Originally Posted by RINGLEADER
(Post 13363188)
I did a quick search and here are a couple of longer, better thought-out examples of how The Last Jedi mucks everything up:
I have no doubt that KK/Lucasfilm will course-correct in the next movie, but I think the above stories nail what Rian was trying to do and why it was a bad, bad way to go. Bold, but he's essentially saying everything you've seen in the previous nine movies was a bunch of, to quote Han, "mumbo-jumbo."
Thanks for posting the links. I read both, and still think they miss the mark. Which is ok, this might be one of those things that people are just going to have to agree to disagree on. You say you think KK/Lucasfilm will course correct, but to my way of thinking, I don't see that they've really veared off course.
Rey being a no-body.
Love it. I'm not sure why so many people thought the force was limited to a very select few or only force families. Before Order 66 there were hundreds of Jedi from all sorts of different races, etc. And those are only the folks who chose to follow the jedi way of life, which is pretty strict. I have to believe there would be plenty of people out there in the Star Wars Universe, like Ahsoka, who ultimately decided the Jedi weren't for them. It's the real-world equivalent of having a very strong devotion and calling to God, but not wanting to give up family (or sex for that matter!).
Rey, and Broom Boy using the Force without any training
Doesn't really go against what we know... Where in any of the prior Star Wars movies etc, did it say you had to have extensive training in order to use the Force? You had to have extensive training to be a Jedi master, but not to use the force. Because being a Jedi master meant having control of all the other crap - outside of force use - that comes along with being a Jedi (control of emotions, etc. etc.) and living by the Jedi code. This is the part that Anakin constantly failed at. He even said to Amidala that he exceeded Obi-wan in the use of the Force and yet Obi-wan held him back from being a Jedi. Use of force is not limited to Jedi/Sith. Jedi/Sith is, and always has been IMO, just a label distinguishing the philosophy the force user subscribes to. I've always viewed the force in the Star Wars universe as a "gift" that some posses and others do not. Similar to some IRL have a gift of singing or athletics or mathmatics. Some are stronger than others and more naturally gifted, no question. But just because you aren't signed to a major recording label, doesn't mean you can't be the greatest singer that ever lived.
Luke not adhering to the Jedi ways any longer
I don't see this as a "shitting" on the OT as others do. For all intents and purposes, Luke was the last Jedi - in fact, my least favorite line in the whole movie was at the end when Luke says,
"I will not be the last Jedi!" or whatever he said there... He doesn't know that Rey has taken the books, and I don't believe he meant to survive that encounter and finish Rey's Jedi (not force) training, so from his perspective, the "religion" known as the Jedi order, probably would be ending.
Regardless, I don't see it as a great betrayal of the OT for Luke to have come to a conclusion that the Jedi Order largely failed in it's mission and had many flaws in it's philosophy. Real life religions are often taking hard looks at the teachings of the past and modernizing them etc. Mormonism, Catholicism, etc. evolve. And some practitioners of those religions sometime step-away altogether because they grow to have different beliefs based on their own research and reflection. With absolutely no one else to guide him, Luke has had that kind of transformation. It doesn't dishonor the characters in the OT. You don't see Yoda getting all bent out of shape about it.
Who knows what happens next? I will be interested to find out. Does Rey try to recreate and re-build the Jedi-order using her own interpretations of the Jedi texts? Does she create something entirely different? Or does she simploy get what she can from the texts to help her in her fight against Kylo and the always tempting pull to the dark - and do nothing else with that information? Don't know. Looking forward to finding out.