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htismaqe 10-17-2020 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 15251551)
Thanks, I'll check out Black Flag. Didn't realize that one had ship related stuff too.

Yeah, the ship stuff started in AC3 but it was very brief and stripped down, kind of like Origins.

With Black Flag, a good 50-60% of the game takes place on a ship if you spend time on it.

Demonpenz 10-17-2020 02:13 PM

I was lucky to get black flag on sail

Otter 10-17-2020 02:16 PM

Ezio & AC2 was my favorite of which I played. I'm with King on the ship stuff.

St. Patty's Fire 10-17-2020 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 15251745)
I was lucky to get black flag on sail

*seinfeld theme plays*

St. Patty's Fire 10-17-2020 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by JD10367 (Post 15251011)
So my last new gaming systems were the PS2 and the Wii. I haven't played video games since then. I'm planning on a PS5, and I figure I can save a lot of money by picking up used PS4 versions of games. Trying to compile a list of interesting games. I cut my teeth on FPS and exploration-type games, starting with old-school Doom and Wolfenstein, Marathon on the Mac system (Bungie's first awesome game), then later with the Resident Evil and Tomb Raider stuff. Also enjoyed GTA3 and Vice City. I have no interested in MMOs because I hate people. I've heard some game names like:

- Red Dead Redemption
- The Last of Us
- Skyrim
- Left 4 Dead

Any other good horror or sci-fi FPS or exploration type games I should consider?

Playstation now streaming service has lots of great horror games.

Silent Hill 2 and 3 (if you haven’t played these drop everything you’re doing and play them, especially 2, imo the greatest video game ever made)
RE4 (barely horror but ppl love his game, it’s not my fav personally)
RE Code Veronica (better than RE4 IMO)
Amnesia: Dark Descent is terrifying
Bio shock series
I’ve heard Soma is amazing, I just downloaded it, it’s in PS Now as well

Definitely play both Red Dead’s. I slightly prefer the first one but both are incredible. Horizon Zero Dawn is a great open world game. Also, RE2 remake is excellent.

DJJasonp 10-17-2020 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by St. Patty's Fire (Post 15251810)
Playstation now streaming service has lots of great horror games.

Silent Hill 2 and 3 (if you haven’t played these drop everything you’re doing and play them, especially 2, imo the greatest video game ever made)
RE4 (barely horror but ppl love his game, it’s not my fav personally)
RE Code Veronica (better than RE4 IMO)
Amnesia: Dark Descent is terrifying
Bio shock series
I’ve heard Soma is amazing, I just downloaded it, it’s in PS Now as well

Definitely play both Red Dead’s. I slightly prefer the first one but both are incredible. Horizon Zero Dawn is a great open world game. Also, RE2 remake is excellent.

All quality suggestions.

I just finished Horizon Zero Dawn a few days ago. Left it alone for a few months, then came back to it, got hooked, and finished it.

probably the longest game I've ever finished.

ThaVirus 10-17-2020 04:57 PM

Ted Faro is a dick

St. Patty's Fire 10-17-2020 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 15251860)
All quality suggestions.

I just finished Horizon Zero Dawn a few days ago. Left it alone for a few months, then came back to it, got hooked, and finished it.

probably the longest game I've ever finished.

The combat in that game is soooooooooo ****ing good. I could fight machines for hours on end, especially the bigger ones.

Still remember the first time I saw a Thunderjaw, I fought it for like 45 minutes before I could take it down and enjoyed every second LMAO

Story is pretty interesting too, even if it’s packed with tropes.

Fish 10-17-2020 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 15251506)
But, man, I ****ing HATE anything ship related in those games. I have never once enjoyed any mission, battle or travel involving a ship in AC.

