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93% critics and 56% fans on rotten tomatoes. I’ve seen it flipped the other way, but that’s a big ass gap. Looks fishy to me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
Kylo Ren is much better at being Anakin Skywalker than Anakin Skywalker.
I was just left disappointed..... But I can also see alot of what Clay is saying. I will definitely go see it again. Maybe it takes a couple viewings. And maybe some are right i'm just nitpicking and it wasn't exactly what i expected.
I was instantly unhappy when Kylo broke his helmet.... I was so waiting for him to come off that ship to face luke with either his helmet or vaders helmet on. |
i could see alot of what he's saying in this video, and may clear up some questions as to why snoke chose ben |
Not hating on you bro... but Ren coming out with Vader's helmet on would have been weird as **** IMO! |
Hux addressed him as such. |
Not saying what i thought would be badass should be done just my own "would have been epic" moment in my head.. lol |
ya his voice is annoying, but i think he has valid points
6 or 7/10. I was expecting much more.. had a rogue one vibe. Kinda wish disney never picked up the franchise oh well.
Heard a rumor Luke dies trying something Loki does regularly. Bummer if that’s how they killed off the last Jedi.
That seems to happen with him a bit. |
i think he smashed his helmet cause snoke basically called him a failure and that he would never be vader. So he got pissed and smashed it. But then you can see him change. Becoming more comfortable with who and what he is by the end of the movie. Bet he's back in a helmet for episode 9.
Also - the fight scenes just seem un inspired.. I mean I don’t need John wick level destruction but it seemed so by the numbers and like a practice session. The parts I loved about all’s attest films were the one on one connections, where thy zeroed in on all conflict and made you side with a character - all those moments were heavily over shadowed by another big resistance battle scene - just like force awakens and rogue.. I wanted a different take while keeping the struggle weave into the storyline but maybe I’m askin for too much.
Was there a bigger waste of a character than phasma? |
Star Wars Episode VIII SPOILERS thread
This was my point when I argued with Dane over the Force Awakens. I’ve always considered these turn your mind off fun. Just didn’t enjoy most of this one. Mostly the resistance parts though. Glad some enjoyed it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
I think Gareth Edwards should get the keys to the trilogy. I just think he gets it more. I think Johnson had been a good director. but I just didn’t like his work here. Part of the blame might be just throwing him in the middle. I’m hoping I’ll like a second viewing more but I’m not rushing to do that, and it maybe video before I do.
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Rogue One, as far as complete film making goes, is the best film in the Star Wars Galaxy. Impeccable casting, direction, set design, story, VFX, battles, score (yes, the best score since The Phantom Menace, which IMO is William's best work) and third act. The third act in Rogue One was unbelievably awesome. The last five minutes were absolutely epic. Episode VIII just didn't know when to end, kind of like Revenge of the Sith. |
I was bored for the last 45 mins of the movie. It was a sound film by all means but.. there’s just something in the forcing lacking.
Also what was that kid at the end all about? Didn’t he force grab that broom? |
People also said it was way darker and I didn’t get that vibe at all -shrugs- rogue one nailed that vibe |
Sure, I just didn’t find it that fun personally. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
Marvel films want us to believe that their stories are happening in the world at large, today. Unlike many people, I have issue with that in certain films. DC films aren't happening in the real world today. They may take some elements but for the most part, it's a Comic Book world. That may be why people don't like them as much as Marvel but who the hell knows? Star Wars had set a decent set of ground rules in The Original Trilogy. Rogue One followed those rules. The prequels kind of expanded upon those (The Rule of Two, Midichlorians, Virgin Births, etc.) but it wasn't too crazy. The Force Awakens mostly stayed within those confines but eliminated The Sith and expanded upon the Empire's weaponry. The Last Jedi? Holy moly. But after today's discussion, I'm looking forward to seeing it again at 1:45 PST in a completely different theater. Hopefully the experience will be better. |
And was I tripping but did that little boy use the force to grab that broom?
Wtf did I just watch
I thought there were a couple things I knew fans would hate but I'm surprised the reaction to the film across the Internet is quite this negative.
I'ts been almost 24 hours and I'm still angry about this movie. What the movie looked like to me 90% of the time. https://imgoat.com/uploads/35b90b4568/66996.gif |
Currently it's at 56% audience approval on Rotten Tomatoes
5.0 audience approval on Metacritic |
I haven't seen it yet, and will probably wait a week or two to go. After seeing reactions like this, my expectations will be so low I'll probably really enjoy it. |
The multiplier was that I was expected more from Rian. There were cool things that I really liked - Snoke and Luke scenes were all interesting. The Praetorian Guard battle (though you have to admit it should probably have started a tad bit earlier lol) was well done. It just felt like there was about 45 minutes of actual story that got padded with nearly two hours of side-quests that went no where. But in answer to your questino I think a lot of it has to do with what could have been and what is there is just really, really weak. |
I'd add...
I thought it was pretty good. First hour was pretty slow but it really picked up after that. They really need to cut back on the silly one liners though. Star Wars is much better when it takes itself serious.
We ran into some people we knew who were leaving as we were waiting in line, and they were gushing that it was the best one they'd seen.
