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Pitt Gorilla 10-05-2011 10:08 PM

Probably nothing, but:

"I'm not much of an insider, but a real good friend of mine who is real good friends with Auburn AD Jay Jacobs told me a few minutes ago that Mizzou will be joining the SEC very shorlty and that Auburn will be moving to the SEC East.

This works well b/c Auburns permanent West rival will be Alabama and they will be in the East to take on UGA and UF. UF vs. AU was a growing rival during the 90's and that will work well for both schools to get to play every year again.

Anyway, not a shock here after the news over the last 24 hours, but this is straight from Auburn AD Jacobs (via one buffer who is a good source). Now lets see if it happens. BTW, none of this is secret information, just interesting b/c of who it came from. "

Bambi 10-05-2011 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 7971188)
Go pull your pants down in front of a mirror. & lol your self to death.

Go back to your Nebraska thread.

It's more diseased than your football program.

And that's pretty rancid.

|Zach| 10-05-2011 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 7971196)
Go back to your Nebraska thread.

It's more diseased than football program.

And that's pretty rancid.

Good one Farva.

LiveSteam 10-05-2011 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 7971196)
Go back to your Nebraska thread.

It's more diseased than football program.

And that's pretty rancid.


Bambi 10-05-2011 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by kcfan82 (Post 7971159)
If it's about money and markets, they also had the fastest growing athletic budget last year.

I have no idea how their bball program has so much but it's busting at the seams.

I've said it before in this thread, I'd love to see Louisville in the league.

Some bball showdowns are needed.

mnchiefsguy 10-05-2011 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Wickedson (Post 7971214)
I have no idea how their bball program has so much but it's busting at the seams.

I've said it before in this thread, I'd love to see Louisville in the league.

Some bball showdowns are needed.

Louisville, TCU, BYU, Tulane, etc. compared to NE, A&M, COLO, is a downgrade for the Big XII anyway you spin it.

Bewbies 10-05-2011 11:53 PM

Are there people who really think that under any circumstance the Big 12 is a better conference to be in than the SEC? Seriously?

Discuss Thrower 10-05-2011 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Bewbies (Post 7971487)
Are there people who really think that under any circumstance the Big 12 is a better conference to be in than the SEC? Seriously?

If it's 2009, there's 12 teams and Beebe is looking for 2+ schools to join..

HolyHandgernade 10-05-2011 11:57 PM


I hear from a good source close to the Neinas organization that this is all to get a better deal out of current Big 12 negotiations. If Texas and Oklahoma are Nos 1 and 2 in this league, Mizzou figures it is No. 3 if it can flex similar muscle.

What do they want?

First, they want a 12 team Big 12. Texas and Oklahoma would rather keep it to 10 teams, which eliminates that pesky Big 12 championship game standing in the way of national title hopes. But they're not ready to lose MU over that and will agree to expand to 12.

What they are possibly willing to go to battle for is MU's other position. In a 12 team league, MU wants Texas and Oklahoma in the same division and MU in the other. Texas and Oklahoma want to be in separate divisions. MU's proposal to Neinas was to be in a division with ISU, KU, KSU, Team No. 11 (presumably Louisville) and either Team No. 12 (if Cincinatti) or Baylor.

In Mizzou's eyes, they're in the champ. game 5 out of 10 years in this kind of division, giving them a shot. Of course, this would mean BYU, Texas, OU, OSU, TTY and presumably TCU would all be in the South, a terribly unbalanced situation.

Neinas proposed adding the highest quality new Big 12 member team (BYU? TCU?) to the North for more balance. Complicating matters: OU and OSU must be in the same division and MU refuses to be in a division with Texas.

FYI- the Texas proposal to Neinas was for Texas and Kansas to be in a division together.

So... this is really about MU trying to set itself up in a lucrative perpetual winning situation in football, or bolting to the SEC, where they'll have fewer wins but much more security.

Stay tuned.

|Zach| 10-06-2011 12:21 AM


HH is scouring TigerBoard.

HolyHandgernade 10-06-2011 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7971522)

HH is scouring TigerBoard.

lol, it was actually posted at a KU site. You really are a little person, aren't you?

|Zach| 10-06-2011 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by HolyHandgernade (Post 7971525)
lol, it was actually posted at a KU site. You really are a little person, aren't you?

I am not the one flailing to justify my perspective that constantly turns out to be wrong.


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7963078)
HH realignment opinion process.

1. Start with a scenario where Kansas is happy and the B12 is a great conference to be in.

2. Rationalize.

3. Reach

4. Reach

5. Rationalize.

6. Why would anyone want anything other than the Big 12? WHY?

WilliamTheIrish 10-06-2011 03:01 AM

All I can say now is:

MU better go to whatever conference. After all this posturing if MU walks to the cliff and spreads wings made by ACME, leaps and does a Wile E. Coyote into the desert floor, the trail of shit you will eat will be Milky Way galaxy in length and breadth.

Braincase 10-06-2011 05:41 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by WilliamTheIrish (Post 7971624)
All I can say now is:

MU better go to whatever conference. After all this posturing if MU walks to the cliff and spreads wings made by ACME, leaps and does a Wile E. Coyote into the desert floor, the trail of shit you will eat will be Milky Way galaxy in length and breadth.


DaKCMan AP 10-06-2011 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Bewbies (Post 7971487)
Are there people who really think that under any circumstance the Big 12 is a better conference to be in than the SEC? Seriously?


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 7971489)
If it's 2009, there's 12 teams and Beebe is looking for 2+ schools to join..

Even then, SEC > Big XII

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