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FlintHillsChiefs 01-13-2018 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by mnchiefsguy (Post 13358200)
I can relate to this. Saw it twice on opening day. Liked it better the second time round...but I have not been back to see it since. Something just has not clicked with me about it.

By this team last year I had seen Rogue One 7 or 8 times in the theatre. I saw TFA 10 times in a theatre.

I promised to take my youngest daughter to it (first two time she couldn't go), so we will probably go tonight...but I find myself just meh about it....torn between loving all things Star Wars and wanting a new storyline, and being disappointed in TLJ.

Still have hopes for Solo though...don't let me down Ron Howard :)

Meh. Just torrent the ****er. Don't give Disney more of your money.

Hammock Parties 01-13-2018 03:42 PM

I'm sure Disney is horrified that people that don't like it that much are going to see it twice. LMAO

Discuss Thrower 01-13-2018 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13358062)
It might be the most important film in the series, especially considering the fact that if all of those people didn't sacrifice their lives in the hope of saving billions of people, the Empire would have ruled the galaxy, with no hope of the Rebellion destroying the Death Star.

The Rebel heroes were all average Joe types who did their job from top to bottom (Raddus, Merrick, the Lightbringer and crew, Cassian, Riz Ahmed's character ,Jyn and her volunteers et cetera) against a seemingly unstoppable force and achieved their goals. As long as you have the will and people believe there is a chance, you can win the day: you don't need the biggest guns or awesome super powers.

What I think doesn't get discussed enough is how it demonstrates the Force through Chirrut's character.

DaneMcCloud 01-13-2018 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13358222)
I'm sure Disney is horrified that people that don't like it that much are going to see it twice. LMAO


One year ago yesterday, Rogue One had a box office of $3.26 million.

The Last Jedi had a box office of $2.72 million.

You really need to stop embarrassing yourself.

RINGLEADER 01-13-2018 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13358222)
I'm sure Disney is horrified that people that don't like it that much are going to see it twice. LMAO

Actually, I'd be surprised if they weren't.

FlintHillsChiefs 01-13-2018 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13358222)
I'm sure Disney is horrified that people that don't like it that much are going to see it twice. LMAO

I'm sure they are just pleased with you being a rarah cheeerleader for them! :clap:ROFL:clap:

Frazod 01-13-2018 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 13357815)
Well, I'm taking the wife, who hasn't seen it yet, to an early afternoon show. I guess I'll see if a second viewing makes it better or worse.

Second time around, my feelings haven't really changed. I mostly enjoyed it, despite it's many faults.

Biggest issue is with Finn, who is sort of like a live action Jar Jar. His entire story line was the Ewoks of this movie. Everything he did was pointless and stupid and got people killed and injured. It would have helped if the ugly sister had died and the hot sister was the one avenging her, too.

And seriously, can we get JUST ONE hot woman in Star Wars with a decent rack? Enough with the friggin A cup festival. They need to bring on Christina Hendricks for the next one.

cosmo20002 01-13-2018 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Just Passin' By (Post 13357626)
Using Box Office Mojo for the data

$937m for TFA
$583m for TLJ, to date

$1,131,561,399 for TFA
$655,000,000 for TLJ, to date

Only an idiot would expect TLJ to have a comparable box office to TFA.

cosmo20002 01-13-2018 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13358431)

One year ago yesterday, Rogue One had a box office of $3.26 million.

The Last Jedi had a box office of $2.72 million.

You really need to stop embarrassing yourself.

Rogue ranks #7 of the Star Wars movies by inflation-adjusted gross--way, way behind even The Phantom Menace.
By your logic, it sucked.

sully1983 01-13-2018 09:20 PM

glad that the Chinese aren't eating this shit up. (most Chinese theaters have already dropped this POS film from its selection)

sully1983 01-13-2018 09:20 PM

Hammock Parties 01-13-2018 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 13359466)
glad that the Chinese aren't eating this shit up. (most Chinese theaters have already dropped this POS film from its selection)

You ****ing communist.

BigCatDaddy 01-13-2018 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo20002 (Post 13359303)
Only an idiot would expect TLJ to have a comparable box office to TFA.

Why? You dont think people wanted to see the return of Luke Skywalker? That's all I cared about since I heard the new movies were coming out.

They are less than 60% of TFA date for date . You think they are happy and expected that?

FlintHillsChiefs 01-13-2018 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13359527)
You ****ing communist.

Clay, where is my money?

cosmo20002 01-14-2018 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 13359560)
Why? You dont think people wanted to see the return of Luke Skywalker? That's all I cared about since I heard the new movies were coming out.

They are less than 60% of TFA date for date . You think they are happy and expected that?

TFA was an event with anticipation the likes of which we'll likely never see again. Not just the first SW movie in 10 years, but the return of the main original characters not seen in 30+ years. What can you even compare it to in the past or potential future? There's nothing close.
There's just not going to be that kind of anticipation and demand for anything else.

There's a lot about TFA that might turn off people from future movies--it was largely a re-hash of Ep I. They killed off Han. Luke was in it for 2 seconds. Kylo is no Vader--lack of a compelling villain. You can pretend Rogue One wasn't a "real" SW movie, but people rave about it and it did less $ than TLJ.

And, look at the history of the last two trilogies--the 1st one was huge, the 2nd was lower, and 3rd (because it was the "last") boosted interest enough that it finished between the 1st and 2nd. I imagine this trilogy will probably follow the same, but it has something else going against it (in addition to Han AND Luke now being dead)--there's a SW movie every year now.

TLJ is the third SW movie in a span of two years. By the time IX comes out, it will be five movie in a span of 4 years. It just isn't the event it used to be and it the core group fans has aged. Kids today and younger generations aren't into it like kids of the 70s and 80s were. Even the kids I know who like it--they don't LOVE it like we did. They've more into X-Men and the comic book movies or Harry Potter. They grew up on other things. Their parents might have taken them to TFA because it was a huge event, but they aren't necessarily going to go back year after year.

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