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Hammock Parties 06-30-2015 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 11574832)
Thelma and Louise?

The two Asian gals from SHIELD?

Shitty ideas but I've got some good ones.

I think I'll go with Mary Poppins and make myself the lad.

Also thinking maybe Dr. Grant/Lex.

Great Expectations 06-30-2015 08:29 PM

What about making your dad Darth Vader as he is pulling the mask off and you could be Luke.

Or Goonies, your Mom as Mama, you can be Chunk, and your pops can be Jake.

Deberg_1990 06-30-2015 09:32 PM

Watched Nightcrawler on Netflix. Very entertaing. Gylenhall is an amazing actor.

Scathing critique of what local news has turned in to.

"If it bleeds it leads"

Hammock Parties 06-30-2015 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Great Expectations (Post 11574947)
What about making your dad Darth Vader as he is pulling the mask off and you could be Luke.

Or Goonies, your Mom as Mama, you can be Chunk, and your pops can be Jake.

You didn't even read the post.

Great Expectations 07-01-2015 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Stop, Chiefs (Post 11575112)
You didn't even read the post.

I thought it said that you were open to completely different ideas.

Great Expectations 07-01-2015 12:07 PM

Your mom could be Wendy Peffercorn and you could be Squintz at the pool.

Hammock Parties 07-01-2015 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Great Expectations (Post 11575775)
Your mom could be Wendy Peffercorn and you could be Squintz at the pool.

First off, I'm looking for a scene FOR MY OLDER SISTER. You would know that if you had actually read the post.

Second off, that's just ****ing creepy.

Great Expectations 07-01-2015 03:33 PM

Why don't you do your dad as Dr. Emmett Brown and yourself as Marty McFly?

There is probably something good from Little Miss Sunshine for what you need, but that might be too obscure for a family deal.

Hammock Parties 07-01-2015 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Great Expectations (Post 11576115)
Why don't you do your dad as Dr. Emmett Brown and yourself as Marty McFly?

There is probably something good from Little Miss Sunshine for what you need, but that might be too obscure for a family deal.




Anyway, going Mary Poppins I think, and maybe another one with Arya/The Hound. My little sister reminds me a LOT of Arya actually. I may do two of each now...

mikeyis4dcats. 07-01-2015 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Stop, Chiefs (Post 11572169)
So...I am getting my parents a little gag gift next month. Going to print out some photoshops I'm creating and frame them.

1. My youngest sister and mother into a scene from Aliens as Ripley and Newt.

2. My dad and I as Indiana Jones and Short Round.

3. My dad/mother and my older sister as ?????

I'm coming up blank on the third one. The best idea I've had is dad as Dr. Grant and sis as Lex, covering her mouth in the T-Rex/Jeep scene from Jurassic Park, but the only high-resolution photo I can find, there's a lot of rain and stuff covering the faces.

I'm also thinking of doing one with dad as Gandalf and my baby niece as one of the hobbits, but again...not finding a lot of great photos.

Honestly would like to do one with my mother again, instead.

So I'm open to ideas. Either a completely different idea or a photo I haven't found. Needs to be at least 1500x2000 or so for decent print quality at 8x10.

unlurking 07-01-2015 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Stop, Chiefs (Post 11576154)



Anyway, going Mary Poppins I think, and maybe another one with Arya/The Hound. My little sister reminds me a LOT of Arya actually. I may do two of each now...

Arya/Hound is cool.

Maybe older than you're looking for, but father/mentor/protector relationship...

Hammock Parties 07-01-2015 04:46 PM

Yes, too old. Lex is about the oldest I can go.

unlurking 07-01-2015 04:48 PM

For the niece there were a ton of cool baby scenes in Ghostbusters 2, but no high res images I found on a quick search. I like this one though...


unlurking 07-01-2015 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Stop, Chiefs (Post 11576259)
Yes, too old. Lex is about the oldest I can go.

Guess that rules out Labyrinth. Dad with Bowie's hair would probably be awesome though!

Maybe for the niece?

unlurking 07-01-2015 05:03 PM

Too violent?

unlurking 07-01-2015 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 11563810)
Just finished Blue Ruin.

Pretty damned good. It's a revenge flick but a revenge flick if the average person actually tried this $#it. Not Rambo or Ah-nold.

There were a few moments where I thought that's really dumb, why would you do that? It's not bad storytelling - he's just really bad at being a bad guy. Imagine a revenge story where the main character is a homeless man with no clue about guns or really even how to fight.

The guy that plays the main character does a great job and the whole no-name cast is solid.

