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BigRichard 12-15-2017 02:23 PM

Down to 57% audience score on RottenTomatoes.

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13285567)
You always surprise me Clay. I thought for sure you were going to shit all over this movie. Glad you enjoyed it. I did as well. What were your thoughts on the vegas-y scene. That was the main bit I really didn't care for.

It was great. They took the Cantina and turned it on it's head.

The DJ character and the casino was a great way to explore the idea of not everyone being all bad or all good. It served a clear purpose despite what people are saying.

Rose, though...****ing useless.

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by BigRichard (Post 13285591)
Down to 57% audience score on RottenTomatoes.

I just bought another ticket for Monday's showing.

**** the haters. Rian's making BANK.

hometeam 12-15-2017 02:35 PM

I thought this one was better than Disneys other two. Wasnt great but it was good. Worth the watch.

temper11 12-15-2017 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13285599)
It was great. They took the Cantina and turned it on it's head.

The DJ character and the casino was a great way to explore the idea of not everyone being all bad or all good. It served a clear purpose despite what people are saying.

Rose, though...****ing useless.


RINGLEADER 12-15-2017 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13285414)
Better editing and the removal of two scenes
would have made for a much better movie, along with

Those three alone wouldn't have made it a "great" Star Wars film but it certainly would have been much more palatable.

My biggest issue was the completely implausible decision to "chase" the Resistance for the entire film. The only reasons thousands of TIE fighters and dozens of Star Destroyers didn't completely stop their escape was because the film would have ended. Even Hux comments on the stupidity of the situation then does NOTHING to rectify it.

Because the ships were running out of fuel.


Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 02:39 PM

By the way, did anyone say "I have a bad feeling about this?" I missed it.


temper11 12-15-2017 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13285616)
My biggest issue was the completely implausible decision to "chase" the Resistance for the entire film. The only reasons thousands of TIE fighters and dozens of Star Destroyers didn't completely stop their escape was because the film would have ended. Even Hux comments on the stupidity of the situation then does NOTHING to rectify it.

Because the ships were running out of fuel.



hometeam 12-15-2017 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13285616)
My biggest issue was the completely implausible decision to "chase" the Resistance for the entire film. The only reasons thousands of TIE fighters and dozens of Star Destroyers didn't completely stop their escape was because the film would have ended. Even Hux comments on the stupidity of the situation then does NOTHING to rectify it.

Because the ships were running out of fuel.



temper11 12-15-2017 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13285623)
By the way, did anyone say "I have a bad feeling about this?" I missed it.



RINGLEADER 12-15-2017 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13285629)

Like the FO/Snoke would care if the TIES make it back?

Were all the FO ships out of gas too? Just hyperspace closer.


RINGLEADER 12-15-2017 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13285635)

That was when it should have happened. Good point. Hux could have stepped back and said that...

keg in kc 12-15-2017 03:28 PM

Good, not great. My number 4 behind the OT. Far better than any of the prequels, better than episode 7, but not quite up to RotJ. Started strong, ended strong, off in the middle. I liked Rose as a character, but the side mission with Finn was awful. Made no plot sense, was basically just a contrivance to get us to the Phasma fight, and to throw in some one percenter crap. Which I'm okay with in real life, but please leave in my face political messages out of my space fantasy... Needed more focus on Poe and Laura Dern's admiral holdo. Everything with Luke and Rey was good. Some stunning visuals throughout.

oaklandhater 12-15-2017 03:29 PM

When asked about Snoke's back ground it was hinted we are getting some novels to explore more of his origin

The intent is to provide moviegoers with a sense of pride and accomplishment for buying different star wars books.

I love reddit LMAO

keg in kc 12-15-2017 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13285537)
Kylo's clearly lying to her. Everything he says is an attempt at manipulating her into joining him.

Her parents are important and it's going to be revealed in Episode IX.

Actually agree completely with that. I still think there's a reason why the Kenobi movie isn't hitting theaters until after episode 9.

temper11 12-15-2017 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13285705)
Like the FO/Snoke would care if the TIES make it back?

Were all the FO ships out of gas too? Just hyperspace closer.



temper11 12-15-2017 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13285705)
Like the FO/Snoke would care if the TIES make it back?

Were all the FO ships out of gas too? Just hyperspace closer.



Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13285705)
Were all the FO ships out of gas too? Just hyperspace closer.


That's not really how hyper-jumps work, though. You can try that, but it's risky.

You're wrong.

KingPriest2 12-15-2017 04:00 PM

Still trying to process it

Didn't like the idea if Leia saving herself just flying back to the ship

I agree with Mark in the direction of Luke. Should've kept him alive. Where was Obi Won ? Yoda showed up.

Where were the Knights of Ren?

Smoke being killed by Kylo was cool but way to early

Could've gone in so many different directions with this

The boy at the end is he the balance?

I did like how Luke was going to try to kill Kylo at the temple. 2 different sides to the story. The handful of students that left the Knights of Ren?

Overall it was good not great.

