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temper11 01-24-2018 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 13379499)
The argument in introducing the kamikaze strategy is why didn't they do it to the death star or starkiller or whatever.

The statement you quoted was the only real way around that is 1. Nobody thought of it, which is lame. or 2. It would cost too much to outfit a kamikaze ship to destroy.

I'm sure hyperdrives cost money and I'm sure the marginal increase in power to move a big ship like the one Hondo used vs a smaller ship with Hyperdrive like an X wing or something. So more mass = more power to get to hyperspace. That would lead to the marginal cost of moving a unit of mass to hyperspace probably is pretty high.

Look at a semi truck vs a pickup truck vs a car. The cost per unit torque between a car and a pickup isn't that much, but as you get heavier, the cost per unit torque between a pickup and a semi is pretty high. Meaning the marginal cost (cost to move up one unit) gets pretty high as you get heavier.

So it is feasible that the hyperdrives for big ships are just too expensive to procure, but that's pretty out there. It's far more likely that it is just a big assed plot hole.

Here is some reading on Marginal costs if your're interested.

Ah... thanks for fleshing that out. I see what you are getting at now. And while it's the best argument I've seen for it yet, I don't think it really works however as an explanation because, as has been mentioned here, the two supporting ships that run out of fuel during the chase would surely have been better spent in a kamikaze attempt instead of just being left to drift and sacrificed. The loss and cost of those hyperdrives were going to have to be absorbed regardless. Especially considering the captains (or at least the one captain) stays behind anyway. So I still don't buy that explanation, and this is coming from someone who want's there to be a valid explanation to this hole.

I kind of absolve Johnson for this plot hole however. This will probably piss people off, and that is not my intention, but here is my reasoning... why haven't any of us, or any of the previous directors, thought of hyperspace kamikaze as a possible weapon before? In real-life, Nuclear weapons exist, but all sides seem to for the most part understand that the use of those weapons are so devastating, harmful and potentially mutually destructive, that no one dares use them (anymore), and we all understand why we don't dare use them.

Han establishes right in the very first movie that light speed travel is dangerous and destructive if not done right or rushed.

("Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova, and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?")

If that's true, then when faced with certain annihilation, why didn't anyone attempt a suicide jump at the Deathstar to save the resistance? If it was too easy of a solution for the resistance to use and therefore not included as an option within the SW universe, the question should have been asked and answered right then and there in episode 4 so we could all understand, as we do with Nukes, why they aren't to be used except in the most extreme of circumstances. For example:

("Han, remember what you told me about jumping to hyperspace? Even a small X-wing might be able to disable that dish long enough to allow the resistance to evacuate the planet and escape!"

"Luke, we can't do that, it would tear a whole in space", OR "create a worm hole", OR "destroy the hyperspace lane forever", OR, "turn us all into tribbles...") or something, anything.

And that would have settled it. We would return to episode 9 and see the fallout of Holdo's maneuver - and while it saved what remained of the resistance, we'd see the steep cost of that act.

But it was never asked and never answered. So the use of the hyperspace kamikaze here in TLJ didn't create a plot hole IMO, it merely exposed one.

temper11 01-24-2018 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Red Brooklyn (Post 13379814)
I've been really impressed with all of Rian's responses, too. Love or hate the movie, it's clear that he really put a lot of thought into all the choices he made.

agreed. Every post-release interview, he's been really on-point with the explanations of why he did things and how he saw the characters play out. He was not at all flippant with this story and his vision. And I don't think was actively trying to anger fans or "shit all over them" as many claim he did. As a life-long fan himself, this is how he saw the story going and he was the one picked to tell it. :clap:

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2018 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 13379873) actually liked The Boss Baby?

Yeah, I thought it was great. I love Baldwin's schtick and I found it to be very creative (I don't want to give anything away). The ending was super fun, too.

The Boss Baby was also nominated for Oscar for Best Animated Film but I think Coco wins it because its story was even better, IMO, and the animation was just stunning. I've never seen anything like it before.

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2018 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13379903)
agreed. Every post-release interview, he's been really on-point with the explanations of why he did things and how he saw the characters play out. He was not at all flippant with this story and his vision. And I don't think was actively trying to anger fans or "shit all over them" as many claim he did. As a life-long fan himself, this is how he saw the story going and he was the one picked to tell it. :clap:

Well, I hope he's happy with a -$700 million dollar drop as compared to the previous film and the fact that anyone over the age of 45 that I've spoken to about the film thought it sucked ass.

If the adults aren't into it, they're not taking their kids to future films, either.

Congrats, Rian!

temper11 01-24-2018 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13379939)
Well, I hope he's happy with a -$700 million dollar drop as compared to the previous film and the fact that anyone over the age of 45 that I've spoken to about the film thought it sucked ass.

If the adults aren't into it, they're not taking their kids to future films, either.

Congrats, Rian!

There are a lot of factors of why this movie hasn't done as well as TFA. A split decision from the fans is certainly part of that. But it isn't the only part. I don't claim to know what Disney was hoping to get monetarily out of this movie or how disappointed they are with the returns. That will work itself out I guess. They'll pull the new trilogy from him if they are that upset by it. But I'm not going to concern myself with that. I loved the movie, and like it more each time I see it, and I applaud him for the work he did on it. And believe that it deserves to be seen. I've seen many people decide not to go, and form their own opinions, simply because of the hate from others. And that's their choice too I guess. This isn't something either of us can win. It just is... it's a movie in a series of movies.

