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BigBeauford 01-03-2022 11:42 AM

So Don't Look Up was written by a liberal news columnist. He has no other writing attributions on IMDB. What a joke.

Fish 01-03-2022 11:56 AM

I didn't really like Don't Look Up. It tried to include both satire and biased political messaging at the same time, and it just didn't work well. There were some amusing moments. Was Jonah Hill even acting?

lawrenceRaider 01-03-2022 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 16050343)
I didn't really like Don't Look Up. It tried to include both satire and biased political messaging at the same time, and it just didn't work well. There were some amusing moments. Was Jonah Hill even acting?

Jonah Hill was terrible, just a pathetic effort on his part. The movie was in dire need of about 30 minutes cut out, and it would have been much, much better.

BigBeauford 01-03-2022 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by lawrenceRaider (Post 16050359)
Jonah Hill was terrible, just a pathetic effort on his part. The movie was in dire need of about 30 minutes cut out, and it would have been much, much better.

He was terribly unfunny. Him and the guy in charge of Bash I couldn't bear when they were on screen. Trying to think of the bright spots. I guess Tyler Perry and Kate were fine.

ToxSocks 01-03-2022 12:32 PM

Not a fan of Don't Look Up. I thought it was boring for the most part. The only thing that kept me around was my desire to see destruction, but even that sucked. The political satire was cringy.

Nickhead 01-03-2022 05:03 PM

may be Q but: Promising Young Woman is pretty ****in decent. If you have seen the BBC Collateral, the pregger's detective is the main character... smokin body too btw :D

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Baby Lee 01-04-2022 08:15 AM

Don't Look Up strikes me as too much satire to be coherent.

That is, it has a ton of small things to say about anxieties and irritations of modern life without having an actual voice about what to do except satirize it and be anxious and irritated.

The 'threat,' the MacGuffin of '100%' certain destruction is so massive that none of the small irritations interjected have an gravity at all.

But nothing has been so certain and so destructive in the universe as this threat since eons and eons before mankind even existed. OTOH, things happening the dwarf the magnitude of this threat everywhere all the time, only it's light centuries away from our existence.

And if such a thing were to become a near future eventuality, it would be so beyond our capabilities to alter that even the most resolute and informed and 'right acting' of civilizations would be powerless to change it.

So you have an apocalyptic scenario onto which you imprint all your own anxieties and irritations about everyday life to avoid the fact that you don't know what to do either.

In short, none of the stuff being satirized has anything to do with the prospects of thwarting a threat such as at the center of the story, and if such a threat were not to come to pass, there's not much merit to grousing about the stuff you are satirizing either.

Baby Lee 01-11-2022 01:59 PM

Sure to be all kinds of reeruned, and clearly a big rip-off of Romancing the Stone, but I dunno, some of the line readings got me chuckling. Might be a welcome return of mindless popcorn fun

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unlurking 01-11-2022 02:34 PM

Looks fun, will wait for streaming though.

Harry Potter is a surprisingly fun actor. If you haven't seen Guns Akimbo, I highly recommend it for mindless popcorn fun (on Prime I think).

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IowaHawkeyeChief 01-11-2022 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Nickhead (Post 16050877)
may be Q but: Promising Young Woman is pretty ****in decent. If you have seen the BBC Collateral, the pregger's detective is the main character... smokin body too btw :D

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I would watch that...

Pepe Silvia 01-11-2022 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 16050372)
He was terribly unfunny. Him and the guy in charge of Bash I couldn't bear when they were on screen. Trying to think of the bright spots. I guess Tyler Perry and Kate were fine.

He became a smart ass snob when he started getting huge roles like Moneyball and Wolf of Wall Street.

sully1983 01-12-2022 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by PackerinMo (Post 16069588)
He became a smart ass snob when he started getting huge roles like Moneyball and Wolf of Wall Street.

Jonah Hill's fat ugly untalented ass also had the nerve to demand $10 million to play the Riddler in The Batman. (Pattinson is only making $5 million btw)

On Monday, it was reported that Jonah Hill was in talks for a villainous role in Matt Reeves' upcoming DC film, The Batman, and it didn't take long for reports about which character the actor was in consideration for to start swirling. Some believed the star would play the Penguin, while another report suggested it was the the Riddler.

Apparently, the reason we haven't gotten any official confirmation on which character he may play is because Jonah Hill is holding out. According to Variety Film's Justin Kroll, negotiations are still underway for Hill to join Reeves' film, with the actor's salary and the identity of the villainous character he would play as the two main sticking points.

"He's had the offer for over a month," Kroll reports, "and besides money being a bargaining point (at one point heard he wanted 10 which is wild since Rob isn't making half that) but also which character he would play, whether its the Riddler or Penguin."

I will never understand the appeal of that annoying fat **** and I hate Judd Apatow for making him rich and famous (ditto on Seth Rogen and James Franco as well. Both of them are untalented unfunny douche bags)

sully1983 01-12-2022 04:32 PM

I can't wait to see The Tragedy of Macbeth (directed by Joel Coen starring Denzel) Its shot in black and white and Denzel (huge fan of him) looks incredible in this. Just gotta find time to see it cause work has been kicking my ass lately.

ToxSocks 01-27-2022 10:40 AM

I watched "The Devil All the Time" last night. **** that was a good movie. Tom Holland, Bill Skarsgard and Robert Pattinson ****ing killed it.

I'm a believer in Robert Pattinson now, and Tom Holland went up a few notches in my book. It's a depressing movie in many ways. A depressing, violent thriller that keeps you locked in from start to finish. Well acted, well written. High quality movie and would highly recommend it.

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Buehler445 01-27-2022 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16110793)
I watched "The Devil All the Time" last night. **** that was a good movie. Tom Holland, Bill Skarsgard and Robert Pattinson ****ing killed it.

I'm a believer in Robert Pattinson now, and Tom Holland went up a few notches in my book. It's a depressing movie in many ways. A depressing, violent thriller that keeps you locked in from start to finish. Well acted, well written. High quality movie and would highly recommend it.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I couldn’t finish that one. Maybe it was a mood thing but I didn’t need devil ALL the time I guess.

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