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PhillyChiefFan 11-27-2013 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Radar Chief (Post 10229176)
Yea, not wasting a minute of my time with that noise.
Black Friday, not your video.

Nope. Looks like something out of an apocalypse movie.

Never could figure out why someone would want to go through that no matter what the savings.

pr_capone 11-27-2013 06:45 PM

pr_capone 11-27-2013 06:46 PM

pr_capone 11-27-2013 06:47 PM

pr_capone 11-27-2013 06:47 PM

pr_capone 11-27-2013 06:48 PM

pr_capone 11-27-2013 06:48 PM

Valiant 11-27-2013 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10229155)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

**** you Black Friday.

This is why I hate humans. I had to work this shit in the past. Sick ****s, just to save a few bucks. Steal from one another, fight, push, rude.

Joe Seahawk 11-28-2013 02:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Happy Twerky day

Johnny Vegas 11-28-2013 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 10229729)

Tamba Hali if/when he isn't held.

Dayze 11-28-2013 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Seahawk (Post 10230299)
Happy Twerky day

why would you do such a thing.


Cannibal 11-28-2013 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10229155)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

**** you Black Friday.

Total scum. The dregs of society.

Valiant 11-28-2013 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 10229588)
If you didn't hate Kanye after the Bound video's posted earlier, you will now.....

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The guy with the show is a very bright person, good articulated points. Kanye just deflects, it was hilarious.

I do agree with Kanye, even though I do no believe the confederate flag only means slavery, if you have enough black people wear them, it would take out some of the stigma and the power.

Easy 6 11-28-2013 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Johnny Vegas (Post 10230327)
Tamba Hali if/when he isn't held.

Yep, great call, that's exactly what it looks like... its like the refs just decide to WWF it when it comes to Hali.

"Someone broke a chair over his head? well I sure didn't see it"

Joe Seahawk 11-29-2013 01:50 AM

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