LOL, completely opposite. I sailed around for hours just taking on threesomes of enemy ship convoys. The whole war chant and jumping onto their ships for sword battle to kill everyone and plunder their treasure? Fuuuuuck yeah, loved it. Origins teased it, but Odyssey perfected it. Just installed Black Flag today, so excited to see what that provides.


lcarus 10-18-2020 07:42 AM

I wish they would make that Prince of Persia Redemption game. It looked good.

htismaqe 10-18-2020 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 15252408)
LOL, completely opposite. I sailed around for hours just taking on threesomes of enemy ship convoys. The whole war chant and jumping onto their ships for sword battle to kill everyone and plunder their treasure? Fuuuuuck yeah, loved it. Origins teased it, but Odyssey perfected it. Just installed Black Flag today, so excited to see what that provides.


Black Flag can be a little repetitive at times but upgrading your ship is a pretty satisfying loop.

JD10367 10-18-2020 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 15251033)
Holy shit, Marathon. I loved that game and had completely forgotten about it. Thank you for that memory! Watching a Youtube playback now. Crazy.

You can download a game engine for PC and fan made games. It’s pretty awesome. I have a shitty basic 3 year old Best Buy POS and it even worked on that.

Indian Chief 11-07-2020 06:08 PM

I could have sworn I saw a thread for Ghost of Tsushima at some point, but I couldn't find anything. I'm playing it now and I'm completely hooked. Probably 15 or so hours in. Stunningly beautiful environments as you'd expect and I love the combat.

DJJasonp 11-09-2020 09:09 AM

Target has buy 2, get 1 free going on this week.....includes launch day PS5 games too!

Mecca 11-09-2020 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Indian Chief (Post 15310010)
I could have sworn I saw a thread for Ghost of Tsushima at some point, but I couldn't find anything. I'm playing it now and I'm completely hooked. Probably 15 or so hours in. Stunningly beautiful environments as you'd expect and I love the combat.

It's a really good game, possibly the best one of the year so far.

ToxSocks 11-09-2020 10:55 AM

My wife and have bought copies of RDR2 (PC) and we played together online all weekend.

Godddamn that game is beautiful and immersive. Sometimes you forget until you go back...

Otter 11-12-2020 04:44 PM

This is not going to be an immersing, deep, experience but it may make you want to break out the old college bong and laugh your ass off and forget about 2020 for a bit...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Indian Chief 11-14-2020 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 15315705)
It's a really good game, possibly the best one of the year so far.

Yeah I think it's my GOTY.

BigBeauford 02-05-2021 09:40 AM

Who here plays Spelunky 2?

DJJasonp 02-05-2021 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 15528148)

I remember playing the original off a floppy disk in the mid 80s!! :)

Thanks for this - will probably check it out!

BigBeauford 02-05-2021 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 15528257)
I remember playing the original off a floppy disk in the mid 80s!! :)

Thanks for this - will probably check it out!

It's very much a roguelike (random floors, unforgiving health and damage situations). It is definitely not for the faint of heart: in fact, I think this could be the most difficult game I have ever played. If you want to play it coop sometime, let me know!

Imon Yourside 03-16-2021 06:03 PM

<iframe width="800" height="600" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="800" height="600" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Imon Yourside 04-04-2021 10:37 PM

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Pasta Little Brioni 04-06-2021 12:02 PM

Imon, career stat tracking have been added to Super Mega Baseball 3!

lcarus 04-06-2021 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pasta Little Brother (Post 15617331)
Imon, career stat tracking have been added to Super Mega Baseball 3!

Someone from CP introduced me to that game and I'm so glad. It's awesome fun. I started a franchise and spent like a whole night figuring out my team name, colors, uniform design, logo design, etc. I actually need to go back to that game. I haven't played it in a long while.

Imon Yourside 04-06-2021 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Pasta Little Brother (Post 15617331)
Imon, career stat tracking have been added to Super Mega Baseball 3!

Yes I love it! Just wish it went through the entire career only goes through the last 10 years, guess i'll have to utilize the screen cap function. :)

I'm trying to petition these dudes to make a badass football game.

htismaqe 04-06-2021 10:53 PM

And there goes another year of my life...

Sofa King 04-07-2021 01:14 PM

Wish Age of Empires 4 would show up too. Gonna be fun.

htismaqe 04-07-2021 01:20 PM

The original Rome Total War was probably the best entry in the entire series. Medieval 2 was great as well.

None of the modern games have really come close to matching those early experiences.

