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https://media0.giphy.com/media/xT9DP...zTi/source.gif |
Anyone going to buy and play the new Avengers game? I played the beta and really liked it. That doesn't speak to it's endgame as a loot shooter/brawler type game but I'm a sucker for it nonetheless.
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UJfdTLi1inM" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Anyone play Outer Worlds?
I picked it up on sale for 27 bucks on saturday - played about an hour, and I'm not impressed so far. The graphics are weird and kind of too cartoony (between Fallout and Borderlands). Anyone go farther than an hour with it and can recommend staying the path? |
I think microsoft paid for a bunch of reviews at release to get people signed up for their monthly subscription service because the game was free on that. No way it deserved all the 9s and 10s it got. While playing it, I posted somewhere, in this thread or a dedicated thread, that it was at best a 7 or an 8. I would adjust that to a 6 or 7. It's not horrible or anything. And the combat was fun enough for me to continue, and it isn't that long of a game or that may have changed. But it was pretty stupid. |
As I mentioned in an earlier post, there's some new DLC coming out next month. I'll definitely pick that up and give it a replay. |
Thanks guys. I’ll give it another chance. I just haven’t been hooked just yet... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
This type of game is right up my alley, so admittedly I might enjoy it more than most. |
Super mega baseball 3 is awesome. Props to whoever brought it up here. Would never have considered otherwise.
If you play online seasons......pick a team with good rotation and good contact hitters! |
This looks fun but I have to admit I haven't played the first few games. Fargo is the guy who made the original wasteland Baldurs gate and inspired the Fallout games. Back from the original Interplay Studios(that dates me).
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RBGEQgQeqxY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
If anyone is playing war zone on PS4 pm me and I'll add you.
it should be cross platform. nh7676
I love history and this game really immerses you in it. I love just exploring and seeing how people lived back then. I'm reading everything in the Codex and loving it. The realism is interesting and I like it so far. I also didn't realize how much of a resource hog it is for a 2-year old game. It does look incredible at times, though. |
Even in the very opening stages, the character development is so strong in this game. There's already a major character who ends up being so much more complex than it initially seems. You progress from despising this individual to liking them during what seemingly is slowly becoming a real friendship. That is not something I expected. This game is so far away from black and white, it puts other games with grey choices to shame. The role-playing is SUPERB. The craziest thing is that I haven't even scratched the surface. There are just so many small things that add up to create this awesome environment and the game really succeeds in sucking you in completely. Succeeding is so satisfying because it's not a given at all. You can organically approach things in different ways. It's hard to describe, really. I was doing a quest last night and a part of it was hunting hares with your bow. The game made me feel so pumped every time I managed to successfully sink an arrow into one of those. Like Frazod mentioned earlier, there is no reticule so you have to do it by feel and get better with practice. Just even something as small like that felt so rewarding. I can't recommend it enough. |
Worried. :D |
Sorry, but I could shoot a bow better when I was in grade school than Henry can in this game, and I hardly ever did it. |
Finished the new Peril on Gorgon DLC for Outer Worlds. Costs $15, but I automatically got a $10 coupon applied that I knew nothing about, so it ended up costing $5 and change. Not sure how that happened, but it was nice. Certainly worth looking into.
The new content adds several hours of gameplay. It also raises the skill caps and provides a new level of weapons for the overall game. Nothing really new in the enemies department, unfortunately, but they do toughen up to match your enhanced firepower. You do have to reach a midway point in the game for it kick in, and it took a couple of days of replay to get to it. The playable area on the Gorgon asteroid is comparable in size to Monarch, and there are a few smaller new areas included as well. The new story line is interesting, consistent in style and quality, and integrates smoothly into the existing game. Basically, if you liked Outer Worlds, you'll like the DLC. Nothing groundbreaking, just more of the same. I've described it as Mass Effect Lite meets Borderlands, and that still goes. But it's enjoyable. I would have paid $15 without complaint. It was damn sure worth $5. |
PS4 owners finally get to play Cuphead. That game is beautiful. And fun. Can be hard as a bitch though.
Hey Icarus, are you going to play Immortals Fenix Rising? :D
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: Microsoft is planning to buy Zenimax/Bethesda, an industry-shaking acquisition that will give Xbox ownership of Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Doom, Wolfenstein, Dishonored, and more. Story hitting Bloomberg shortly</p>— Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier) <a href="https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1308028385877204993?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Shrewd move by MS.
A timed exclusive of say, the next ES game, could all but close the gap between them and Sony as far as exclusives go. It will be interesting to see which games are exclusive vs. timed, too. |
I have a gaming PC a PS4 and xbox 1 and a switchm are we really still in a spot where people really just pick 1? |
Console is just easier/more comfortable for me. I sit at my desk 9-10 hours per day, and have a crap-ton of neck pain, etc so sitting at my desk where my computer gaming would take place for more time than that just isnt ideal. I have a ton of steam games that are sitting untapped, because of this. I'm working on integrating computer gaming in my console room though.... |
Microsoft bought Bethesda.