I'd give it a 7.5 out of 10.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Love revenge flicks. Will have to check it out. Thanks.

Hammock Parties 07-01-2015 05:19 PM



unlurking 07-01-2015 05:26 PM

None whatsoever. Glad they might work!

Buehler445 07-06-2015 07:59 AM

Watched a couple movies this weekend.

Days of Future Past was....ambitious. And I thought it did a pretty nice job. It reset the franchise and did it pretty well. I don't think it was paradigm shifting, but it was a good use of time.

John Wick was pretty damned good. Better than I expected. Predictable, but good none the less. I'm no Keaneu fan, but he did good enough and the action was really good, which, let's face it, that's why that movie gets watched.

Escape Plan was fairly bad. But it was Stalone and Ahnold breaking out of jail. So meh. I was paying bills while I had it on, so it wasn't an all bad experience.

thabear04 07-06-2015 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 11582995)
Watched a couple movies this weekend.

Days of Future Past was....ambitious. And I thought it did a pretty nice job. It reset the franchise and did it pretty well. I don't think it was paradigm shifting, but it was a good use of time.

John Wick was pretty damned good. Better than I expected. Predictable, but good none the less. I'm no Keaneu fan, but he did good enough and the action was really good, which, let's face it, that's why that movie gets watched.

Escape Plan was fairly bad. But it was Stalone and Ahnold breaking out of jail. So meh. I was paying bills while I had it on, so it wasn't an all bad experience.

I didnt even know they are coming out with another Days of Future Past with Rogue

ThaVirus 07-06-2015 11:16 AM

Rogue can die of AIDS after the X Men trilogy

RobBlake 07-06-2015 11:22 AM

def love how the X men is going... the first introduction of the young x men was a great idea... last two movies have been great.

The Franchise 07-06-2015 01:33 PM

They have completely ****ed over the Rogue character.

Rausch 07-06-2015 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 11582995)
Watched a couple movies this weekend.

Days of Future Past was....ambitious. And I thought it did a pretty nice job. It reset the franchise and did it pretty well. I don't think it was paradigm shifting, but it was a good use of time.

It was the worst kind of stupid.

The actors were spot on. I really hope they hold on to the "young" X-Men cast, but that movie was complete $3it.

The whole thing was dumb as hell...

Rausch 07-06-2015 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 11583362)
They have completely ****ed over the characters.


Passepartout 07-07-2015 02:19 AM

Go and see Inside Out I give it 9/10! Cute movie, best for Pixar!

mr. tegu 07-07-2015 05:22 PM

Chappie was sort of okay.

patteeu 07-07-2015 05:34 PM

Both Chappie and Inside Out exceeded my relatively low expectations.

unlurking 07-07-2015 07:08 PM

Chappie was one of the few movies I had to turn off without finishing. Every 15 minutes I would say to myself, "It's got to get better. It sure as hell can't get any worse." I was wrong every time.

patteeu 07-07-2015 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by unlurking (Post 11585910)
Chappie was one of the few movies I had to turn off without finishing. Every 15 minutes I would say to myself, "It's got to get better. It sure as hell can't get any worse." I was wrong every time.

I'm guessing you probably won't like this much (NSFW):

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

unlurking 07-07-2015 09:38 PM

Love Die Antwoord. Movie sucked. They can't act, and the emotions are forced as hell. Expectations were just way too high I guess.

patteeu 07-07-2015 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by unlurking (Post 11586534)
Love Die Antwoord. Movie sucked. They can't act, and the emotions are forced as hell. Expectations were just way too high I guess.

They (and their music) are so weird that they're interesting to me.

Easy 6 07-08-2015 11:40 AM

The James Brown bio "Get On Up" is well worth your two hours, this Chadwick Boseman guy did a great job.

Highly recommended.

ThaVirus 07-09-2015 01:59 AM

Project Almanac was actually very entertaining but, like any time travel flick, you literally cannot think about it.

ThaVirus 07-09-2015 01:59 AM

*The NEW Movies Thread*
Dupe. ****ing phone..

ThaVirus 07-09-2015 06:41 PM

*The NEW Movies Thread*
I really wanted to like The Lazarus Effect but it just fell short. It raised too many questions and never really answered a single one.

Buehler445 07-10-2015 11:08 PM

Finally caught The Judge. It was very good. Probably not genre defining or era defining, but close. Excellent performances by Downey, Duvalle, and D'Onofrio. There was a lot of stuff they could have cut out, but I really think it would have damaged the story.

You definitely have to watch this in the correct state of mind. You don't need to tune in if you're wanting to watch dudes get hacked apart or shot up. This is not that kind of movie. It's also not a predictable feel good flick.

