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VAGOMO 4 LIFE! 04-05-2020 01:49 PM

You just know the boneyard match wasn’t Vinces idea. Had to be Triple Hs. I’m actually excited for the firefly funhouse match tonight

smithandrew051 04-05-2020 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 14888632)
I loved it as well. Maybe it's time to go back to the cartoonish characters and story lines. If people want real cokbst5 they will watch MMA or boxing.

I think so too.

Even the NWO (which was supposed to feel ‘real’) storyline had plenty of comic book moments. Especially, once Sting went Crow. It was great nonetheless. Bring that type of storytelling back.

BryanBusby 04-05-2020 02:09 PM

They tried and it was a flop.

BigCatDaddy 04-05-2020 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by BryanBusby (Post 14888671)
They tried and it was a flop.

Huh? You mean like with the Fiend?

BryanBusby 04-05-2020 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 14888674)
Huh? You mean like with the Fiend?

Were you comatose when they made John Cena into a cartoon character?

They get the best work when they let the performers be themselves.

As for The Fiend, I haven't liked the gimmick for a long time.

BigCatDaddy 04-05-2020 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by BryanBusby (Post 14888677)
Were you comatose when they made John Cena into a cartoon character?

They get the best work when they let the performers be themselves.

As for The Fiend, I haven't liked the gimmick for a long time.

Maybe..I really haven't paid much attention the last few years as it got stale. I felt the Taker/Styles thing was cool though.

BryanBusby 04-05-2020 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 14888707)
Maybe..I really haven't paid much attention the last few years as it got stale. I felt the Taker/Styles thing was cool though.

It was and it was a great way to capitalize on just how ridiculous things are in general right now.

I just wouldn't have everything over the top when things go back to 'normal' but for now I would absolutely book a WM with matches in nothing but weird ass places over trying to play up for an invisible crowd in the performance center

chiefscafan 04-05-2020 05:58 PM

Actually the match made me think they could pull this off with sting and undertaker next Wrestlemania.

Have undertaker come out after couple matches next year right before mania and say I’ve done all I’ve come to do I talked it over with my wife it’s time to call it quits. The entire locker room comes out and congratulate him give him standing ovation then lights go out. Then one spot light searches the crowd. Voice comes on “ no deaman it’s not over you haven’t beaten me.” Spotlight spots sting in full makeup in rafters. “ that’s right undertaker you may be the phenom but I’m the ICon I challenge you for one last match at Wrestlemania “. Undertaker shakes his head leaves. AJ comes up to him says “ you gave me one hell of a match but wrestled sting he’s on another level don’t walk away without knowing if you could beat him”.

Weeks undertaker refuses week after week sting keeps egging him on. Undertaker is staring into mirror when sting is in mirror. “ You aren’t the only phenom I’m phenomenal too. Disapears in mirror.

Sting comes out to ring “. I thought Undertaker was a man I thought he was the badass I’ve heard for years. Really he’s scared to face me oh well I guess I’m done folks”. Then undertakers music hits neon lights do his symbol then his voice “ Icon we will see my answer is yes!”

Lol sorry just brain storming

Pasta Little Brioni 04-07-2020 12:04 PM

They actually went through with it ROFL

Mecca 04-07-2020 12:10 PM

The Styles Taker thing worked because it completely hid that Taker can't work anymore because he's so damn old, also with no live crowd you can do something like that without backlash.

Had they done that exact same match for a regular Mania everyone would have shit all over it. Making the live crowd that paid money for tickets watch a match on the video board pisses people off.

Sassy Squatch 06-18-2020 06:18 PM

Wrestling is having it's Harvey Weinstein moment today. All sorts of stories coming out now.

Sassy Squatch 06-18-2020 06:27 PM

Jim Cornette and his wife have been particularly naughty in the past.

TLO 06-18-2020 07:05 PM

What in the hell is happening?

Sassy Squatch 06-18-2020 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by TLO (Post 15026811)
What in the hell is happening?

British Wrestling scene had a bunch of scumbags get outed for being sexual predators, David Starr being the catalyst of the current shit storm.

Deberg_1990 08-12-2020 08:31 PM

I’ve been getting into All Elite Wrestling on TNT lately. Anyone else a fan?

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