After leaving the theater and having some time to digest it, I don't agree with that assessment at all. It was fine, and certainly better than the prequels, but there are a lot of things that either fell flat or made no sense to me: Why spend the entire first film with the audience knowing Snoke is the Supreme Commander, give him the standard bad guy, "I fooled you all" speech, and then kill him off? Where did he come from? Who trained him? They turned a compelling character into General Grievous. If Leia can preserve herself from death in the vacuum of space and propel herself back into the bridge of the ship, why can't she move some rocks that are in her way? Why did they modulate Kylo Ren's voice through the first half of the movie, even when he was next to Rey and not a force projection, and then have his normal speaking voice over the latter portion? Why was everyone on the verge of tears, or crying throughout the entirety of the film? Star Wars has always had clunky humor, but a lot of the humor in this movie was too forced, IMO, and borderline inappropriate for the tension of certain situations. Snoke tapping Rey on the head with the lightsaber when she tried to pull it, and her comments about shirtless Kylo during one of their mental encounters took me out of the scene, as well as his "They were nothing...nothing," line. Also, I don't think Adam Driver is a compelling antagonist at all. He's overacting the entire time, trying to over-emote with a shaking visage and tear-filled eyes. I don't think his performance was much better than Hayden Christensen. Maybe this is my nostalgia speaking, but I don't think that every old character has to die in the new series. I spent the entire last sequence thinking, "Please, don't kill Luke Skywalker." Is the story harmed by having him merely exhausted after the force projection? Obviously, he can still exist in future installments as a force ghost, like Yoda, but I think his corporeal form had more to offer for the next film. |
Luke can't be corporeal in the next film.
No more than Obi-Wan or Yoda could be in Jedi. If a ****ing Jedi Master is running around there's no reason for Rey to do anything. She barely had a dramatic hand in this movie's climax as it was. I actually wished that Leia had died instead of Admiral Holdo, because it would have been the IDEAL death for her, and cleared a path for Poe to do more in IX. Quote:
I'm actually conflicted about whether or not killing Snoke was the right thing to do (he's an interesting character, but I think his backstory is more interesting than anything he had left to do in this story), but if you don't A) how does that scene advance forward otherwise and B) how does Kylo really get set up as a real villain. Now he is. It served it's purpose. Killing Snoke removes any possibility of IX being a ripoff of Jedi, at the very least, and with Jar Jar Abrams lurking that's a very good thing. We're set up now for a Kylo/Rey Hux/Poe showdown in IX and it's going to be fun. |
The story isn't harmed, but there's not much else left for him to do. He's trained Rey as much as he was trained by Yoda. We also may not be done with him. |
On track for $220 million, maybe more.
Interesting, it got an A grade from Cinemascore. http://deadline.com/2017/12/the-last...ds-1202228444/ https://www.cinemascore.com/ |
Stayed up til 2 AM skyping with my cousin about this movie last night.
I almost lost my voice. LMAO This is such a fun movie. |
You can nitpick a thousand things just like that in the original trilogy. This movie was completely enjoyable in an original way no Star Wars movie has been since the 80s, and manages to pull off most everything in a believable manner. If you didn't like it, you hate fun. :# |
It's not a bad film, nor is it unenjoyable, but it's also not a 93-percent-positively-rated film either. |
Got tickets for one o clock showing. Opted out of the 3D at noon.
Unless boring and stupid, to you, is “fun.” |
I’m taking the 7 year old to see it tomorrow.
Luke is going to Gandalf the White it in Ep. 9 before sailing off to the Grey Haven Galaxy.
Count on it. |
We're not dealing with great cinema here. This isn't The Shawshank Redemption. The plot doesn't have to be airtight. You know how easy it is to sit here and poke holes in every Star Wars film? You might as well be saying "why didn't the Death Star just come out of hyperspace closer to Yavin IV?" or "why didn't the gunners take out the pod R2-D2 and C-3P0 were on, just to be safe?" That's what you're doing with TLJ. |
That's actually what I thought was going to happen at the end. He was going to walk out there and make all the Walkers fall into each other like dominoes. Or destroy the thin salt flats beneath them, resulting in all of them falling underground. |
Which is really what The Force told Luke in ESB, anyway...from a certain point of view. :D |
This movie wasn't even close to those piles of garbage. Jedi had R2-D2 zapping Salacious Crumb into the ceiling and saving C-3P0 from getting his eye ripped out...this movie had BB-8 piloting a ****ing AT-ST out of nowhere. ROFL Same kind of fun. Made me feel 12 again. Thank you Rian! |
I did not feel TLJ was boring or stupid, as well.
Man I'm reading shit with people bitching about the Porgs.
THE PORGS. Because they didn't "advance the plot." ****ing come on, fam. The goddamn critters in Jabba's Palace didn't advance the plot for shit, either. You might as well be bitching about the giant frog-thing that tongues it's dinner in a brief cutaway in Jedi. Haters of fun. |
Should have subtitled this, but smooth move, Rian. LMAO
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry...b01d429cc8bd59 Quote:
Damm sitting front row I hate front row my neck is going be crimpt
Oh, and another cool thing...I just remembered Luke used Astral projection in the Dark Empire comics. So awesome to see it in a movie.
https://i.imgur.com/eOUes69.jpg |
Oh yeah...and to be honest, astral projection IS canon.
Heard it is the best movie since that of Empire Strikes Back in the franchise there!
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