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The Franchise 01-19-2018 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13370570)
Then why not create large ships capable of hyperspace ramming into Death Stars 1 & 2 and even Starkiller Base?

Also, since jumps to lightspeed are calculated and executed by a Navi-Computer, Holdo didn't need to sacrifice her life in order to ram the Supremacy via the hyperspace jump.

It's a massive plothole that basically makes the Clone Wars and the fight against the Empire outright dumb.

I’m assuming the resistance doesn’t have the funds to just create huge ships that you’re just going to destroy?

DaneMcCloud 01-19-2018 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 13370741)
I’m assuming the resistance doesn’t have the funds to just create huge ships that you’re just going to destroy?

But the Rebel Alliance certainly had the funding and would have easily destroyed the Death Star and the second Death Star, which wasn't even completed.

What about Scarif Base? A Hammerhead Corvette pushed an Imperial Star Destroyer into another Star Destroyer, which in turn destroyed the shielded gate. Why not use a Hyperspace Drone to destroy the shield gate?

Let's go back to Episode I: Why not use Hyperspace Drones to destroy the Trade Federation blockade of Naboo?

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-19-2018 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13370504)
I'm just not a fan of the film, whatsoever.

The Finn & Rose subplot was absolutely stupid, as was Super Girl Leia, the slow speed chase and worst of all, Admiral Holdo's decision to "Hyperspace Into" a giant ship, thereby destroying it.

That's the biggest plothole in this film, IMO, because as I stated earlier, The Rebellion could have easily built 100 Hyperspace Drones capable of destroying the Death Star, which basically makes the entire saga null and void.

Luke becoming a crusty old man that's withdrawn from The Force is about #7 on my list of issues with this film.

Finn and Rose are just plain terrible, and rank right up there with side adventures such as the Ewoks.
The Leia thing never bothered me, as it had been established for DECADES that she had been trained in the force by Luke to some degree, culminating in her very proficient use of a lightsaber by the time we reach her current age within the "Disney Era". Fans who have followed these characters rather intently post-Jedi knew that some demonstration of force abilities by Leia would be forthcoming, though they knew not what shape they would take.

As to the hyperspace massacre, I can see your point but the OT would have been rather bland had their been no spaceship battles in a 'Star Wars'.
At this point in the film, the rebellion is down to practically nothing and it makes all the sense in the universe that a desperation move would be used by one person who could potentially save the remaining rebel assets. The mechanics of hyperspace and other such Star Trekkian aspects should have little to do with the fact that this Admiral saw an opening and went for it. She was going to die anyway, was resigned to the fact, and did what she had to do to save her friends and allies. And in the end, it was a FAR more incredible display of heroics and sacrifice than simply blowing up yet ANOTHER goddamned super weapon.

BigRedChief 01-19-2018 10:20 PM

$1.27 BILLION globally so far. Biggest gross of any 2017 movie. I think Disney is going to make a few nickels on this movie after all.:)

DaneMcCloud 01-19-2018 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 13371203)
$1.27 BILLION globally so far. Biggest gross of any 2017 movie. I think Disney is going to make a few nickels on this movie after all.:)

-$700 million+ behind TFA was not the goal.

And “Studio Accounting” is trickier than you’d might imagine.

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-20-2018 12:09 AM

People are ****ing insane. This movie beats the ever-living piss out of Horn Rims 'lack of imagination'-fest.



temper11 01-20-2018 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 13370345)
It's obvious to me that everyone went in to this movie with their own story already written in their heads.


BigRedChief 01-20-2018 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13371244)
-$700 million+ behind TFA was not the goal.

And “Studio Accounting” is trickier than you’d might imagine.

Most of the "Stars" in movies these days take a piece of the gross box office instead of or in addition to their salary, correct?

If Disney is inflating these figures, wont that cost them more money when they have to pay out the % to the film makers?

Rausch 01-20-2018 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13365086)
Semi-related to this topic. Now we know the true reason why Lucasfilm killed the EU. While I liked some of the stories and characters (I, Jedi, the Thrawn trilogy and Hand Duology and more), some of it was just dopey and dumb, hence its death.

I never read any of the books or played any of the games.

To me the EU never was.

I only watched the films. I absolutely adored the OT and hated the prequels.


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13365086)
"For me it came down to simply that we had killed Chewbacca in the Legends — a big moon had fallen on him. Part of that [original decision] was Chewbacca, because he can’t speak and just speaks in growls, he was a challenging character to write for in novels. Publishing had decided they needed to kill somebody, and it was Chewbacca.

But if you have the opportunity to bring back Chewbacca into a live action film, you’re not gonna deprive fans that. There’s no way that I’d want to do an Episode VII that didn’t have Chewbacca in it and have to explain that Chewbacca had a moon fall on his head. And if we were going to overturn a monumental decision like that, everything else was really just minor in comparison."

This whole post-0T trilogy should be Ray/Ren's story. It's Ren's (Kennedy's) fight with the past and her desire to infuse her own story. Kennedy is also Ray (earned nothing and just rose to power) and has no real story. She's a producer (re: money-man) with no real creativity of her own to add.

NSFW (mild language)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hammock Parties 01-20-2018 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 13371615)
Kennedy is Ray (earned nothing and just rose to power) and has no real story. She's a producer (re: money-man) with no real creativity of her own to add.

NSFW (mild language)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. She was an associate producer on the Indiana Jones films starting with Raiders.

She's been associated with some of the best work Spielberg ever did. George Lucas didn't pick her to run his empire for no reason.

Rausch 01-20-2018 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13371639)
Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. She was an associate producer on the Indiana Jones films starting with Raiders.

She's been associated with some of the best work Spielberg ever did. George Lucas didn't pick her to run his empire for no reason.

She was also a producer on BACK TO THE FUTURE.

What did she do (at the time) for those films?

Weinstein produced more great films (arguably) than any other money man in history (forget his sexual misconduct for this argument.)

Is he a creative genius?...

Hammock Parties 01-20-2018 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 13371645)
She was also a producer on BACK TO THE FUTURE.

What did she do (at the time) for those films?

Weinstein produced more great films (arguably) than any other money man in history (forget his sexual misconduct for this argument.)

Is he a creative genius?...

Why do you think George Lucas picked her?

It's not like they were ****ing.

Rausch 01-20-2018 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13371651)
Why do you think George Lucas picked her?

It's not like they were ****ing.

Why do you think George Lucas later said he sold his people (Lucasfilm) to white slavers? (yes, that's an actual quote.)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Rausch 01-20-2018 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13371651)
Why do you think George Lucas picked her?


She had reerun money (Disney) backing her to buy Lucas out. He took it and regrets it to this day...

DaneMcCloud 01-20-2018 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13371559)

Is incorrect

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