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Imon Yourside 03-01-2024 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 17424107)
The AAA industry is definitely in a bad spot. The insane budgets have required games to monetize to the point where players have begun to reject these practices with their wallets. The steam charts indicate that indies and AA studios are feasting.

What I'm seeing is a bunch of studio closures (mostly) from projects that were highly unprofitable or they just plain delivered the opposite or what gamers asked for (hello Saints Row).

The industry and customers will reset it just fine, have to adapt and stop making shitty microtransaction online only garbage. Great games have all started with a passion to make them, if you don't have that it will be obvious and the suckers are less likely to buy in.

BigBeauford 03-01-2024 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 17424124)
The industry and customers will reset it just fine, have to adapt and stop making shitty microtransaction online only garbage. Great games have all started with a passion to make them, if you don't have that it will be obvious and the suckers are less likely to buy in.

Yessir, I think you are seeing a pasture burn of the bloat. The remaining soil is going to be nice and ripe since gaming has never been more prolific than it is now.

Ming the Merciless 03-01-2024 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 17424104)
Smaller devs are thriving and taking over, I'm here for it. Palworld, Enshrouded, Last Epoch and Helldivers are all major recent successes.

ill just add some other titles like valheim, terraria, core keeper,lethal company, factorio, the dwarf mining game (foprgot the title) etc... that set the stage for those guys to succeed

and also to Steam, the platform that allows us to find these great independent games

In58men 03-01-2024 09:29 PM

I haven’t played games in years, typically RE games only. Just came across the Ready or Not trailer, that shit looks awesome.

Bump 03-01-2024 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 17424124)
The industry and customers will reset it just fine, have to adapt and stop making shitty microtransaction online only garbage. Great games have all started with a passion to make them, if you don't have that it will be obvious and the suckers are less likely to buy in.

if you avoid the big names like EA, Activision/Blizzard and Ubisoft. You'll be a lot better off. There might be a couple of decent games those ones would put out but it's rare. Basically avoid publicly traded companies with games, they are there for their shareholders, not to make a great game. I would be surprised if those companies even allow creativity in their workplace. They are probably only allowed to stick to a 'proven forumula' where indy's are working on passion projects and encourage creativity.

WhawhaWhat 03-02-2024 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 17423297)
I was reading that early reviews are giving FF7 Rebirth Game of the Year vibes.

We’ll see. I still have to play FF7 Remake after I finish Days Gone.

I played for 4 hours today and it's very good. Basically played through the demo again and a little bit more. Can't wait to get through this game although dreading one scene that I am sure is coming in this one.

Sassy Squatch 03-02-2024 07:11 PM

The World Intel really adds to the runtime of the game if you do it. Every region I've done has been 5+ hours to 100% and they seem to come every other chapter or so.

Sassy Squatch 03-03-2024 02:45 PM

Good Lord LMAO. I guess they heard all the complaining about Tifa and took heed. The fan service is ridiculous at points. I will say they've done an absolutely phenomenal job of building the relationships between the characters in a believable way. Red XIII may be the funniest character so far for one scene in particular.

BigBeauford 03-04-2024 01:29 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So what is unique about an &quot;inverse decay curve&quot; and why do I use that term instead of &quot;growth&quot;? Well, internet, it&#39;s not because I&#39;m being &quot;obnoxious&quot; (but thanks for that) - but because it&#39;s a real thing. This is what a typical sales decay curve can look like for a Q1 release: <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Mat Piscatella (@MatPiscatella) <a href="">March 4, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Bump 03-04-2024 05:50 PM

I'm in, who knows when it comes out though

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tredadda 03-05-2024 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17426515)
Good Lord LMAO. I guess they heard all the complaining about Tifa and took heed. The fan service is ridiculous at points. I will say they've done an absolutely phenomenal job of building the relationships between the characters in a believable way. Red XIII may be the funniest character so far for one scene in particular.

What is the issue? Not sure I heard anything, or I am out of the loop.

Sassy Squatch 03-05-2024 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 17428671)
What is the issue? Not sure I heard anything, or I am out of the loop.

It was a relatively small issue, but they've been going out of their way to censor younger Tifa at Nibelheim recently. Makes sense to me but someone's always gotta complain. To contrast that, they crammed the game with quite a bit of fan service of her in particular.

Sassy Squatch 03-05-2024 02:09 PM

As for the game itself, the only real complaints I have is the side content isn't QUITE engaging enough for how much of it there is, and even though it's technically "optional" you're putting yourself at a severe disadvantage in multiple ways by not doing it. Also, as characters get added they (understandably) hog the screentime for quite a while and other characters are pretty much left to the back burner for LARGE swaths of game time.

tredadda 03-05-2024 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17428950)
It was a relatively small issue, but they've been going out of their way to censor younger Tifa at Nibelheim recently. Makes sense to me but someone's always gotta complain. To contrast that, they crammed the game with quite a bit of fan service of her in particular.

I gotcha. I guess no matter what someone will not be happy.

WhawhaWhat 03-06-2024 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17428959)
As for the game itself, the only real complaints I have is the side content isn't QUITE engaging enough for how much of it there is, and even though it's technically "optional" you're putting yourself at a severe disadvantage in multiple ways by not doing it.

I agree with this. They basically replaced the level grinding in the old game with a bunch of little side quests, but they added TONS of them and it kind of ruins the flow of the game. These little inconsequential side stories shouldn't take away the focus in the main story.

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