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Saulbadguy 10-06-2011 09:13 AM

Tulsa World guy...

DaveSittler Dave Sittler
Source: On the Big 12- "Be on your toes ALL MORNING. Two separate announcements, probably within hours."

ChiTown 10-06-2011 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by mnchiefsguy (Post 7971908)
Sorry, I did read that, but was focusing more on the OU/Texas part. The MWC part seemed so far out of left field that I did not give it any consideration.


Take a break from all of this. It's rotting your brain.

BTW, GregSwine said, MVC, not MWC. An even bigger WTF;)

mnchiefsguy 10-06-2011 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy (Post 7971898)
mnchiefsguy has outed himself as a dumbass. He can join Stewie and HHG at the back of the room.

Just focused on the part of the quote that was in the realm of possibility. Chitown did not specify that he was laughing at that particular part, and I was curious if he actually thought Texas would give up Tier 3 rights to another conference where it would tougher for them to get to the national championship game, when they won't do that for the conference that they are in.

You can join Stewie and HHG at the back of the room, you ****ing dumbass.

eazyb81 10-06-2011 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy (Post 7971909)
Mengus22 Mark Ennis
Oh boy. RT @DaveSittler: Source: Big 12 will have two separate announcements today, perhaps late morning. Let the guessing begin.

OU announces it is a "proud member of the Big 12".

mnchiefsguy 10-06-2011 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by ChiTown (Post 7971922)

Take a break from all of this. It's rotting your brain.

BTW, GregSwine said, MVC, not MWC. An even bigger WTF;)

Holy shit. I think my brain just automatically assumed that was a typo.

Saulbadguy 10-06-2011 09:16 AM


ChipBrownOB Chip Brown
Sources tell OB Big 12 presidents voted this morning to invite TCU and have formally agreed to grant rights on Tier 1 and 2 TV for 6 yrs.

ChiTown 10-06-2011 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7971926)
OU announces it is a "proud member of the Big 12..........FOR NOW".


mnchiefsguy 10-06-2011 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Saulbadguy (Post 7971931)

ChipBrownOB Chip Brown
Sources tell OB Big 12 presidents voted this morning to invite TCU and have formally agreed to grant rights on Tier 1 and 2 TV for 6 yrs.

What exactly does this roast? TCU was on the list of schools to potentially be invited. As to the granting of the rights, I thought all of the schools were different, as in some schools had to have their curators formally vote to grant rights, while some schools allowed their Presidents autonomy to do so.

Frazod 10-06-2011 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by ChiTown (Post 7971913)
Mizzou fans are too close to the situation right now. I think the whole lot of them could use a timeout.

Please. There's enough butthurt flowing out of Kansas to keep Preparation H in business for next 1,000 years.

Saulbadguy 10-06-2011 09:20 AM


DaKCMan AP 10-06-2011 09:20 AM

LOL @ TCU potentially leaving the Big East and paying a $5 million exit fee before officially playing a game while in the conference.

eazyb81 10-06-2011 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 7971940)
Please. There's enough butthurt flowing out of Kansas to keep Preparation H in business for next 1,000 years.


mnchiefsguy 10-06-2011 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by DaKCMan AP (Post 7971944)
LOL @ TCU potentially leaving the Big East and paying a $5 million exit fee before officially playing a game while in the conference.

I could understand them doing it. TCU's top priority is getting into a conference that is a BCS AQ. Long term it would be worth the cost, if the BIG XII stays together.

And since the Big East will probably lose AQ status if things keep up, this would be a positive move for them. Plus travel would be easier too.

DaKCMan AP 10-06-2011 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by mnchiefsguy (Post 7971951)
I could understand them doing it. TCU's top priority is getting into a conference that is a BCS AQ. Long term it would be worth the cost, if the BIG XII stays together.

I get it, but it's still funny.

mnchiefsguy 10-06-2011 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by DaKCMan AP (Post 7971954)
I get it, but it's still funny.

It is ironic. Although I am sure there is some rich booster down there that will pony up the pocket change.

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