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DeezNutz 09-19-2011 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by jAZ (Post 7923789)
your assumption that acadmics play no role in the decision making of an athletic conference.

You're right that I should have qualified my original statement. In a perfect world, these conferences would want to add institutions that bring everything to the table: athletics ($), television markets, and high-quality academics.

When put to the test, though, we've seen that these same conferences are more than willing to disregard the last of these three. See: Utah, Nebraska, and the likely additions of OSU and TT.

This is why I laughed about the premise of adding Rice. Sure, it's great that it's a fine academic university, but without the Houston market, outside conference wouldn't even want to urinate on this institution.

Academic branding is such an ancillary point in all of this that, yes, it's laughable.

vailpass 09-19-2011 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7924321)
The PAC may have overtaken the SEC in terms of best football conference.

Oklahoma State


Pitt Gorilla 09-19-2011 03:13 PM

@LaSportsDudeJordan Grove

RT @finebaum: Tusc News' Cecil Hurt,'The SEC would like to have Missouri, but will wait & see on Big 12. WVU is 4th or 5th on the list.'

vailpass 09-19-2011 03:14 PM

Just wondering....Would KU fans here be more attracted to the ACC (if it turns into the mega-basketball conference some on the radio are predicting) or to one of the power conferences (B10, Pac12)?

Titty Meat 09-19-2011 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 7924991)
Just wondering....Would KU fans here be more attracted to the ACC (if it turns into the mega-basketball conference some on the radio are predicting) or to the B10?

You don't want em'.

ChiefsCountry 09-19-2011 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 7924991)
Just wondering....Would KU fans here be more attracted to the ACC (if it turns into the mega-basketball conference some on the radio are predicting) or to one of the power conferences (B10, Pac12)?

Only a ****ing idot would pick the ACC over the B1G.

Bewbies 09-19-2011 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Saul Good (Post 7924321)
The PAC may have overtaken the SEC in terms of best football conference.

Oklahoma State


Yeah, ok.

vailpass 09-19-2011 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Bo's Pelini (Post 7924998)
You don't want em'.

I edited my post to include B10, Pac12, power conferences.
I don't have any particular interest in seeing KU in the B10 due to their lack of a football program but I respect them as an institution.

Reerun_KC 09-19-2011 03:18 PM

PAC 16 or B1G...

vailpass 09-19-2011 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 7925001)
Only a ****ing idot would pick the ACC over the B1G.

I hear a lot of KU fans here say they care more about hoops than football. So, I was wondering if they would rather be in a power b-ball conference than a prime BCS conference.

ChiefsCountry 09-19-2011 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 7925010)
I edited my post to include B10, Pac12, power conferences.
I don't have any particular interest in seeing KU in the B10 due to their lack of a football program but I respect them as an institution.

B1G Network needs some winter programming as well and KU would provide some basketball ratings.

vailpass 09-19-2011 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by ReeTodd_KC (Post 7925012)
PAC 16 or B1G...

Rather than join the other members of college hoops royalty in the ACC?

vailpass 09-19-2011 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 7925021)
B1G Network needs some winter programming as well and KU would provide some basketball ratings.

That makes sense. We watch B10 hoops in the winter as it is but it would be fun to have KU mixed in.
No matter if it is KU or someone else they won't seem like a B10 team.
Hell I still don't think of Penn State as B10.

Reerun_KC 09-19-2011 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 7925024)
Rather than join the other members of college hoops royalty in the ACC?

As a fan it would be nice to be able to see some of the games....

Living in OK, going where OU goes makes sense...

I love driving to the Noble toilet center and watch the Hawks live. Also like watching them get killed in football also live...

they go to the ACC or B1G and my football and basketball experience takes a hit...

CrazyPhuD 09-19-2011 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by jAZ (Post 7923728)
In the short term, academia can't compete with in-house design teams. That's not the point, and it's not designed to work that way. Academia, even in CS and MIS (my department), we conduct basic research. We provide the tools and understanding that companies use to inform their next level of applications.

I happen to be in a program that commercializes IT research better than many others. Just had one of our top professors have his 8 year old "startup" acquired for the 2nd time. This time by IBM for $1/2 a billion dollars. The research began with DARPA and similar funding and the publications.

But companies typically will license this research after it's done. Not fund it before it gets started.

Honestly no, academia in computers(especially systems) does not generally do 'primary research'. I've been on both sides of this fence at the very highest levels and I've seen what happens. One of the problems is that academia generally doesn't know what has been done before and so they 'publish' a lot of old work. Now that isn't always bad because it is useful to publish ideas that have been developed before but haven't been published previous. But it isn't really novel and that does make it somewhat disappointing. You don't really get to appreciate this until you actually know what happens behind the curtain to know exactly how far behind academia really is.

There is a real question of who is doing primary research these days. The reality is, big industrial labs aren't, academia generally isn't(there are always exceptions), is it startups then? Not really because once you get funded you're productizing and not really doing research.

Academia should be the place where primary research is done, but really it isn't. Part of the reason is that they don't have the resources to really tackle 'bigish' problems that really have to work. Cute little ideas sure, big problems not as much. Academia also rewards more publications and the best way to get 'more' is to publish a lot of a smallish safeish ideas. Try something big and revolutionary and it doesn't work and your tenure case is screwed(or your thesis etc).

That is one of the real problems in the computer field today and realistically I'm not sure the best way to solve that. It is an important issue because we're really not pushing the envelop like we used to. Everything today is evolutionary. Where did the revolutionary ideas go?

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