I can't wait to see this game remastered and updated. It should be so much better than Rome II.

tredadda 04-07-2021 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 15618539)
The original Rome Total War was probably the best entry in the entire series. Medieval 2 was great as well.

None of the modern games have really come close to matching those early experiences.

I can't wait to see this game remastered and updated. It should be so much better than Rome II.

I was a huge fan of the original Rome (so much so that I had actually gotten it on mobile) as well as Medieval 2 although I think I ended up getting the Total Realism mod for it which significantly changed the game.

htismaqe 04-07-2021 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 15618542)
I was a huge fan of the original Rome (so much so that I had actually gotten it on mobile) as well as Medieval 2 although I think I ended up getting the Total Realism mod for it which significantly changed the game.

I have the original for iPad but have never played it, just haven't had time given I want to finish up my PS4 games.

I played the original game forever on PC with the XGM mod and then after I switched to Mac, I helped the Feral team get some mods working on MacOS as well.

Speaking of Feral, they're part of the team doing this remaster. They have been porting games to MacOS and Linux for a while and are probably THE gaming company for MacOS. They bring a wealth of experience and some of the things they've done with the Total War series in terms of bug fixes and adjustments were really needed. They're an awesome company and because of them, I have very high hopes for this game.

PS: Feral is who ported Rome Total War to mobile. ;)

tredadda 04-07-2021 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 15618550)
I have the original for iPad but have never played it, just haven't had time given I want to finish up my PS4 games.

I played the original game forever on PC with the XGM mod and then after I switched to Mac, I helped the Feral team get some mods working on MacOS as well.

Speaking of Feral, they're part of the team doing this remaster. They have been porting games to MacOS and Linux for a while and are probably THE gaming company for MacOS. They bring a wealth of experience and some of the things they've done with the Total War series in terms of bug fixes and adjustments were really needed. They're an awesome company and because of them, I have very high hopes for this game.

PS: Feral is who ported Rome Total War to mobile. ;)

Yeah here's hoping they do great things with this. I had never heard of them until I got the mobile game. I would love it if they could port Medieval 2 to mobile as that would be phenomenal to have with me.

htismaqe 04-07-2021 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 15618587)
Yeah here's hoping they do great things with this. I had never heard of them until I got the mobile game. I would love it if they could port Medieval 2 to mobile as that would be phenomenal to have with me.

Honestly, the biggest reason I'm stoked that Feral is involved is that it will be released on MacOS. I don't play a lot of games on my iMac, which is a shame because it's a 27" 5K with 32GB of RAM and an 8GB Radeon Pro 580. I've had it since 2017 and never really tried to see what it could do.

tredadda 04-07-2021 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 15618592)
Honestly, the biggest reason I'm stoked that Feral is involved is that it will be released on MacOS. I don't play a lot of games on my iMac, which is a shame because it's a 27" 5K with 32GB of RAM and an 8GB Radeon Pro 580. I've had it since 2017 and never really tried to see what it could do.

I can see why then. I rarely play anything on a computer, mainly just my PS4. I like mobile apps for when I am places that I am forced to wait for a long time to do stuff.

htismaqe 04-07-2021 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 15618617)
I can see why then. I rarely play anything on a computer, mainly just my PS4. I like mobile apps for when I am places that I am forced to wait for a long time to do stuff.

That's me too. I use my Mac mostly for productivity and work. And Chiefsplanet of course.

Most of my gaming is either on my iPad or PS4.

tredadda 04-07-2021 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 15618642)
That's me too. I use my Mac mostly for productivity and work. And Chiefsplanet of course.

Most of my gaming is either on my iPad or PS4.

LMAO I work for the Government. I don't get fancy computers.

htismaqe 04-07-2021 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 15618646)
LMAO I work for the Government. I don't get fancy computers.


I work for a tech company and my customers are all Fed Gov.

tredadda 04-07-2021 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 15618661)

I work for a tech company and my customers are all Fed Gov.

