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hometeam 02-22-2024 11:36 PM

helldivers is poppin off rn.

Imon Yourside 02-23-2024 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 17414469)
Went ahead and pulled the trigger. Downloading now.

Lmk what you think of it, I'm on the fence but will probably buy it eventually.

Imon Yourside 02-25-2024 11:10 PM

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="We NEED To Talk About Last Epoch" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The best ARPG released, so many features that blow away options in like games. Once the server issues get fixed, should be the best.

Sassy Squatch 02-28-2024 02:36 PM

For you FF7 nerds, the Golden Saucer play and Aerith belting out the theme song.

Imon Yourside 02-28-2024 03:58 PM

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="My Opinion of Asmongold Honest Last Epoch Review" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Comparing Diablo 4 to Last Epoch to Path of Exile. An in between for the Casual Andy that loves playing but isn't into spending 20 hours a day like those on WOW it's a nice middle ground and perfect for those that play for fun.

BigBeauford 02-29-2024 04:17 PM

This is a great video that breaks down why Helldivers shits all over most AAA microtransaction riddled games that only cares about shareholders.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

ToxSocks 02-29-2024 04:33 PM

Anyone else looking forward to FF7 Rebirth?

Sassy Squatch 02-29-2024 04:37 PM

Picking it up right now.

ToxSocks 02-29-2024 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17423120)
Picking it up right now.

Nice. Let me know what you think. I recently picked up a PS5. Never finished FF7 Remake on PS4 so starting over on PS5 and hoping to finish it before i pick up Rebirth.

Imon Yourside 02-29-2024 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by ModSocks (Post 17423115)
Anyone else looking forward to FF7 Rebirth?

Is it on PC? I got into FF1 and FF7 but the others I played never really pulled me in. I was a lot younger back then and played only single player games though, is Rebirth turn based? If so and it's on PC I might give it a go, but in general they weren't really my thing.

Sassy Squatch 02-29-2024 05:46 PM

Not for 3 months. I believe there's a way to make it turn based but it's way more action oriented this time around. Still got the same abilities as far as Limit Breaks and timed bars for Special Attacks but in the meantime you're constantly attacking, dodging, and blocking as well. This game has refined it even more from what I've seen. It's a pretty damn good gameplay loop.

Sassy Squatch 02-29-2024 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by ModSocks (Post 17423126)
Nice. Let me know what you think. I recently picked up a PS5. Never finished FF7 Remake on PS4 so starting over on PS5 and hoping to finish it before i pick up Rebirth.

I have no idea how you wouldn't like this one unless you just absolutely despise the new gameplay. It's quintessential Final Fantasy, both good and bad.

Imon Yourside 02-29-2024 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17423189)
Not for 3 months. I believe there's a way to make it turn based but it's way more action oriented this time around. Still got the same abilities as far as Limit Breaks and timed bars for Special Attacks but in the meantime you're constantly attacking, dodging, and blocking as well. This game has refined it even more from what I've seen. It's a pretty damn good gameplay loop.

I just remember the super over powered fun limit breaks, it felt like a movie when I used them. :)

I prefer turn based in these games though.

Sassy Squatch 02-29-2024 05:58 PM

Might not be for you then. Especially once you get into the late game, there's some difficulty spikes on par with Dark Souls (**** YOU HELL HOUSE)

Imon Yourside 02-29-2024 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17423197)
Might not be for you then. Especially once you get into the late game, there's some difficulty spikes on par with Dark Souls (**** YOU HELL HOUSE)

I'm definitely not a fan of Dark Souls but if it's too hard I have Cheat engine for single player and can self adjust the difficulty to what I like. Ya I don't play for achievements or any of that garbage, that was an xbox thing I never paid attention to. If you can select turn based then I might try it otherwise ya it's not for me.

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