I'm sorry you didn't like it Dane. I'm sorry your kids didn't like it. My little girls really did. And my 8 year old hasn't really been that big of a star wars fan. This one brought her a bit more on board.

Congrats, Rian!

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2018 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13379975)
There are a lot of factors of why this movie hasn't done as well as TFA.

You have absolutely no clue. You don't work in the entertainment business on any level, you don't understand box office receipts, you don't understand how this has thrown a wrench into Disney's grand plans for Star Wars and the new Star Wars sections at Disneyland and Disneyworld.

Nothing. Nada. Zero. You're just a guy on the internet that reads fan sites that you agree with and parrot their conclusion(s).

It doesn't matter whether or not *I* personally liked the film. The results are disastrous for Disney.

cosmo20002 01-24-2018 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13379600)
I'm glad for you that you enjoyed the film.

This will be the first Star Wars film that I will not purchase on DVD/BluRay/Digital and it's extremely likely that I'll never watch it again. My enthusiasm for Episode IX is at an all time low and I'm expecting Solo to suck so bad that Disney will be forced to make changes at Lucasfilm.

This new trilogy has completely sucked the life out of me as a Star Wars fan, so much so that I couldn't give a rat's ass about the final 7 episodes of Star Wars Rebels or any new Star Wars television properties.

JFC...Dane's about to off himself.

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2018 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 13380054)
JFC...Dane's about to off himself.

I've come to the conclusion that if I read your comments as a parody or trolling, they're inoffensive.

Chazno 01-24-2018 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 13380054)
JFC...Dane's about to off himself.

In that case, I just wanted to say I loved the movie. I saw it 3 times. I liked it more each time. I am thinking I'll go see it again before it leaves theaters... at least once.

cosmo20002 01-24-2018 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13379990)
You have absolutely no clue. You don't work in the entertainment business on any level, you don't understand box office receipts, you don't understand how this has thrown a wrench into Disney's grand plans for Star Wars and the new Star Wars sections at Disneyland and Disneyworld.

Nothing. Nada. Zero. You're just a guy on the internet that reads fan sites that you agree with and parrot their conclusion(s).

It doesn't matter whether or not *I* personally liked the film. The results are disastrous for Disney.

Dane simply won't acknowledge that Ep. VII was an unprecedented, historic event with it being 10 years since the previous SW movie, and 32 years since we last saw the original main characters.
VIII is the third SW movie in two years, no Han, and many thought VII was just a rehash of IV.
No one on Earth, except Dane, thought the box office would be anything like VII.

temper11 01-24-2018 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13379990)
You have absolutely no clue. You don't work in the entertainment business on any level, you don't understand box office receipts, you don't understand how this has thrown a wrench into Disney's grand plans for Star Wars and the new Star Wars sections at Disneyland and Disneyworld.

Nothing. Nada. Zero. You're just a guy on the internet that reads fan sites that you agree with and parrot their conclusion(s).

It doesn't matter whether or not *I* personally liked the film. The results are disastrous for Disney.

And along comes Dane with his insults. I'm just a guy that reads fan sites that I agree with? Wut? I've read a ton of sites/posts and listened to vids from both sides, including just about every single one of your posts, because I find the discussion interesting and entertaining. That's the point of discussion site.

If the results are as disastrous to Disney as you claim, then they possibly shouldn't have just left every decision in the movie to Johnson and focus-grouped the shit out of the thing! But they didn't. That's not Johnson's fault. He made the movie he believed in. Disney will do what Disney will do with the result. I doubt they are going to just pull up stakes on the work they've done in Disneyland, and I seriously doubt ticket sales at the park will suffer at all for it. Or maybe they will... I DON'T CLAIM TO KNOW. I'm just a guy who is an expert in MY OWN FREAKIN' OPINION and am trying to engage in polite discussion with other people who want to exchange ideas about a movie that we saw.

Why don't you go to a board that just has all of your expert hollywood buddies on it, as you seem to be the only one here that you deem qualified to speak on the matter?

Please freakin' put me on ignore.

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2018 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13380103)
And along comes Dane with his insults.

It's not an insult, it's the truth. Why are you insulted?

RINGLEADER, who also works in this business, has been very critical as well.

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2018 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 13380086)
No one on Earth, except Dane, thought the box office would be anything like VII.

Wrong, Lady. This is NOT the result that Disney was expecting.

If you think that Disney cleared 14 acres at Disneyland (their biggest expansion ever) and Disney World in favor of a Star Wars Land that is centered around Poe, Finn, Rey, Ren and BB8, only to see disappointing box office results (and issue after issue with directors, screenwriters and the Solo film), you're very mistaken.

DaneMcCloud 01-24-2018 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13380103)
Why don't you go to a board that just has all of your expert hollywood buddies on it, as you seem to be the only one here that you deem qualified to speak on the matter?

Please freakin' put me on ignore.


cosmo20002 01-24-2018 03:22 PM

I'll also add that all the complaints about Rey being too skilled in the Force--that firmly started in Ep. VII. She was bending minds and kicking ass with the light saber. If her skills are what ruined VIII for you, you forgot that you're suppose to hate VII for that same reason as well.

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