Definitely watch this movie.

In other news D'Onofrio is on fire, plus is one hell of an actor. To compare what he was in Daredevil versus the judge is remarkable.

-King- 07-11-2015 03:10 PM

Watched Ex Machina. Very good movie. I'd recommend it to anyone who's onto sci Fi.
Posted via Mobile Device

unlurking 07-11-2015 07:18 PM

Finally watched Kingsman. That church scene was awesome. And the mushroom cloud heads was hilarious. Very fun.

Hammock Parties 07-13-2015 11:49 PM

Just got my ticket for THE INDEPENDENCE DAY EXPERIENCE at Alamo Drafthouse on Saturday.

Apparently they set off pyrotechnics IN THE THEATER ROFL

Coochie liquor 07-16-2015 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Stop, Chiefs (Post 11597838)
Just got my ticket for THE INDEPENDENCE DAY EXPERIENCE at Alamo Drafthouse on Saturday.

Apparently they set off pyrotechnics IN THE THEATER ROFL

Sounds like a Great White time!!

Hammock Parties 07-16-2015 06:50 AM

Finally saw Tom Cruise's original big hit, All The Right Moves.

Rudy stole half the plot. LMAO

Also young, supple Lea Thompson...

Hammock Parties 07-16-2015 07:11 AM

Some other shit I watched:

Focus - thought it was much better than the reviews. Kept me entertained and satisfying ending. I'll watch anything with that blonde bitch. Don't even care about her name.

I Love You Man - hysterical.

The People vs George Lucas - highly recommended for Star Wars fans. Probably the best Star Wars documentary I've seen.

Feast of Love - Made me ball like a bitch. One of Morgan Freeman's best performances. Stana Katic as a lesbian is lots of fun.

The Nightmare - Incredible documentary about sleep paralysis. Terrifying, to be honest.

Hammock Parties 07-17-2015 09:39 AM

Everyone Says I Love You: A musical fantasy in which Woody Allen beds both Goldie Hawn AND Julia Roberts in one lifetime. :rolleyes:

Hammock Parties 07-17-2015 10:03 AM

This should be interesting.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

eDave 07-17-2015 12:17 PM

Check this:

<iframe width="630" height="355" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The Franchise 07-17-2015 12:20 PM

Leo AND Tom Hardy? I'm ****ing in.

The Franchise 07-17-2015 12:21 PM

And just in case anyone cares about what it's about.


Inspired by true events, THE REVENANT captures one man's epic adventure of survival and the extraordinary power of the human spirit. In an expedition of the uncharted American wilderness, legendary explorer Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) is brutally attacked by a bear and left for dead by members of his own hunting team. In a quest to survive, Glass endures unimaginable grief as well as the betrayal of his confidant John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy). Guided by sheer will and the love of his family, Glass must navigate a vicious winter in a relentless pursuit to live and find redemption.

Rausch 07-17-2015 12:31 PM

Watched "FAULTS" on Netflix.

Nothing all that new but an enjoyable time killer. Nice twist.

I prefer "The Sound Of My Voice" for the same type of film but if you have Netflix it's free and worth a watch...

unlurking 07-17-2015 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 11603499)
And just in case anyone cares about what it's about.

Was going to ask, thanks! lol

Hammock Parties 07-18-2015 09:43 AM

This is great. Taylor Schilling is such a slut in it.

BigMeatballDave 07-18-2015 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Stop, Chiefs (Post 11604746)
This is great. Taylor Schilling is such a slut in it.

That was a good show. I was pissed when I heard that they cancelled it.

BigMeatballDave 07-18-2015 02:03 PM

Just finished watching Gone Girl. Very good.

BWillie 07-18-2015 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 11593189)
Watched Ex Machina. Very good movie. I'd recommend it to anyone who's onto sci Fi.
Posted via Mobile Device

Yeah just saw it would highly recommend.

Ceej 07-18-2015 10:39 PM

Paul Blart 2 isn't even worth a Redbox rental.

Fish 07-18-2015 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ceej (Post 11605883)
Paul Blart 2 isn't even worth a Redbox rental.

No way!! Can't be true.......

hometeam 07-19-2015 12:22 AM

I watched Joe Dirt 2.

And.. its pretty much what you think it is.

Ceej 07-19-2015 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 11605885)
No way!! Can't be true.......

I don't mind Kevin James, and MC1 was okay.

KCUnited 07-19-2015 07:09 AM

Finally caught Whiplash last night. While I thought the ending was well done, I was really hoping the kid was going to make splintered drumstick Sybian and machine gun rape ol boy to death with it.