DaneMcCloud 12-15-2017 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by KingPriest2 (Post 13285778)
The boy at the end is he the balance?

The boy at the end was playing "Luke Skywalker" and was the child given a ring with the symbol for the Rebel Alliance.

He also used The Force to summons the broom, which foreshadows a new Jedi Order.

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 04:05 PM

So here's what's really interesting to me now...


DaneMcCloud 12-15-2017 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13285790)
So here's what's really interesting to me now...



temper11 12-15-2017 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13285790)
So here's what's really interesting to me now...


it seems to me that they are writing as they go and the direction is somewhat left to the director. If they like your direction, you can stay. If they don't, you get shown the door. It's like two people writing a story together, alternating author's a chapter at a time. Each new chapter has to live with and deal with the direction and decisions of the last chapter's author.

KingPriest2 12-15-2017 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13285808)

Kylo will be redeemed at the end.

There are more then 20 fighters. Remember there are many in the outer Rim

sully1983 12-15-2017 04:20 PM

Hated it. I am pretty sure that Disney pays off film critics cause this was a steaming pile of crap imo .



KingPriest2 12-15-2017 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 13285825)
Hated it. I am pretty sure that Disney pays off film critics cause this was a steaming pile of crap imo .



Yeah expected way more with Luke and the light saber. He did do the Matrux move. Though.

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 04:23 PM

Losing weight isn't about "fighting."

It's about looking good on camera.

Having a 60-year old man's character doing a bunch of Jedi flips and bullshit on camera would have been goofy and not in the spirit of the character.

DaneMcCloud 12-15-2017 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by KingPriest2 (Post 13285824)
Kylo will be redeemed at the end.

There are more then 20 fighters. Remember there are many in the outer Rim

No, they said "allies" in the Outer Rim, none of whom responded to their distress signal.

They're on their own.

sully1983 12-15-2017 04:26 PM

oh and that nerdy asian actress was flat out horrible. (already forgot her character's name , she was that forgettable and stole screen time away from Poe)

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by KingPriest2 (Post 13285824)
Kylo will be redeemed at the end.

There are more then 20 fighters. Remember there are many in the outer Rim

I'm curious about how much of the First Order's fleet is actually left at this point. The Raddus' jump didn't just take out The Supremacy, it took out a bunch of the smaller Star Destroyers, too.

I'm not so sure the Resistance and the FO aren't going to be on nearly equal ground in Episode 9.

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13285846)
No, they said "allies" in the Outer Rim, none of whom responded to their distress signal.

They're on their own.

I'm sure the outer rim can nut up now, bud. Relax. :D

sully1983 12-15-2017 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13285836)
Losing weight isn't about "fighting."

It's about looking good on camera.

Having a 60-year old man's character doing a bunch of Jedi flips and bullshit on camera would have been goofy and not in the spirit of the character.

fair enough but jfc talk about a let down. I wanted to see Luke **** shit up and go HAM with a light saber damn it! lol

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 13285854)
fair enough but jfc talk about a let down. I wanted to see Luke **** shit up and go HAM with a light saber damn it! lol

You're probably one of those clowns who loved Yoda in Episode II.

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 04:36 PM

NICE foreshadowing, Rian.

DaneMcCloud 12-15-2017 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13285848)
I'm curious about how much of the First Order's fleet is actually left at this point. The Raddus' jump didn't just take out The Supremacy, it took out a bunch of the smaller Star Destroyers, too.

I'm not so sure the Resistance and the FO aren't going to be on nearly equal ground in Episode 9.

That's not even remotely possible, as the Resistance has zero ships and only a few military leaders left.

I'm sure the First Order fleet is scattered all over the galaxy.

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13285894)
That's not even remotely possible, as the Resistance has zero ships and only a few military leaders left.

I'm sure the First Order fleet is scattered all over the galaxy.

Yeah but there are surely other systems with their own ships that will gladly sign up to fight the FO.

And I'm not so sure...we haven't really been given an idea of how big the FO really is. I have a feeling they just lost a BIG chunk of their fleet.

temper11 12-15-2017 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 13285854)
fair enough but jfc talk about a let down. I wanted to see Luke **** shit up and go HAM with a light saber damn it! lol

I wasn't let down at all with Luke. Everyone always comes into these movies about what they think should happen and then are insanely disappointed that their vision wasn't put down on film. That's why everyone universally loves the Original Trilogy, because people let the story be told to them instead of tried to write it themselves.

= the movie sucks.

= the movie sucks.

= the movie sucks.

TFA was too much like ANH = the movie sucks.

TLJ wasn't enough like what we've seen before = the movie sucks.

etc. etc. The story was fine in my opinion. It was maybe different than I expected, but doesn't make it bad. Looking forward to seeing what happens in the next one.

RINGLEADER 12-15-2017 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13285735)


Just hyperspace in another Star Destroyer.

I mean if the Millennium Falcon can jump out of light speed with enough accuracy to enter the atmosphere of a planet...

