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GloucesterChief 04-30-2016 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 12207721)
I asked in the PS4 Discussion thread and didn't get any feedback so I'll ask again here: anyone play Smite?

On Xbone.

Simply Red 04-30-2016 01:58 PM

I hocked my xbox1 since I never found a game even remotely close to the level I enjoyed Dying Light.

Gonzo 04-30-2016 09:19 PM

Just got to Lothric castle. What a bitch.

Mother****erJones 05-01-2016 02:08 AM

Trying to knock out Witcher before I go get DS3 next Friday.

Absolutely love Witcher 3.

ThaVirus 05-01-2016 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 12207746)
On Xbone.

So what's the aim of the game? I've been playing mostly arena with a little bit of conquest. It seems every match your character starts over at level 1. What am I building toward?

And is there any way to unlock new gods without having to pay?

GloucesterChief 05-01-2016 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 12209824)
So what's the aim of the game? I've been playing mostly arena with a little bit of conquest. It seems every match your character starts over at level 1. What am I building toward?

And is there any way to unlock new gods without having to pay?

Depends on the god, each has a role that they fit well in. Arena and Joust starts at 4, Conquest at 1, and Siege and Assault at 5. The worshipers you get build towards mastery of the god which just unlocks new skins to buy at 1,5, and 10. Get to level 30 and master to level 1 at least 12 gods and you get to play ranked which unlocks new skins and such. It is just a multiplayer competitive game.

You get favor and gems just for signing in everyday and also for playing. You can buy gods with either but you get much more favor than gems. I would recommend to play Arena first to get the idea of abilities and what play style fits you best. I started out with Neith and then went on to play Ymir, Chang'e, Chaac, and Hun Batz mostly.

I do recommend starting with a Hunter first as they are pretty straight forward and have decent protection. All the other classes take some more experience to play decently with.

ThaVirus 05-01-2016 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 12210055)
Depends on the god, each has a role that they fit well in. Arena and Joust starts at 4, Conquest at 1, and Siege and Assault at 5. The worshipers you get build towards mastery of the god which just unlocks new skins to buy at 1,5, and 10. Get to level 30 and master to level 1 at least 12 gods and you get to play ranked which unlocks new skins and such. It is just a multiplayer competitive game.

You get favor and gems just for signing in everyday and also for playing. You can buy gods with either but you get much more favor than gems. I would recommend to play Arena first to get the idea of abilities and what play style fits you best. I started out with Neith and then went on to play Ymir, Chang'e, Chaac, and Hun Batz mostly.

I do recommend starting with a Hunter first as they are pretty straight forward and have decent protection. All the other classes take some more experience to play decently with.

Ah, ok. I tend to like games you can customize and build your characters as you go so I was having trouble with the fact that levels reset before each match.

I've been having the most fun with Arena at the moment. I'm partial to the assassins or mages, although I still suck with mages. I can generally get something like 15ish kills with 3-4ish deaths with Thor or Thanatos. If I'm using Ra or Poseidon I'm generally just rolling support so I'll tend to end up with a low kill count but a **** ton of assists.

I've tried out a couple guardians but am not really a fan. I can do well with Ymir but Sobek blows dicks. Haven't liked any warriors yet either. I've yet to try out any hunters but it seems people who use Artemis go hard as **** so I'll try Neith out.

GloucesterChief 05-01-2016 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 12210094)
Ah, ok. I tend to like games you can customize and build your characters as you go so I was having trouble with the fact that levels reset before each match.

I've been having the most fun with Arena at the moment. I'm partial to the assassins or mages, although I still suck with mages. I can generally get something like 15ish kills with 3-4ish deaths with Thor or Thanatos. If I'm using Ra or Poseidon I'm generally just rolling support so I'll tend to end up with a low kill count but a **** ton of assists.

I've tried out a couple guardians but am not really a fan. I can do well with Ymir but Sobek blows dicks. Haven't liked any warriors yet either. I've yet to try out any hunters but it seems people who use Artemis go hard as **** so I'll try Neith out.

Ra is great at assault and joust. Zeus, Nox, Janus, and Chang'e are good all arounders. Really the only so-so mage is Agni.

With assassins it depends. A tank heavy team can roll most assassins and assassins are pretty horrible at Assault with a few exceptions in Awilx and Kali.

Artemis is one of the better Hunters due to her roots and stuns along with Neith (two roots and can heal herself), Skadi (ice patch, Kalder, and slows) and Xbalanque (puts out the most damage of any hunter and a full team stun as an ult).

Sobek is one of the worse Guardians along with Sylvanus and Xing Tian. Though Xing Tian is nigh unkillable. Ymir, Baccahus, Athena, Ares, and Cabrakan are really good particularly in Assault.

ThaVirus 05-01-2016 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by GloucesterChief (Post 12210124)
Ra is great at assault and joust. Zeus, Nox, Janus, and Chang'e are good all arounders. Really the only so-so mage is Agni.

With assassins it depends. A tank heavy team can roll most assassins and assassins are pretty horrible at Assault with a few exceptions in Awilx and Kali.

Artemis is one of the better Hunters due to her roots and stuns along with Neith (two roots and can heal herself) and Xbalanque (puts out the most damage of any hunter).

Kali. That slut wrecks my life every time I meet her. She attacks so quickly.

GloucesterChief 05-01-2016 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 12210127)
Kali. That slut wrecks my life every time I meet her. She attacks so quickly.

She is an all or nothing assassin. She really doesn't have an escape so she will either have a great game or a horrible one.

Buck 05-01-2016 10:17 PM

All Things Video Games & Game Reviews Part II
Edit: The following is about Dark Souls 3

So I just got past the dancer. All of the sudden my game is hiccuping a lot. I thought it might be a memory leak since I had been playing all day, but I restarted the game and it's still there. Maybe I'll turn down my settings, but my PC shouldn't have a problem running the game on high.

Anyway, this game is ****ing good. I haven't been playing on week nights because I feel like only having 3 hours I might not advance at all. I'm not great, but I'm moving along.

Buck 05-01-2016 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12209394)
Just got to Lothric castle. What a bitch.

Hey me too. I got to a part where there are 2 dragons just past a bonfire and I called it for the night. Didn't even want to try.

Gonzo 05-02-2016 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 12211488)
Hey me too. I got to a part where there are 2 dragons just past a bonfire and I called it for the night. Didn't even want to try.

That is exactly where I left off. I took one look at the enemies in the area and said **** it... I'll tackle that shit later.

Sassy Squatch 05-02-2016 09:28 AM

Restarted and used a trick to beat the Dancer at starting level. Running through that hellhole for the upgrade materials was a nightmare, but I had a +9 weapon before Vordt. Kind of wish I didn't do that, because the game is a joke until Pontiff Sulyvahn reminds you that you're his bitch.

allen_kcCard 05-02-2016 09:42 AM

I'm really liking Dark Souls 3 too. I'm trying to avoid using internet too much to figure out things, but I did end up using it for the very first tutorial boss because I initially missed the usefulness of locking my target on. I accidentally saw how to beat that fire breathing dragon, but otherwise I've worked my way through pretty much everything else. Although I'm only on path of sacrifice so far.

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