I can't get enough of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
It's for sure in my top 10 favorite games of all time at this point. What a freaking achievement by Warhorse Studios. If you like open world RPGs, don't mind an hour or two of growing pains, holy ****, you MUST play this game. It makes Bethesda games feel like dried out, lifeless husks. At first glance, the leveling system seems so underwhelming but it's freaking brilliant. The growth of your character seems so natural and balanced. The equipment makes sense. Wearing different types of things in different situations makes sense, yet you're never forced into anything. Everything just feels so good and well-thought out. It sucks this game was such a buggy mess when it came out because it didn't get its due at all. I can't wait to start progressing deeper into the story. The last 20 hours or so of gameplay, I've just been doing side quests and activities. Feels good to no longer be defenseless in combat. I'm a ****ing wrecking ball with the longsword now. I used to have to run away from bandits when they ambushed me, now I show them no mercy. Every ****ing last of them dies. |
You can own the Series X with 2 years of Live and Gamepass Ultimate for $35/mo for 2 years. I think it's like $25 per month for the Series S. That is crazy affordable and you get to play almost any game you want without buying it. |
Mad Max and Middle Earth: Shadow of War are $5 and $10 today.
Picked 'em off! |
Mad Max was surprisingly very well-made. |
I'm a sucker for vehicular combat.
Interstate '82 was a blast back in the day. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gTS5ylg0swE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
1 Attachment(s)
The scary part about the game pass is that they're offering to finance a console in the Gamepass price as well. MS is going to make bank and there's going to be a lot of low income families paying $5000 for a $300 console. America, **** yeah! |
If you want the cheaper xbox it's cheaper per month, Microsoft is willing to take a loss to get consoles in homes. |
And by the way, consoles are almost always loss leaders. Them taking a loss isn't a surprise at all. Manufacturers have always lost money or at best broke even on hardware sales. |
Yeah, if I didn't have a PC already, I would be all over that $35/mo deal.
I would still be all over that if I had a really good gaming TV in my basement but I don't, and I'm not gonna invest $2,000 to properly enjoy a new console when I can just spend $700 on an RTX 3080 instead. |
I don't have a PC and I'm zero-percent invested in the Microsoft ecosystem. I'm going to get a PS5 eventually solely because I'm a guy that likes to sit on my couch in front a 75" screen.
I do think MS an interesting approach. They seem to be straddingly the line between console and streaming and doing it well. If they play their cards right, they can be an apex gaming company, competing simultaneously with Sony / Nintendo and Stadia / Luna / etc. |
Sony's streaming service isn't that great to be honest but then again, right now, I'm not interested in streaming games. I'm not even interested in digital downloads. I still live in the ancient days of DVD games. I'm also leery of paying Microsoft for a gaming service to which the EULA could change at any time. With their past DRM issues and the issues I experience with Xbox Live back in the 360 days, I'm hesitant to say I'd ever go back to Microsoft as my primary game provider. |
I don't think that service is necessarily for folks like you, who like to own a title and replay it many times through the years but it's definitely a great value for many people. To me, streaming is still icky at this point. Between the latency issues and weak resolutions and framerates, it's just not ready yet. That's why I do not see Stadia and Luna succeeding at this point. |
This looks pretty cool....
<iframe width="800" height="600" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/oVDvTi4JKks" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
AMD gave me this for getting their processor. Just gotta wait for the release date now.
So my last new gaming systems were the PS2 and the Wii. I haven't played video games since then. I'm planning on a PS5, and I figure I can save a lot of money by picking up used PS4 versions of games. Trying to compile a list of interesting games. I cut my teeth on FPS and exploration-type games, starting with old-school Doom and Wolfenstein, Marathon on the Mac system (Bungie's first awesome game), then later with the Resident Evil and Tomb Raider stuff. Also enjoyed GTA3 and Vice City. I have no interested in MMOs because I hate people. I've heard some game names like:
- Red Dead Redemption - The Last of Us - Skyrim - Left 4 Dead Any other good horror or sci-fi FPS or exploration type games I should consider? |
Viking action sounds like a blast... |
Who got them PS5's!!!???!!!!
Origins and Odyssey have gotten a lot of flack for not feeling like true Assassin's Creed games but they're among my faves of the series. I'd say Origins and AC: Brotherhood are probably the best of the lot. Bayek was a great character with incredible voice acting and it was great being able to see Ezio's journey from his teenage years until his death.
But, man, I ****ing HATE anything ship related in those games. I have never once enjoyed any mission, battle or travel involving a ship in AC.
I loved that game so much, I instantly went back and played them all from the first one on up. They're all a bit different but they're all great. I would give them a try if I were you. |
Same for the one with Adewale. I think it was Freedom Cry? Give me a densely populated city or vast countryside over the ocean all day. |
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