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Red Brooklyn 01-11-2018 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 13354846)
The tinfoil hat conspiracys were addressed in the article. You seem to believe want you to be true.

No, no. Again, I'm aware of all of that. I'm taking all of it into account. I get it.

BigCatDaddy 01-11-2018 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Red Brooklyn (Post 13354852)
No, no. Again, I'm aware of all of that. I'm taking all of it into account. I get it.

Im glad you liked though...Half did half didnt. To each their own.

Red Brooklyn 01-11-2018 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 13354859)
Im glad you liked though...Half did half didnt. To each their own.

Exactly. I wish others had enjoyed the movie. It's a special film to me. If I could gift my experience and my joy to others, I totally would.

But I get the issues folks have and I'll never discount those.

temper11 01-11-2018 05:47 PM

Good Read.

oaklandhater 01-11-2018 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Red Brooklyn (Post 13354863)
Exactly. I wish others had enjoyed the movie. It's a special film to me. If I could gift my experience and my joy to others, I totally would.

But I get the issues folks have and I'll never discount those.

I would say more than half the people that saw it liked/loved it.

That being said I would also say 75% of the hardcore Base hated it with a passion.

Which is a issue when your making big block busters.

See batman Vs superman.

Almost every Youtuber star wars channel attacked the movie.

RINGLEADER 01-11-2018 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Red Brooklyn (Post 13354467)
I get that people want this to fail. I mean, I don't get it, but I GET IT. But the movie made 1.2 billion dollars on a 200 million dollar budget. I get that that's before marketing, etc, but that's also before merch/blu ray sales, too.

This movie was never going to make as much as The Force Awakens. And Disney/Lucasfilm has acknowledged that. I just don't understand how this movie is a "failure" by any conceivable rubric. It was the highest grossing film of 2017. It wasn't eve going to make TFA numbers and it didn't. But it was a staggering success.

Without all the condescending remarks and down-talking, can someone please, in plane, simple language, explain to me why this is a "bomb"?

For the same reason profitable television shows get cancelled — it isn’t what the project netted out that is important, it’s whether or not it made as much as it could in that time slot or, in this case, during the theater booking. May seem like a loopy way to do business, but that’s how the entertainment industry looks at it.

Red Brooklyn 01-11-2018 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13354866)

That was a good read. Thanks for sharing.

Red Brooklyn 01-11-2018 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13354872)
For the same reason profitable television shows get cancelled — it isn’t what the project netted out that is important, it’s whether or not it made as much as it could in that time slot or, in this case, during the theater booking. May seem like a loopy way to do business, but that’s how the entertainment industry looks at it.

Ah. There you go. That's interesting. I feel like this is key to what I've been missing this whole time. So thank you.

temper11 01-11-2018 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Red Brooklyn (Post 13354688)
How am I acting like a dick? Because I disagree? There's plenty of room for honest, friendly discourse here. I'm not trying to be a dick. You're obviously confusing me with some other poster. I'm literally just trying to have a conversation, my friend.

Red, I got a similar response here. Glad you liked the movie, as I did.

Red Brooklyn 01-11-2018 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13354890)
Red, I got a similar response here. Glad you liked the movie, as I did.

Thanks, man. I'm sorry I was so late to the thread. We maybe missed some opportunities to talk about what we liked together. Either way, I'm glad you liked it too.

RINGLEADER 01-11-2018 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Red Brooklyn (Post 13354883)
Ah. There you go. That's interesting. I feel like this is key to what I've been missing this whole time. So thank you.

As I said it is loopy to the layman because, well, it’s loopy.

The greater issue is that VIII fundamentally rewrites the entire franchise and not in a good way. I hated the slow speed chase so we could have side-quests that went nowhere. Hated it. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to care about in the next installment. I’m stunned that they didn’t map out a single story told in three parts.

But, hey, if you liked it then that’s okay by me too. I’m not pissing about it to change opinions - just don’t understand how you F up a classic franchise so bad when you could have done so many interesting things that wouldn’t alienate so many fans. Personally, I think KK deserves all the credit and/or blame for so completely mucking everything up but having worked as a producer on films and TV that have gone off the rails I know how easy it is for things to get SNAFU’d even with the best intentions.

cosmo20002 01-11-2018 06:15 PM

Keep putting out a new Star Wars movie every year and box office per movie is not going to be as strong. You want a box office like TFA, then wait 10 years and bring back characters from 30 years ago (can't really replicate that).
Star Wars movies aren't special events any more.
Not sure why fans are so concerned about the box office, anyway. Is like the weird obsession with the NFL ratings.

temper11 01-11-2018 11:12 PM

I think in 10 years, TLJ will be viewed as one of the best Star Wars movies in the franchise. Nearly everyone who's watched it multiple times, like it better and better with each viewing. And that's both the people that loved it as well as those who hated it after the first viewing, including many here on CP, reviewers on you tube, everyone in my circle of friends, etc. Similar response to ESB. Better each time regardless of your initial reaction. The only exception to that for me personally is the "save the space horses" scene.

RINGLEADER 01-11-2018 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13355580)
I think in 10 years, TLJ will be viewed as one of the best Star Wars movies in the franchise. Nearly everyone who's watched it multiple times, like it better and better with each viewing. And that's both the people that loved it as well as those who hated it after the first viewing, including many here on CP, reviewers on you tube, everyone in my circle of friends, etc. Similar response to ESB. Better each time regardless of your initial reaction. The only exception to that for me personally is the "save the space horses" scene.

But why can't the First Order just hyperspace a little ahead and eradicate the Resistance?

I liked the idea that someone posted here was supposed to be in it (that they were leaving them at a distance on purpose to draw in other rebels)...just wish it was actually in the movie.

oaklandhater 01-11-2018 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13355580)
I think in 10 years, TLJ will be viewed as one of the best Star Wars movies in the franchise. Nearly everyone who's watched it multiple times, like it better and better with each viewing. And that's both the people that loved it as well as those who hated it after the first viewing, including many here on CP, reviewers on you tube, everyone in my circle of friends, etc. Similar response to ESB. Better each time regardless of your initial reaction. The only exception to that for me personally is the "save the space horses" scene.

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I feel it will be the next TPM the more Nerds look at it the deeper the hate gets.

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