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No matter how you slice it Disney has got to be worried about Rian Johnson trilogy a good chunk of Hardcore Star wars fan's really hated this movie. I have no desire to see the last movie in the trilogy or Rian Johnson's new Triolgoy. This movie shit all over Star wars. Fast and the Furious of star wars movies all fluff no substance. |
Snoke's Dead, Baby. Snoke's Dead. One of the bigger surprises in the film comes when Supreme Leader Snoke -- that CGI confection dreamed up by J.J. Abrams and company for The Force Awakens as a sort of Next Gen Emperor Palpatine -- bites the big one at the hands of his apprentice Kylo Ren. When faced with the prospect of killing Rey, at the behest of Snoke, the former Ben Solo instead chooses to plant a lightsaber blade right into his boss' side. Ouch. Johnson's decision to get rid of Snoke has rattled fans who have spent the past two years since TFA theorizing about and puzzling over the mysterious character's origins and true nature. Was he Ezra Bridger from the Rebels animated series, all grown up and deformed? Did he have some active role in the original trilogy or prequel era that would soon be revealed? How did he become so powerful with the Force and ascend to be the leader of the First Order? Who was this freaking guy?! Some fans felt that they were owed answers to these questions, and if you became invested in Snoke between films it must be frustrating to see the character just dropped. But clearly Johnson had no interest in giving any answers in regards to the Supreme Leader; it's pretty obvious that the filmmaker wanted to -- and basically did -- jettison several of Abrams' additions to the pantheon (neither Phasma nor Maz Kanata fare much better than Snoke in this film). But it's an interesting situation to ponder. Did Johnson owe viewers some details about a character like Snoke -- who was so cloaked in and, really, built on mystery -- before killing him off? Perhaps. At the same time, it's clear that Abrams and Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy had no real game plan for at least some of these characters beyond The Force Awakens, so why shouldn't Johnson be free to come in and tell the version of Snoke's story that he wants? Which, as it turns out, is the version where Snoke gets cut in half before we find out anything about him. hese Aren't the Parents You're Looking For The disposition of Rey's parents, another mystery teased since The Force Awakens, seems to be resolved here with the not very earth-shattering revelation that Mr. and Mrs. Rey were "nobodies," junkers who sold their young daughter for drinking money. As with Snoke, Rey's parentage not turning out to be some crazy reference to past Star Wars mythology is difficult for some to swallow. Again, there had been so many theories and expectations built up around this Abrams mystery that the apparent truth of it all plays as disappointing for many. Indeed, some fans believe that Kylo Ren's story about Rey's folks is just a fake-out and that we will yet learn the truth about them in Episode IX. And who knows? With Abrams returning to helm that film, things may very well play out that way. And yet, thematically this reveal ties into The Last Jedi -- and also the bigger Star Wars story. Johnson is obviously interested in the idea that heroes can, and often do, come from nothing. Witness the orphan child at the end of the film, abused and enslaved for the moment, but endowed with the power of the Force and looking off at the stars and the future. Even Luke Skywalker is descended from slaves; his father, Anakin, and his grandmother were bought and sold as well. But Anakin grew from those very low beginnings to become a powerful Jedi, and then the ultimate villain, before redeeming himself in his final moments. So is the idea that Rey, too, is just a "nobody" all that far-fetched? Luke Gets Force-Ghosted Bringing back the classic original characters of Han, Luke and Leia was always going to be fraught with dangers. How do you recapture the magic of these iconic figures decades after we last saw them and when they're well past their prime? Abrams mostly pulled if off with Han and Leia in Force Awakens, but Luke -- aside from a brief, silent appearance at the end of that film -- was left off the table until now, thereby building up even more for viewers the anticipation of seeing him in action. And so the Luke that we finally got here had a lot to live up to. But of course, Johnson wanted to do something different with the character and not just rehash what had come before. This was a common complaint about Force Awakens, as we all know -- that Abrams recycled concepts from A New Hope. In avoiding that trap, though, it seems that Johnson has not hit all the marks that some fans expected and/or hoped for in regards to Luke. He doesn't pull a Star Destroyer out of orbit using the Force, he doesn't get into an awesome lightsaber duel... heck, he doesn't even leave Ahch-To. Also, he dies quietly while seeing a vision of the suns setting on the homeworld he long ago left behind. It's easy to see how the anticipation for something like the ultimate laser sword duel between Luke and Kylo could be strong. But in this case the filmmaker chose to portray Luke's awesome power with the Force differently, and also in a manner that was -- for many other viewers -- extremely satisfying and dramatically surprising. Adding to it all is the fact that The Last Jedi, and Johnson, has killed off Luke Skywalker, a hero for so many of us for so very, very long. In a very real way, this starts to become personal. I Pretty much hate the movie for all 3 of these plot point's That and Rey never got any training She is just a jedi master Cause ??!?!?!?! |
The plot was in many ways an elaborate troll job--Who are Rey's parents? Doesn't matter. What was Snoke's background? Doesn't matter. Who is the guy with the flower on his lapel? Doesn't matter. In moderation, that is fine, but when it's done over and over again, it's thematic trolling. If the Force continually brings balance and all of the characters die in some interaction related to its balancing, then their actions are meaningless in light of the future plot developments, because they are nothing but pawns. If Anakin Skywalker exists to bring balance to the Force, and in the process both contributes to the creation and destruction of a galactic empire, that arc has meaning. If things immediately go to shit afterwards and the First Order replaces the Empire and continues doing Empire things, then his actions accomplish nothing. If Luke pushes Vader back to the light and brings him redemption, then his actions have value. If immediately thereafter the empire that he destroys returns with different branding, and he lives his remaining time as an exile, his original actions accomplished nothing. The challenge these writers were presented with was to grow the universe and present new, compelling stories. Good writers can accomplish that without sacrificing the meaning of the preceding stories in the process. Bad writers can't. |
I completely disagree about what they're trying to achieve. it was crystal clear to me that a Jedi can come from anywhere and be anyone. Rey did not get any training AND wasn't in an existing bloodline. Prequels no longer make any sense whatsoever with this in mind.