I guess it depends on the agency then. No doubt the government buys top notch stuff, just most of it never filters down to the 90%+ of the people who could benefit.

htismaqe 04-07-2021 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 15618700)
I guess it depends on the agency then. No doubt the government buys top notch stuff, just most of it never filters down to the 90%+ of the people who could benefit.

Oh no, I work for a tech company. I consult for the Federal Government, they're my customer.

I have a ton of job security because most of the agencies I work with need tech. Some of them are literally FORTY YEARS behind the times. ROFL

tredadda 04-07-2021 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 15618708)
Oh no, I work for a tech company. I consult for the Federal Government, they're my customer.

I have a ton of job security because most of the agencies I work with need tech. Some of them are literally FORTY YEARS behind the times. ROFL

I just came from a place that has almost everyone on zero clients. Arguably the worst thing on the face of the earth. I felt special because I had a laptop, albeit an old one until they eventually upgraded key leaders to Surface Pros.

DJJasonp 04-07-2021 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 15617819)
Yes I love it! Just wish it went through the entire career only goes through the last 10 years, guess i'll have to utilize the screen cap function. :)

I'm trying to petition these dudes to make a badass football game.

I created a royals all star team and a Van Halen team (logo like Frankenstein guitar pattern).

Love this game. Add stadium builder and it might be best game ever!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Pants 04-07-2021 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 15618539)
The original Rome Total War was probably the best entry in the entire series. Medieval 2 was great as well.

None of the modern games have really come close to matching those early experiences.

I can't wait to see this game remastered and updated. It should be so much better than Rome II.

I would put Shogun 2 right up there.

Warhammer I and II are also excellent.

Pasta Little Brioni 04-08-2021 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 15619071)
I created a royals all star team and a Van Halen team (logo like Frankenstein guitar pattern).

Love this game. Add stadium builder and it might be best game ever!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Absolutely, needs more stadium variety/editing.

htismaqe 04-10-2021 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 15618531)
Wish Age of Empires 4 would show up too. Gonna be fun.

Ask and ye shall receive.

lcarus 04-10-2021 05:38 PM

A lot of PS2 games have gotten absurdly expensive on eBay in the past year or so. I was looking to rebuy all the Silent Hill games. Maybe some other games. I'm not paying 200 dollars for Silent Hill 3.

Sofa King 04-11-2021 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 15622202)

Woofta. Going to be a good winter. D2 and AOE 4? Sign me up. I still have a shit ton of other good games to play too.

Sofa King 04-11-2021 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 15622406)
A lot of PS2 games have gotten absurdly expensive on eBay in the past year or so. I was looking to rebuy all the Silent Hill games. Maybe some other games. I'm not paying 200 dollars for Silent Hill 3.

So you're saying it's a good time to try to sell all my PS2 games?

lcarus 04-11-2021 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 15622882)
So you're saying it's a good time to try to sell all my PS2 games?

I'd definitely look into it.

CasselGotPeedOn 04-11-2021 04:17 PM

Downloaded Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 for the PS4 the other day. What a fun trip down memory lane it's been. I haven't played a Tony Hawk game in probably 8+ years and forgot how much fun they are.

Imon Yourside 04-23-2021 02:07 AM

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This looks fun :)

CasselGotPeedOn 04-23-2021 09:43 AM

Horizon Zero Dawn free for PS4 and PS5 until May 14th.

Dayze 04-23-2021 01:09 PM

anyone hear of some game called 6 Days in Fallujah?

I didn't even know it was coming out; looks pretty fun; glad to see something non Call of Duty come out. / coming out.

Imon Yourside 04-24-2021 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 15641545)
anyone hear of some game called 6 Days in Fallujah?

I didn't even know it was coming out; looks pretty fun; glad to see something non Call of Duty come out. / coming out.

Ya i've heard about it, I'm not big on Military or realistic shooters but I love the fact everything is going to be procedurally generated.

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hammock Parties 04-26-2021 06:45 PM

The Solus Project

I don't want to give any spoilers because it is so ****ing amazing.

Basically the premise is you are on an expedition to find a habitable planet and humanity is a million light years away hoping you find something.

You find something. But can you survive it long enough to report back?

