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ToxSocks 03-06-2024 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat (Post 17430255)
I agree with this. They basically replaced the level grinding in the old game with a bunch of little side quests, but they added TONS of them and it kind of ruins the flow of the game. These little inconsequential side stories shouldn't take away the focus in the main story.

So like an MMORPG then.

Sassy Squatch 03-06-2024 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat (Post 17430255)
I agree with this. They basically replaced the level grinding in the old game with a bunch of little side quests, but they added TONS of them and it kind of ruins the flow of the game. These little inconsequential side stories shouldn't take away the focus in the main story.

Unfortunately the more I play the more my minor complaints become major ones. There have been a couple of story beats that were necessary to advance the plot but were incredibly poorly executed. Also **** whoever designed the Gongaga open world map. That one area has all but killed any interest I'd ever have of doing a repeat playthrough.

Sassy Squatch 03-06-2024 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by ModSocks (Post 17430282)
So like an MMORPG then.

Eh, it's not THAT bad. And for the most part each side quest usually focuses on a party member that Cloud interacts with throughout the mission.

Rausch 03-06-2024 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 17423192)

I prefer turn based in these games though.

Ditto. We have Dragon Quest 11 (also great) but that's about it.

ToxSocks 03-06-2024 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17430287)
Eh, it's not THAT bad. And for the most part each side quest usually focuses on a party member that Cloud interacts with throughout the mission.

I haven't finished "Remake" yet (but i finished the original game back in '97) and my wife badly wants me to buy Rebirth so she can play it. She of course has never played any FF game ever.

I'm like, "NO! You have to to finish the story in order! You don't get it! You can't just skip the first installment!"

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ThaVirus 03-06-2024 04:04 PM

Alright, I finally finished the story of Days Gone. It was far better than I thought it would be given the rough release. I even made it a point to go through and defeat all of the hordes on the map because I was enjoying it so much.

The bike mechanics were pretty annoying early on, though realistic. Thankfully by the end of the game, once you’ve upgraded your bike to max gas tank and have hella guns, stopping for gas out “in the shit” wasn’t too big of a deal.

Other than that, it had a decent story, good characters, good voice acting, graphics were good, fun gameplay.

I’d recommend this one.

tredadda 03-07-2024 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat (Post 17430255)
I agree with this. They basically replaced the level grinding in the old game with a bunch of little side quests, but they added TONS of them and it kind of ruins the flow of the game. These little inconsequential side stories shouldn't take away the focus in the main story.

I am still in chapter 2 and it’s feeling more Skyrim-esque from an exploration standpoint. I find myself wandering around looking for towers, intel battles, those places of discovery that the red owls lead you towards etc…. Also I find myself wanting to smash that stupid music thing next to Chadley every time I get near him.

WhawhaWhat 03-07-2024 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 17430883)
I am still in chapter 2 and it’s feeling more Skyrim-esque from an exploration standpoint. I find myself wandering around looking for towers, intel battles, those places of discovery that the red owls lead you towards etc…. Also I find myself wanting to smash that stupid music thing next to Chadley every time I get near him.

I'd like to just smash Chadley. I hate that nerd.

Sassy Squatch 03-07-2024 08:41 AM

LMAO Oh dude, if you're only in chapter two and already losing patience with Chadley you ain't seen nothing yet.

tredadda 03-07-2024 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17430899)
LMAO Oh dude, if you're only in chapter two and already losing patience with Chadley you ain't seen nothing yet.

Yay! Can’t wait. LMAO

WhawhaWhat 03-07-2024 01:08 PM

I had my controller speaker on silent and just now put together that was why I couldn't ever hear Chadley speaking during those missions. I've played so many RPGs over the years where nobody spoke out loud or only during certain scenes that the silence didn't really bother me.

SurroundedByMorons 03-08-2024 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 17427594)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So what is unique about an &quot;inverse decay curve&quot; and why do I use that term instead of &quot;growth&quot;? Well, internet, it&#39;s not because I&#39;m being &quot;obnoxious&quot; (but thanks for that) - but because it&#39;s a real thing. This is what a typical sales decay curve can look like for a Q1 release: <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Mat Piscatella (@MatPiscatella) <a href="">March 4, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

You talked me into it. It's fun, no doubt. The chaos is like having several small heart attacks over 40 minutes straight.

Sofa King 03-08-2024 05:04 PM

I get killed by teammates as much if not more than bugs

BigBeauford 03-09-2024 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by SurroundedByMorons (Post 17432386)
You talked me into it. It's fun, no doubt. The chaos is like having several small heart attacks over 40 minutes straight.

Awesome, be happy to play sometime.

Jerm 03-11-2024 10:16 PM

Downloaded Hell Let Loose on Gamepass after seeing some videos on it and holy shit, this game is ****ing awesome.

Getting my ass handed to me as a noob lol but slowly getting the hang on it…

Anyone that’s into tactical, milsim squad games or WWII should check this out…

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