Also that force kid shit with the broom at the end pushes this stupid direction even more. I've never left a star wars movie feeling less excited about the direction of the universe. |
This movie caused a Deep rift with the fan base. http://comicbook.com/powerrangers/20...-audience-sco/ Even powerangers has a higher score. Best way to describe the new Star Wars movie it's a great Sci fi movie for Kids. Terrible Star Wars movie for Most fans. |
They are trying to assume control of the galaxy, and the Resistance is trying to stop them. With mixed results on both ends. This trilogy is about our aged heroes, and new characters, trying to prevent the dark side from coming back. So I wouldn't call their actions meaningless. |
It's hard to tell what the hell is going on in the Universe cause the Way JJ reset everything by rehashing ANH. It's why we haven't seen any Core worlds and all this takes place in some back water part of the universe. |
My cousin and I are the two biggest die-hard Star Wars that ever lived. We were up until 2 AM last night talking about the movie. There are plenty of people just like us who fudged their Boba Fett underoos over this movie. |
The Executor, a chunk of the Imperial fleet, and the Emperor were not destroyed in the Empire Strikes Back. The First Order isn't in control of Coruscant or a majority of the core worlds. If they were, the Resistance would not have been able to call for help to ANYONE when they were on Crait. The First Order has a few Star Destroyers and a bunch of stormtroopers, but that doesn't make them the Empire. I mean, Snoke's seat of power was on The Supremacy. There was a reason for that, which is the plain fact that he isn't in control of the galaxy yet. First Order =/ Empire They are wannabes. |
Then this movie was disappointing as hell I didn't cheer once My entire ****ing theater cheered like 5 ****ing times and I was ****ing pissed I couldn't muster even a little excitement for this movie. Gonna keep my fingers Crossed I guess and Hope J.J walks backs everything on this movie. |
The more I think about it, the more Snoke's death was absolutely necessary.
When you get down to it, he's not really that interesting of a character. He's a cardboard cutout bad guy. What was he going to do going forward that we hadn't already seen? Sit on this throne, cackle, torture someone with the force? Completely played out. His backstory is interesting...but whatever else he was going to do in this story wasn't going to be interesting. The best use of his character was absolutely setting up a far more interesting character (Kylo) to be the real bad guy. |
Far, far more interesting than setting up a rehash of Jedi. |
Speaking of, what exactly are the militaristic capabilities of the First Order at this point? Starkiller base is destroyed, they lost a Dreadnaught class ship, and the Supremacy and her escort Star Destroyers have been either torn in half or vaporized. What's left? It would be cool to get a look at the First Order's staging grounds out in the Unknown Regions....
Goddamn. Actually seeing the movie, this is just one big overreaction. Its really not that good, but holy shit it isn't that bad either.
Waiting for the 5:00 showing to start. :rockon:
I need to see it a third time and really digest it...tough to summarize in words how I feel about it, but overall I liked it a lot. |
It was genius. Now Abrams is forced to be creative. :D |
I mean, maybe Snoke did his Force Bond thing while Rey and Kylo were dueling in the forest. Maybe that's why she got such an insane power boost from seemingly out of nowhere. She's drawing off that famed Skywalker bloodline.
I did enjoy the movie but but but but something annoyed me.
