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kccrow 04-29-2021 11:54 PM

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crayzkirk 04-30-2021 12:04 AM

Sorry to see him go; enjoyed lurking in the DC threads.

What happened to the beautiful women pics?

Raiderhater 04-30-2021 04:04 AM


Raiderhater 04-30-2021 04:04 AM


Raiderhater 04-30-2021 04:05 AM


Raiderhater 04-30-2021 04:05 AM


Katipan 04-30-2021 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by mlyonsd (Post 15652512)
You're a forward thinker. You'd be good on any team.

Well that's probably the nicest thing anyone here has ever said to me. <3 Thanks

ptlyon 04-30-2021 05:30 AM

Thought this thread would develop like a morel mushroom over night

Hoopsdoc 04-30-2021 05:41 AM

Getting there.

2bikemike 04-30-2021 05:53 AM

Good Morning Chiefs Planet! Its a beautiful day here in North West Arkansas!

We should be 700 posts or better by the end of today. I hope we're not in for a big let down after we hit the 1000 mark.

LoneWolf 04-30-2021 06:02 AM

Happy Friday, CP! I've had my morning cup of coffee, beautiful double-tapered poop, and I ran 5 miles on the treadmill. Looking forward to a great day of work till noon and then 18 holes of golf. Hope everyone has a great day and a good start to their weekend.

BigRedChief 04-30-2021 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by crayzkirk (Post 15652713)
Sorry to see him go; enjoyed lurking in the DC threads.

What happened to the beautiful women pics?

The golfer?

RealSNR 04-30-2021 06:27 AM

The mods could solve this thing pretty ****ing quickly.

Just swap out the draft thread title for this one. People will post in this thread for the draft stuff tonight, and we'll reach the 1000 posts by the end of the night.

And when we reach 1000, just swap the titles back the way they were.


Loneiguana 04-30-2021 06:41 AM

Who knew paid russian trolls would let others know they got another assignment.

ChiliConCarnage 04-30-2021 06:50 AM

I feel like nothing is going to happen at 1000 posts. Would be a pretty good troll job

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