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kstater 12-12-2009 07:56 PM

Pullen finally missed a 3.

kstater 12-12-2009 07:57 PM

Under 4:

KSU 88

GoHuge 12-12-2009 08:02 PM

Guess Jake figured if they're going to give it to him he's gonna make them pay. Almost a perfectly played game. Couldn't be more proud to be a Wildcat tonight. Welcome to the Top 25! We've sure as hell earned it.
Posted via Mobile Device

kstater 12-12-2009 08:09 PM


That angry desperation hire just isn't working out.

alnorth 12-12-2009 08:11 PM

thats a final

KSU 95
#17 UNLV 80

kstater 12-12-2009 08:11 PM


KSU 95
#18 UNLV 80

mikeyis4dcats. 12-12-2009 08:11 PM

great day for the Cats!

Dante84 12-12-2009 08:13 PM

Go State!

GoHuge 12-12-2009 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by kstater (Post 6340098)

That angry desperation hire just isn't working out.

Yeah we've been on the decline since that knee jerk know the one just to keep the recruits. :)
Posted via Mobile Device

Mr. Flopnuts 12-12-2009 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by DeezNutz (Post 6262289)
I remember when I used to get a free ticket to the Cats game with the purchase of some Lucky Strikes.


Saulbadguy 12-12-2009 10:09 PM

2 wins over ranked non-conference opponents. I wonder when the last time that happened was?

mikeyis4dcats. 12-12-2009 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy (Post 6340310)
2 ROAD wins over ranked non-conference opponents. I wonder when the last time that happened was?

fixed for even better

Saulbadguy 12-12-2009 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by mikeyis4dcats. (Post 6340322)
fixed for even better

Well - one neutral, one semi-away.

58kcfan89 12-13-2009 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by GoHuge39 (Post 6340092)
Guess Jake figured if they're going to give it to him he's gonna make them pay. Almost a perfectly played game. Couldn't be more proud to be a Wildcat tonight. Welcome to the Top 25! We've sure as hell earned it.
Posted via Mobile Device

Dude, Jake's been turning it the frack on this year. I'm really excited that he's finally looking like the player we've wanted him to be since he stepped on campus. He's the undisputed leader of the team [despite Denis being the senior] and is looking like its best player as well.

Sutton looks like he's getting it going as well (then again, he's my boy, so maybe I'm a little biased). Anyone else think that after hitting that open jumper that he'll start hitting them on a more regular basis? Cause if he can become even a decent threat on the offensive end, LOOK OUT, this team is gunna be sick!

Man, I'm excited about this team. They look completely different from the team I bitched at against Ole Miss and the team we were all freaking out about after FHSU. This is the kind of team I envisioned when we hired Frank, and I'm glad they're coming around.


WilliamTheIrish 12-13-2009 06:59 AM

I guess the three point shooting came back to the norm. After going virtually 0-fer the year it looked like Mike Evans and Chuckie Williams out there.

FT's were also an incredible turnaroud from the last 4 games.

Great game.

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