Originally Posted by ThaVirus
(Post 10140913)
I love and eat meat and this is not me trying to make a political statement. The fail here is really the sick bastards that they have working at these places. You just know they find some satisfaction in their actions.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/-KoVAkgPexU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
It's hard to really put this in to perspective for people who've never raised animals for slaughter or been inside a slaughter house. But this is really pretty common and isn't limited to Walmart producers by any means. I hate Walmart for many reasons, but the only relationship they have with the producers they get meat from is strictly a business source. It's nice to think that Walmart should care about the treatment of the animals from which their meat came from. But they don't give a shit, they simply care about cost. No differently than their customers. Which is why this is the way it is.
The treatment of the animals in the video is dramatically exaggerated to sound worse than it is. Sows aren't confined to gestation crates for their entire lives. But lots of piglets do die. And it can't really be prevented in most cases. Yes, piglets are neutered without anesthetic. But it wouldn't really be cost effective to do anything differently. And it's not that much different than a doctor performing a circumcision on a baby boy without anesthetic. Most of us guys went through that. Also, I'd venture to guess that if anyone reading this would actually work with animals like that for a few weeks, you'd be cussing and smacking them too. People don't realize how tough and stubborn these animals are.
This is where our food comes from. It's as simple as that. This is how it's been for decades. I know that they list a bunch of big companies that say they're committed to ending the use of gestation crates and such. But that's all feel good bullshit to placate the public. They only care about the bottom dollar, and this is how food is produced as cheaply as it currently is.
The public is not willing to pay the prices for meat that would be necessary to allow producers to expand their facilities to reduce crowding. It's as simple as that. Despite videos like this pulling on the heart strings, this practice will continue, because bacon is tasty and people demand cheap food.