Kylo Ren hardly wore his helmet that made him look bad ass as ****. No he goes and destroys his own helmet and didn't wear another one. This pisses me off because don't they learn anything in movies give us what we want? I don't know if anyone else give a **** what I'm saying but they wanted to just show his face I get that doesn't change I wanted to see him fight with his helmet on. |
Some of you have no idea what goes into making a good movie. Maybe go watch Transformers and let Rian Johnson handle the master filmmaking. |
seems to be his style. |
This isn't Luke's story. It's OKAY to kill Luke. He's going to be a ghost anyway in the next one. Stop whining. |
Rian Johnson is a ****ing genius. His trilogy is going to be even more amazing. |
This all started over some bullshit misunderstanding about luke wanting to kill ben. The Real Luke would never run away for years while the galaxy burned. Not only that this movie pretty much shit over the idea of training and bloodlines determining Force power/skill Rey knew all these force tactics and light saber moves Cause ??!?!!??! I sat for over 2 hours watching a movie With Luke doing no training of rey and still living like a bitch after rey tell's him Kylo killed his oldest friend. |
Pretty good comparison to ****ing new Star wars an awesome looking Sci fi movie with no substance. I love almost all time travel movies but thought the story in looper Sucked shit. |
He's changed in 30 years. Sorry, but I found his character completely believable. |
1.Luke knew about Snoke Tempting Ben that's the reason he was thinking of killing him he thought ben had already made his choice to the dark side. 2.Luke takes off after Ben wakes up knocks Luke out and get some fellow students who we never see by the way destroy the temple.We get more back story in the tiny little flash back in TFA than all of TLJ. 3.Rey tells luke that Ben solo killed Han and all Luke agrees to is to training her. He still wont get on the ship and face his problems. This entire movie Paints Luke a child hood hero to many in a very bad light. |
Brothers bloom is decent. He also made 1 of the greatest ep of Breaking Bad. I can't stand his take on Sci fi for the most part. Not enough world building. |
I just returned from my second viewing. After watching everything with a critical eye the first time, I was able to sit back and take it all in.
I enjoyed it a million times more today. After reconciling all of RJ’s decisions, I was able to enjoy the film he made. |
https://media.giphy.com/media/ZzBnfmGFqYpmE/giphy.gif |
Rian is a filthy little troll.
There was a rumor going around Rey was going to battle a sea monster. We were denied that, but got this... https://i.redd.it/975owq2gqc401.gif LMAO ALSO LMAO LMAO LMAO Quote:
I just saw it. Absolutely loved it. That was fun and unpredictable, it was the first time I felt like a kid watching Star Wars since 1998.
Can’t wait for Luke Skywalker the White in Episode 9. |
Snoke was jabba da hut useless and phasma? Lol
Small things bothered me about this film. Very entertaining tho |
I liked it better the second time. Gonna try to see it again tomorrow....I feel like I will like better the third time around. |
Still had issues with:
So, I'll move my opinion from bad to okay, but those things, imo, keep it from being great. |
Maybe the majority of ppl that were disappointed went in with some expectations or theories that weren’t met? I’ve seen it twice now, absolutely enjoyed it both times. I absolutely love that it’s completely different and takes some huge risks. Get out of the the comfort zone. I really belive Rian can created a diverse and complex universe with the new trilogy after seeing this.
Why people are pissed:
This movie didn't move the plot at all and took a u-turn when we were expecting answers. |
It's not... |
A huge twist in Vader being luke's father Han getting frozen in carbonite it left us off with anticipation for the final showdown. This movie left me with no anticipation what so ever. The only questions I have in the next movie is how is JJ gonna un**** the story. |
I want the next movie tomorrow... |
What are you expecting..... |
I don't know, man. I think it was strategic for Holdo to keep her cards close after the First Order tracked them. Worrying that someone on the ship is a turncoat seemed like a valid fear.
I don't know, that plot thread doesn't really seem to bother me. Like, Leia going to the rebel base even though she knew she was being tracked in ANH seems much more egregious to me. People keep saying there were these massive plot holes, but man, I just don't see them. |
Luke Skywalker the White returning in the 11th hour. The rebirth of a Jedi Order to balance out the galaxy. It's going to be ****ing awesome. |
The end. And who cares how the new Jedi order is gonna work now since any one can become a ****ing jedi no training/Blood line needed. You can step out of a shuttle and just start handing out lightsabers Oprah style. |
Rey beating Kylo with no training and no Blood to boost her power just makes the entire story ridiculous. Why did she even have visions of going to Ahch-To she didn't learn shit from going to the planet. |
How did Luke with 3 weeks of training defeat Darth Vader - the greatest force user who ever lived - in ROTJ? Totally Ridiculous. |
Saw very late last night in a great theater. AMC Dolby with their laser HDR projectors are really great. About an hour in I started to hit me - oh no this isn’t very good.
It was certainly better than VII. I enjoyed it. Did have a bit of a weird vibe.
Saw it with friends out of town today. Will see it again with the wife at some point. |
It's also explained by lucas that vader had reservations about killing his own son and luke Tapped in to the dark side when Vader threaten to go after Leia. |
Also Kathleen Kennedy when asked about Rey's parentage said Twins run in the Skywalker bloodline. I'm now under 100% belief they had no real story structure and basically told Rian just go with it. |
Yes he ****ing does by using the Dark side. |
You're literally making leaps of logic to defend even the prequels but holding TLJ to a much different standard. |
How did you think the jedi selected who would be a youngling they traced blood lines. |
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