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cmh6476 02-18-2025 09:33 PM

So the Cougars got 3 lottery picks?

smithandrew051 02-18-2025 09:43 PM

Starting to think we won’t win

KC_Connection 02-18-2025 09:46 PM

Harris now shooting under 30% from three on the season. Saving his worst college season for his last one.

KC_Connection 02-18-2025 09:51 PM

Make it a flagrant 2 on KJ please, maybe the B12 will suspend him

ChiefaRoo 02-18-2025 09:51 PM

“And Joseph Smith peered deep into the hat of God and was shown the face of the bird. The bird was adorn in boots and said .. for I am the anointed one.. the master of all of Douglas county and therefore the land.. an tho I walk amongst you I am always the champion, the champion of the league and land and you will fear my wrath for even when I am getting my ass kicked I am still the Champion.” The hat revealed all of this to Joseph Smith and he was told by God himself to lay in wait and destroy this foul creature and its boastful fan base for they are a false prophet and by their wickedness they shall be brought low before the people and all to see.

KC_Connection 02-18-2025 09:59 PM

We will be unranked on Monday for the first time since December 2009

ChiefaRoo 02-18-2025 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 17973046)
We will be unranked on Monday for the first time since December 2009

And so the sword of the righteous and of justice fell upon the now defrocked bird in one mighty blow and he was left nameless, unknown and bereft of all regard.

KC Hawks 02-18-2025 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 17973046)
We will be unranked on Monday for the first time since December 2009

We were unranked in 2021.

KC_Connection 02-18-2025 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefaRoo (Post 17973047)
And so the sword of righteous and of justice fell upon the now defrocked bird in one mighty blow and he was left nameless, unknown and bereft of all regard.

WSU was last ranked at all in 2020 btw

threebag 02-18-2025 10:05 PM

I’m done betting anything KU Basketball this season, **** them LMAO

KC_Connection 02-18-2025 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by KC Hawks (Post 17973049)
We were unranked in 2021.

I thought it was 23 that year? Eh doesn’t matter

smithandrew051 02-18-2025 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefaRoo (Post 17973047)
And so the sword of righteous and of justice fell upon the now defrocked bird in one mighty blow and he was left nameless, unknown and bereft of all regard.

We haven’t forgotten that you yourself confirmed that you have a micropenis.

InvinciBill has the receipts.

KC_Connection 02-18-2025 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by threebag (Post 17973051)
I’m done betting anything KU Basketball this season, **** them LMAO

Betting on KU to win any road game at all this year would seem to be problematic

threebag 02-18-2025 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 17973055)
Betting on KU to win any road game at all this year would seem to be problematic

It’s not the win so much as I bet the over/under points, but the individual performances are sometimes just pathetic.

ROYC75 02-18-2025 10:10 PM

Well, I had thought about tuning in, but I see we had morphed back to 1889?

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