Good movie nonetheless.

Hammock Parties 07-19-2015 10:54 AM

Knight and Day with Tom Cruise...seriously underrated movie. Loved the running of the bulls scene. Cameron Diaz was hot as ****.

I'd watch some more movies with that character.

stumppy 07-19-2015 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 11593189)
Watched Ex Machina. Very good movie. I'd recommend it to anyone who's onto sci Fi.
Posted via Mobile Device

I'll second that. Pretty decent flick.

Buehler445 07-19-2015 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Stop, Chiefs (Post 11606135)
Knight and Day with Tom Cruise...seriously underrated movie. Loved the running of the bulls scene. Cameron Diaz was hot as ****.

I'd watch some more movies with that character.

Man, I really hate that movie. Cruise was horrible, the stunts were worse. The only good thing about it was Cameron Diaz being hot and wearing short assed skirts.

Hammock Parties 07-19-2015 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 11606246)
Man, I really hate that movie. Cruise was horrible, the stunts were worse. The only good thing about it was Cameron Diaz being hot and wearing short assed skirts.

LOL come on. The stunts were awesome. Especially the scene with the bulls. ROFL

BWillie 07-19-2015 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 11606246)
Man, I really hate that movie. Cruise was horrible, the stunts were worse. The only good thing about it was Cameron Diaz being hot and wearing short assed skirts.

Tom Cruise is no longer overrated. Hes so universal hated hes reached Nickelback territory where hes now underrated

Bowser 07-19-2015 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 11606816)
Tom Cruise is no longer overrated. Hes so universal hated hes reached Nickelback territory where hes now underrated

That stunt he pulls in the upcoming Mission Impossible movie is just nuts. I don't care if he's duct taped and stapled to that plane, that some ****ing cojones to ride the outside of the plane during takeoff.

RobBlake 07-19-2015 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 11606816)
Tom Cruise is no longer overrated. Hes so universal hated hes reached Nickelback territory where hes now underrated

some people can't separate what he does on screen to his personal life.

ThaVirus 07-19-2015 04:28 PM

Cruise and Diaz are probably my two least favorite actors. They have two movies together, I believe.

They both suck.

KevB 07-19-2015 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 11593189)
Watched Ex Machina. Very good movie. I'd recommend it to anyone who's onto sci Fi.
Posted via Mobile Device

I'll also recommend this. Rented last night and had high expectations. It met them, excellent film IMO.

Deberg_1990 07-19-2015 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 11606984)
That stunt he pulls in the upcoming Mission Impossible movie is just nuts. I don't care if he's duct taped and stapled to that plane, that some ****ing cojones to ride the outside of the plane during takeoff.

Agreed. Dude has huge balls.

If it was that easy, then other top actors would be doing it too.

NewChief 07-20-2015 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Stop, Chiefs (Post 11601756)
Some other shit I watched:

The Nightmare - Incredible documentary about sleep paralysis. Terrifying, to be honest.

I watched this last night. Pretty crazy "horror documentary."

I mean, I was learning a lot and highly entertained, but I was also scared as SHIT that I was going to develop sleep paralysis as a result of watching it. It just seems entirely plausible that you could watch that and subconsciously the seeds be planted for it.

It even has that point where the guy is talking about the girl he told about it texting him and letting him know that she now had it.

Anyway, I slept fine last night... thank God.

Rausch 07-20-2015 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 11607648)
I watched this last night. Pretty crazy "horror documentary."

I mean, I was learning a lot and highly entertained, but I was also scared as SHIT that I was going to develop sleep paralysis as a result of watching it. It just seems entirely plausible that you could watch that and subconsciously the seeds be planted for it.

It even has that point where the guy is talking about the girl he told about it texting him and letting him know that she now had it.

Anyway, I slept fine last night... thank God.

I can think of about 5 or 6 episodes in my adult life where I've had this. Different levels of it - mostly just creepy and not horrifying.

It also explains my very vivid nightmares as a child. I'd guess it might be like sleep walking where it was very common for me as a child and as I grew older it slowly went away...

NewChief 07-20-2015 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 11607749)
I can think of about 5 or 6 episodes in my adult life where I've had this. Different levels of it - mostly just creepy and not horrifying.

It also explains my very vivid nightmares as a child. I'd guess it might be like sleep walking where it was very common for me as a child and as I grew older it slowly went away...

Yeah. The people in the documentary suffer from some pretty debilitating levels of it, and they all have very specific common themes running through the sleep paralysis episodes that are really intriguing and horrific. They also all have different ways of explaining and coping with their conditions.

