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OnTheWarpath15 05-21-2013 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 9697850)
I started the year focusing on an attempt to keep my right shoulder back on the downswing, then slowly went away from it. Hit the ball like refried ass yesterday, then went back to it on the range and was flushing everything again.

I have three main focus points right now.

Shortening the backswing.

Stop "rolling" my back foot. The inside of my back foot is coming way up off the ground, to where the outside of the foot is on the ground. Again, never even noticed it until video. Now hyper-sensitive to bracing the back leg and keeping weight on inside of back foot.

And because of those issues, I'm really working on making sure I get my weight to my front foot in transition. Still catch myself laying back a bit at times, and I'll block one right or scoop the shit out of it. My instructor wants my knees to damn near touch to exaggerate it.

'Hamas' Jenkins 05-21-2013 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath58 (Post 9697866)
I have three main focus points right now.

Shortening the backswing.

Stop "rolling" my back foot. The inside of my back foot is coming way up off the ground, to where the outside of the foot is on the ground. Again, never even noticed it until video. Now hyper-sensitive to bracing the back leg and keeping weight on inside of back foot.

And because of those issues, I'm really working on making sure I get my weight to my front foot in transition. Still catch myself laying back a bit at times, and I'll block one right or scoop the shit out of it. My instructor wants my knees to damn near touch to exaggerate it.

I used to roll onto my back foot really bad. Putting a few balls on the outside of the right foot is an interesting fix.

I tend to roll onto my left foot on the downswing to where my ankle joint is at a 90* angle to the rest of my leg when I finish the swing. Good place to have lax ligaments, I guess.

OnTheWarpath15 05-21-2013 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 9697845)
I would kill for the PING putting app on Android.

Pretty cool tool.

I always thought I was a SBST putter, and my friends gave me shit for using a Cameron California Series Monterrey - which is meant more for folks with an arc.

Turns out, I'm on the borderline between slight arc and strong arc. What putter does it recommend?

An Anser-style head. Exactly what I'm using.

OnTheWarpath15 05-21-2013 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 9697871)
I used to roll onto my back foot really bad. Putting a few balls on the outside of the right foot is an interesting fix.

I tend to roll onto my left foot on the downswing to where my ankle joint is at a 90* angle to the rest of my leg when I finish the swing. Good place to have lax ligaments, I guess.

When I get lazy with it, I actually put golf balls under the outside of that back foot (stepping on them) to force me to keep that back leg braced and weight distributed properly.

Donger 05-21-2013 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 9697807)
That's a classic over-the-top swing.

I understand your frustration. Golf is psychologically counter-intuitive. You hit a thin shot, so you want to help the ball in the air, which only causes you to hit it thinner.

This is an excellent description of OTT. FWIW, this guy really knows his stuff and explains things in a very understandable manner.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Holy shit. That chopping down on it thing is EXACTLY what I do. Thanks very much for the video.

OnTheWarpath15 05-21-2013 05:26 PM

Just out of curiosity...

Anyone playing anywhere "special" this summer?

Thinking about doing a two-day quickie trip somewhere within a 6 hour drive of STL.

Possible courses include:

TPC Deere Run (already played it once, what a great track)
Mirimichi (Timberlake-owned course outside Memphis)
Harvester (North of Des Moines)
Brickyard Crossing and Purgatory (Indianapolis)

Dr. Gigglepants 05-21-2013 05:55 PM

I still want to hit up STL and play Missouri Bluffs and Tapawingo. My buddy and I haven't been able to work up a couple days that work yet. Hopefully it happens though.

I haven't heard of Harvester, that would be a day trip from KC. Will look into that.

philfree 05-21-2013 06:04 PM

I read through here and see some what I consider to be complicated swing thoughts. Complicated for me anyway.

Here's what I'm trying to do. Set up with good posture, square to the target. Stay loose and turn my shoulders away from the ball. Return my left leg to where it was at address and let my swing unfold.

The one thing I want is to stay loose and be able to turn my shoulders. Do not want to be mechanical at all. I want to be able to swing the club unencumbered by a bunch of mechanical thoughts so I can play the game with my eyes and my heart. And little feel too.

Set up, stay loose and knock hell out of it. 05-21-2013 06:11 PM

A few good drills you guys might want to try to help compress the golf ball by keeping the angle.....

If you have access to a pool, get a club in there and swing. It forces you to keep a flat left wrist bent right wrist.

Or fill a gym bag up with towels, hit it about half speed holding the club to the bag at impact.

Otwp, te RTJ trail is pretty awesome but it would be a trip for you probably from stl. A good drill I do when I have problems with my right foot weight distribution is keep some flex in your left knee on the way back

Prison Bitch 05-21-2013 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 9697811)
There is no way to know w/o seeing it.

Things it could be caused by:

1) Too steep of a downswing
2) Loss of your spine angle, which throws off your swing plane
3) Casting the club
4) Ball position

If it was just your long irons, it might be more of a mental block. They're hard clubs to hit and a lot of times I rush when swinging them, which leads to fat or thin contact. When I incorporate more patience and better rhythm in my transition I hit them far better.

Great advice. Your right about the mental part, it just snowballs. And by te way "refried ass" made me laugh. Are you a writer by trade cause you're a wordsmith.

OnTheWarpath15 05-21-2013 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 9698095)
A few good drills you guys might want to try to help compress the golf ball by keeping the angle.....

If you have access to a pool, get a club in there and swing. It forces you to keep a flat left wrist bent right wrist.

Or fill a gym bag up with towels, hit it about half speed holding the club to the bag at impact.

Otwp, te RTJ trail is pretty awesome but it would be a trip for you probably from stl. A good drill I do when I have problems with my right foot weight distribution is keep some flex in your left knee on the way back

NE Birmingham is a semi-regular stop for us. Silver Lakes on the RTJ Trail as well as Limestone Springs in Oneonta.

Next time down there, I really want to play Farmlinks.

philfree 05-21-2013 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 9697888)
Holy shit. That chopping down on it thing is EXACTLY what I do. Thanks very much for the video.

Taking the club back inside the target line can causes just that.

Donger 05-21-2013 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by philfree (Post 9698238)
Taking the club back inside the target line can causes just that.

Sorry, but I have NO idea what that means.

'Hamas' Jenkins 05-21-2013 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath58 (Post 9697981)
Just out of curiosity...

Anyone playing anywhere "special" this summer?

Thinking about doing a two-day quickie trip somewhere within a 6 hour drive of STL.

Possible courses include:

TPC Deere Run (already played it once, what a great track)
Mirimichi (Timberlake-owned course outside Memphis)
Harvester (North of Des Moines)
Brickyard Crossing and Purgatory (Indianapolis)

Two years ago today I was in the middle of my Scotland excursion. That's the best I got. This year the best course I'll play is likely Eagle Knoll in Mid-Mo.

'Hamas' Jenkins 05-21-2013 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath58 (Post 9697876)
When I get lazy with it, I actually put golf balls under the outside of that back foot (stepping on them) to force me to keep that back leg braced and weight distributed properly.

That's actually what I meant.

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