It's an exploration game with a great story and just enough survival gameplay to keep you on your toes. Atmospheric as ****. Great soundtrack. You'll get about 20 hours out of it, 30 if you want to explore every nook and cranny.

It left me wanting a lot more games like this, so I think next I'm going to try Subnautica.


Coach 04-26-2021 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 15618708)
Oh no, I work for a tech company. I consult for the Federal Government, they're my customer.

I have a ton of job security because most of the agencies I work with need tech. Some of them are literally FORTY YEARS behind the times. ROFL

Yeah, and even some even way beyond 40 years as well.

kcxiv 04-27-2021 09:12 PM

bought a series s because well, im mostly a PC gamer, so i said what the hell i want to play MLB the Show. Anyways, nifty little machine. Enjoying it so far, game pass ultimate is insane.

DJJasonp 05-02-2021 08:11 AM

Gotta get all my COD out of the way this week. Friday, Resident Evil Village drops.

Cant wait!

Rausch 05-03-2021 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 15646279)

It left me wanting a lot more games like this, so I think next I'm going to try Subnautica.


I'd highly recommend The Forest. I was addicted to that for a good 6 months after buying it.

BigBeauford 05-05-2021 02:17 PM

This game looks sick.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Beef Supreme 05-05-2021 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 15663245)
This game looks sick.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yeah, i think I'll be grabbing this one. Comes out at the end of the month.

Imon Yourside 05-05-2021 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 15663245)
This game looks sick.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I've been on the fence about it, gonna wait and make sure it's a finished product before buying.

BigBeauford 05-06-2021 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 15664043)
I've been on the fence about it, gonna wait and make sure it's a finished product before buying.

That's fair. I'm feeling like this is either going to be great or mediocre. It's hard to deny how compelling the combo of Zelda BOTW, Fable, and DMC looks to be here.

Imon Yourside 05-06-2021 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 15664175)
That's fair. I'm feeling like this is either going to be great or mediocre. It's hard to deny how compelling the combo of Zelda BOTW, Fable, and DMC looks to be here.

It looks like a lot of fun...but that's always the hook. It's single player so I don't need to buy on launch day I can wait to see how it gets reviewed BY ACTUAL players not by the gaming sites.

So much drama on releases right now, I bought Outriders and the community is really in love/hate mode and crying about everything. I mean it's kinda broken but ya the reactions are over the top too. I'm like hey guys go play something else until this is fixed, not the only game in the world. :)

lcarus 05-07-2021 12:09 PM

RE8 is pretty good so far. Really impressive graphics. The game is definitely influenced by RE4.

DJJasonp 05-07-2021 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 15665447)
RE8 is pretty good so far. Really impressive graphics. The game is definitely influenced by RE4.

purchased/downloaded at lunch - after work, it's on!

DJJasonp 05-08-2021 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 15665447)
RE8 is pretty good so far. Really impressive graphics. The game is definitely influenced by RE4.

Really liking it so far - played for 2+ hours last night.

I think I saw that I was 20% through??? I'm hoping it's not that short, as that would be a big disappointment. RE7 seem to have a good length to it, so I'm hoping for at least the same.


DJJasonp 05-09-2021 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 15665447)
RE8 is pretty good so far. Really impressive graphics. The game is definitely influenced by RE4.

not sure if you've made it this far yet, but:


lcarus 05-10-2021 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 15667578)
not sure if you've made it this far yet, but:


Yeah that was awesome. This game is really great so far. The part I left off at was


CasselGotPeedOn 05-11-2021 08:49 AM

Got Stranded Deep for free with PS Plus this month. Pretty damn addicting survival game.

Dayze 05-11-2021 08:59 AM

The wife went out of town last weekend, and before she left she ordered meMLB The Show 21 and it was delivered Saturday; I didn't even know she ordered it. So it was cool to have a surprise arrive.
I had been rocking The Show 18 for over a year since I picked it up used last year for like $15. Really enjoyed it.

