatic consequences if they make the wrong call, but there's no good way for them to predict what the "wrong call" is.

I'd think the correct move is to just stay with the Big 12, keep your ancient rivalries and your Texas recruiting pipeline intact, and rely on the probability that you'll be the first one thrown a lifeline if realignment apocalypse happens. The SEC is a sure thing now, but the only way MU gets left out years from now is if the PAC 12 goes to 16, the SEC stays at 14 forever, and the B1G stays at 12 forever. Possible, but very unlikely.

I agree.

Building up the Big 12 back up and playing in a conference title game every other year > buried in obscurity in the SEC

eazyb81 10-07-2011 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 7974267)
I'll miss you guys. I want Mizzu to stick around so I might be bias, but I really think MU fans will regret the move. I'm sure you'll hear "wait for the new recruits to come through that we'll be getting" as an excuse for being in the bottom 1/2 of the conference for awhile, but eventually that will fade and it will just be a bunch of pissed off people.

Interesting to see how OU fans appear so committed to the conference after the PAC used them to try to get UT, and when UT balked they said "eh, it's not you it's me."

Bambi 10-07-2011 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by allen_kcCard (Post 7974264)
Yup, cause claiming the teams of a state that have been there since 1963 and 1882 is shameful and bandwagonish. What did you call it earlier? Opportunistic?

For me, I ws born a fan of both those teams, although I'm not really sure what your bringing it up here has to do with the thread other than trolling. I vote for being fans of these teams as making perfect sense and is quite the opposite of shameful.

Read the posts man.

I didn't bring it up.

I go to Yankee games because I love baseball.

Frazod seems to think that makes me a Yankee fan. I don't get why he thinks that.

DJ's left nut 10-07-2011 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 7974267)
I'll miss you guys. I want Mizzu to stick around so I might be bias, but I really think MU fans will regret the move. I'm sure you'll hear "wait for the new recruits to come through that we'll be getting" as an excuse for being in the bottom 1/2 of the conference for awhile, but eventually that will fade and it will just be a bunch of pissed off people.

What do you base this on?

What inherent advantage does Arkansas have over Mizzou? None - absolutely none. There's no history, no geography, no population base - NOTHING that says that Arkansas should be more successful than MU.

Yet Arkansas is out there doing a hell of a job, getting good recruits and excelling. What keeps Mizzou from doing that? Absolutely nothing - but you damn haughty OU fans just want to keep seeing everyone but OU and UT as the little sisters of the poor - fine, whatever.

And do you think that Pinkel brought a lucky rabbits foot with him when he came to the XII from freaking Toledo and THAT'S why he can recruit Texas? No - Pinkel made damn strong inroads into Texas because he's a very very good recruiter. He'll make those same inroads into Louisiana, Florida, etc...

And again - Mizzou football has had great fan support for decades, even when we were truly shit. It will continue to have excellent fan support.

What's more likely than us whining about the SEC is us breathing a sigh of relief after OU and UT decides to finally get the hell out of dodge and the whole XII collapses in on itself.

Bambi 10-07-2011 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 7974267)
I'll miss you guys. I want Mizzu to stick around so I might be bias, but I really think MU fans will regret the move. I'm sure you'll hear "wait for the new recruits to come through that we'll be getting" as an excuse for being in the bottom 1/2 of the conference for awhile, but eventually that will fade and it will just be a bunch of pissed off people.

I used to think this way but if they aren't gonna stand strong with their conference brethren then they deserve their fate.

The sad thing is for the MU fans that want to stay with the rest of us.

I don't know what to say to them

alnorth 10-07-2011 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7974260)
Kansas is the doormat of the BIG 12-2-2, but I don't hear them clamoring to get into the MIAA.

Missouri has a higher football ceiling then Kansas, IF they do not devastate their Texas recruiting pipeline. Mizzou's population is much larger than Kansas, and undiluted by a 2nd school. Missouri is not big enough alone to be successful, but combine Missouri with punching above their weight in Texas recruiting, then combine that with the Big 12 north, and you've got a decent chance at a national championship at least every decade.

In the SEC, Mizzou becomes Arkansas or Vanderbilt, which is still better than potentially being left out of the BCS conferences, but far lower than the Big 12 north, if long-term stability were assured. (which might be why Mizzou was demanding a 13-year commitment)

BigCatDaddy 10-07-2011 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7974279)
Interesting to see how OU fans appear so committed to the conference after the PAC used them to try to get UT, and when UT balked they said "eh, it's not you it's me."

Right, because the PAC 10 would never want OU :facepalm:

Personally I've always wanted the Big 12 to stay together and find a way to make it work.

DJ's left nut 10-07-2011 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 7974282)
I used to think this way but if they aren't gonna stand strong with their conference brethren then they deserve their fate.

The sad thing is for the MU fans that want to stay with the rest of us.

I don't know what to say to them

God love ya, man.

I'm not sure what I'd do if you ever chose to not mindlessly parrot the company line.

"Proud Members of the Big 12!"

You really exposed yourself when you started touting how glad you were to have Bernadette Gray-Little running the show during all this; as though there was a name that could've been in there who you wouldn't have blindly supported.

You really are KnowMo with a chickenhawk hat on.

DJ's left nut 10-07-2011 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 7974287)
Right, because the PAC 10 would never want OU :facepalm:

Personally I've always wanted the Big 12 to stay together and find a way to make it work.

Uh...they didn't - remember?

Boren made it clear that OU would have taken off to the PAC if the invite was there. It wasn't, so he stayed. And the reason it wasn't was because UT wasn't going to come without major concessions that nobody in the PAC would make.

Without UT, OU just wasn't all that interesting to the PAC. Though at least it does appear that you can join KU fans screaming about the anchor schools holding you back.

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