Hammock Parties 07-20-2015 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 11607648)
I watched this last night. Pretty crazy "horror documentary."

I mean, I was learning a lot and highly entertained, but I was also scared as SHIT that I was going to develop sleep paralysis as a result of watching it. It just seems entirely plausible that you could watch that and subconsciously the seeds be planted for it.

It even has that point where the guy is talking about the girl he told about it texting him and letting him know that she now had it.

Anyway, I slept fine last night... thank God.

Yes I've actually been terrified at night now. But, I sleep on my side, so I know I will never have paralysis.

-King- 07-21-2015 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 11607648)
I watched this last night. Pretty crazy "horror documentary."

I mean, I was learning a lot and highly entertained, but I was also scared as SHIT that I was going to develop sleep paralysis as a result of watching it. It just seems entirely plausible that you could watch that and subconsciously the seeds be planted for it.

It even has that point where the guy is talking about the girl he told about it texting him and letting him know that she now had it.

Anyway, I slept fine last night... thank God.

I've had it 3 or 4 times. The first time I was honestly scared as shit. Most scared I've ever been in my life. I was 100% sure I was going to die. 2nd time I knew what was going on and was trying to call for someone to come fully wake me up. I've heard about some people having it for 15+ minutes. I can't even begin to imagine how scary and sucky that must be.

KC_Lee 07-22-2015 07:45 AM

New trailer out of the next James Bond movie.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

frankotank 07-22-2015 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 11609408)
I've had it 3 or 4 times. The first time I was honestly scared as shit. Most scared I've ever been in my life. I was 100% sure I was going to die. 2nd time I knew what was going on and was trying to call for someone to come fully wake me up. I've heard about some people having it for 15+ minutes. I can't even begin to imagine how scary and sucky that must be.

good LORD!
so so SO glad I read all the comments on this damn thing....cause I LOVE me some horror movies and I'm afraid that I'da stumbled into this and watched it.

well **** THAT SHIT! :shake:


ToxSocks 07-22-2015 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Stop, Chiefs (Post 11601756)
Some other shit I watched:

The Nightmare - Incredible documentary about sleep paralysis. Terrifying, to be honest.

Oh man. I have an old hippy buddy that suffers from that. Symptoms of too much drug experimentation in the 60's/70's? I don't know, but the shit he describes sounds ****ing nuts.

NewChief 07-22-2015 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 11611955)
Oh man. I have an old hippy buddy that suffers from that. Symptoms of too much drug experimentation in the 60's/70's? I don't know, but the shit he describes sounds ****ing nuts.

The craziness is the similarities for all of these people. They all see and experience very similar things and have even before they knew anything about their condition (so it can't be explained by them reading about what people experience, then inserting that into the experience).

Some of the people have very elaborate and detailed characters and "plots" around their episodes. It's also a really interesting documentary in that it actually IS a horror movie in that it will scare/creep the shit out of you while you're watching it while never really breaking the conventions of the genre (it's not the Blair Witch project or some other fakeumentary).

ThaVirus 07-30-2015 02:15 PM

*The NEW Movies Thread*
I watched the original Alien yesterday.

I can see how it was critically acclaimed in a different era. Although I already knew the outcome, they did a good job of setting up suspense and intrigue.

With that said, thank God for modern advances in costume design, animatronics, and CGI. The Alien was so obviously a man in a poorly designed suit that it was distracting. The scene where you can see the obvious swap between Ash's robotic head and his real head was the most egregious. It reminded me of Arnie taking off his sunglasses in the original Terminator.

Their idea of future tech is also pretty hilarious. These boxy 70s-esque computers and operating systems on a supposedly interstellar-capable spacecraft just makes you laugh. They can terraform planets 40 light-years away but their rendition of a motion detector is a leaf-blower that can only detect movement from about 10 feet away.

Prometheus is supposedly set in the same universe and as a prequel to Alien but their tech is vastly superior. It's just me nitpicking, I know- I just found it funny. That movie definitely wasn't intended to be viewed for the first time nearly 40 years after its creation. I suppose some douchey little kid will watch Prometheus in 40 years and laugh at the idea of 3-D holograms.

All in all it was a good experience. It was cool to see the space jockey and derelict spaceship.

ThaVirus 07-30-2015 02:18 PM

*The NEW Movies Thread*
Now I'm watching Aliens.

The Alien costumes/animatronics are well done but holy hell this thing's got 1980s written all over it.

Love me some Bill Paxton freak outs though. "GAME OVER, MAN! GAME OVER!"

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