Haven't had a chance to get too in the weeds with 21 yet, but like it so far. alittle disappointed that some of the career mode seems, basically, the same so far. some small changes, but overall, the feel is the same. Graphics look better; for some reason, the batting seems improved a tad. I'm still messing around with sliders and what not. But overall, it looks pretty great. Supposed to be rainy this weekend, so I'm thinking of having sort of a gaming weekend and really get in the weeds with it.

Imon Yourside 05-11-2021 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by CasselGotPeedOn (Post 15668908)
Got Stranded Deep for free with PS Plus this month. Pretty damn addicting survival game.

That's one of my favorite survival games, only gets better with age.

DJJasonp 05-11-2021 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 15667737)
Yeah that was awesome. This game is really great so far. The part I left off at was


I just finished that part, and now am headed to the:


Perineum Ripper 05-12-2021 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 15668919)
The wife went out of town last weekend, and before she left she ordered meMLB The Show 21 and it was delivered Saturday; I didn't even know she ordered it. So it was cool to have a surprise arrive.
I had been rocking The Show 18 for over a year since I picked it up used last year for like $15. Really enjoyed it.

Haven't had a chance to get too in the weeds with 21 yet, but like it so far. alittle disappointed that some of the career mode seems, basically, the same so far. some small changes, but overall, the feel is the same. Graphics look better; for some reason, the batting seems improved a tad. I'm still messing around with sliders and what not. But overall, it looks pretty great. Supposed to be rainy this weekend, so I'm thinking of having sort of a gaming weekend and really get in the weeds with it.

I have thought about picking this up, didn’t know if it was improved enough to update from 20 though.

Dayze 05-12-2021 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by mac459 (Post 15670377)
I have thought about picking this up, didn’t know if it was improved enough to update from 20 though.

Yeah, I'm not sure. I had been rolling with a pretty old '18 game; feels improved from that version; but not sure of 20 to 21.

some of the cut scenes on RTTS look/sound/feel dang near identical; (ie, when your coach/manager approaches you in the locker room)

Admittedly, I haven't played any other mode than RTTS thus far. probably check out march to October mode this week / weekend and see if that mode feels any differetn.

Frazod 05-14-2021 02:53 PM

Downloaded the remastered Mass Effect games and playing the original now. Looks great and fits correctly on my ultrawide monitor without any mods or tweaking that may or may not work or stop working for undetermined reasons (**** you Bethesda).

While the idea of paying $60 for stuff I've already paid for and had for years is a touch annoying, I must admit that I'm enjoying the hell out it. I still have the old strategy guides, too. :D

Imon Yourside 05-14-2021 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 15674322)
Downloaded the remastered Mass Effect games and playing the original now. Looks great and fits correctly on my ultrawide monitor without any mods or tweaking that may or may not work or stop working for undetermined reasons (**** you Bethesda).

While the idea of paying $60 for stuff I've already paid for and had for years is a touch annoying, I must admit that I'm enjoying the hell out it. I still have the old strategy guides, too. :D

After Anthem I'm not giving EA any more money, i'll wait for the free version. :) I've already paid for all the games and then a Wii version too. EA and Bioware are pretty much dead.

kcxiv 05-14-2021 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 15674355)
After Anthem I'm not giving EA any more money, i'll wait for the free version. :) I've already paid for all the games and then a Wii version too. EA and Bioware are pretty much dead.

with me now having an xbox series s and game pass ultimate, you get all of EA's games for free under that subscription. Been playing games i would never have played because that damn thing has so many games.

Hammock Parties 05-14-2021 07:17 PM

Have never played any Mass Effect games despite owning 1, 2 and Andromeda.

Not sure why I didn't buy 3.

Greatly looking forward to purchasing when the price drops. :D

DJJasonp 05-14-2021 07:37 PM

Finished RE Village this week. Really enjoyed it. As good or better than the last installment, and kept up the great/engaging storyline (with some good twists/easter eggs).

A lot of fun if you're a RE fan.

lcarus 05-14-2021 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 15674663)
Finished RE Village this week. Really enjoyed it. As good or better than the last installment, and kept up the great/engaging storyline (with some good twists/easter eggs).

A lot of fun if you're a RE fan.

Yeah I finally got around to beating it too. That final boss was a real ****.

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