RINGLEADER 12-15-2017 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13285958)
I wasn't let down at all with Luke. Everyone always comes into these movies about what they think should happen and then are insanely disappointed that their vision wasn't put down on film. That's why everyone universally loves the Original Trilogy, because people let the story be told to them instead of tried to write it themselves.

= the movie sucks.

= the movie sucks.

= the movie sucks.

TFA was too much like ANH = the movie sucks.

TLJ wasn't enough like what we've seen before = the movie sucks.

etc. etc. The story was fine in my opinion. It was maybe different than I expected, but doesn't make it bad. Looking forward to seeing what happens in the next one.

All of these things are stupid, but if the whole movie wasn't predicated on something so stupid they felt if necessary to have Hux comment on how stupid it was I would have probably been more forgiving.

Fortunately, The Last Jedi now has the worst Audience Score of any Star Wars film ever on Rotten Tomatoes...

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13285960)

Just hyperspace in another Star Destroyer.

If you want to find plot holes you're going to. You can find them in the OT, too.

This one isn't really one, as it's easily explained away by "overconfident FO."

Bowser 12-15-2017 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13285785)
The boy at the end was playing "Luke Skywalker" and was the child given a ring with the symbol for the Rebel Alliance.

He also used The Force to summons the broom, which foreshadows a new Jedi Order.


Bowser 12-15-2017 05:17 PM

I'm going to have to see it again. Watching it, in the moment, I liked it. Walking away from it, I was annoyed with it. I'm going to have to see it again and let it all sink in.

And by the way, don't think you see it in 3D (I only did it because it was the closest start time for me). It brings nothing special or "NEAT-O" to the experience.

keg in kc 12-15-2017 05:18 PM

Yeah, it was fine in IMAX 2d.

DaneMcCloud 12-15-2017 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13285985)

Yes. Apparently,

temper11 12-15-2017 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13285968)
All of these things are stupid, but if the whole movie wasn't predicated on something so stupid they felt if necessary to have Hux comment on how stupid it was I would have probably been more forgiving.

agree to disagree I guess. I'm not going to get into an argument about how realistic it would be to hyperspace within visible distance. We are talking about fantasy here. However, it's never been done before in any star wars movie, so without that to lean on, it's not unreasonable to believe it either can't be done or is done so uncommonly, and require such unusual skill, as to not warrant the risk, especially when it seems all you have to do is simply wait for the fleet to run out of steam.

DaneMcCloud 12-15-2017 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13285981)
If you want to find plot holes you're going to. You can find them in the OT, too.

This one isn't really one, as it's easily explained away by "overconfident FO."

Plot holes are one thing.

Breaking Force canon is completely different.

Bowser 12-15-2017 05:23 PM


Rian Johnson for the new trilogy, or Gareth Edwards?

temper11 12-15-2017 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13285985)


KingPriest2 12-15-2017 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13285985)

She did have the Journal of Whills in the Falcon with her? Yeah Luke didn't go into the tree to see them. It was pretty cool that Yoda as a Force ghost can shoot lighting from the sky to burn the tree down

temper11 12-15-2017 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13286001)
Plot holes are one thing.

Breaking Force canon is completely different.

what specifically are you talking about here?

KingPriest2 12-15-2017 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13285886)
NICE foreshadowing, Rian.

What is that?

DaneMcCloud 12-15-2017 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13286010)
what specifically are you talking about here?


DaneMcCloud 12-15-2017 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13286005)

Rian Johnson for the new trilogy, or Gareth Edwards?

Did you notice Gareth in the film?

And yes, Gareth needs another Star Wars film stat.

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13286001)
Plot holes are one thing.

Breaking Force canon is completely different.

I don't see them as "breaking" force canon, merely expanding on it. As TFA did.

As...pretty much all Star Wars movies have done.

I mean there was some crazy force shit going on in The Clone Wars and you love that shit, Dane.

I don't have a problem with Luke Skywalker, the most ****ing powerful Jedi ever, showing us Astral Projection. I just don't. It was ****ing badass, and totally zen shit that George Lucas would be down with.

DaneMcCloud 12-15-2017 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13286021)
I don't see them as "breaking" force canon, merely expanding on it. As TFA did.

As...pretty much all Star Wars movies have done.

I mean there was some crazy force shit going on in The Clone Wars and you love that shit, Dane.

I don't have a problem with Luke Skywalker, the most ****ing powerful Jedi ever, showing us Astral Projection. I just don't. It was ****ing badass, and totally zen shit that George Lucas would be down with.


KingPriest2 12-15-2017 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13286016)

Didn't like Leis floating in space for safety. That was kind of honey

Luke and his Astral Projectuon showed how powerful he was in the force. Just didn't like him dying at the end because of it

Yoda foreshadowed Luke's ability to interact with Leia and giving her the dice

DaneMcCloud 12-15-2017 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by KingPriest2 (Post 13286025)
Didn't like Leis floating in space for safety. That was kind of honey

Luke and his Astral Projectuon showed how powerful he was in the force. Just didn't like him dying at the end because of it

Yoda foreshadowed Luke's ability to interact with Leia and giving her the dice

It just made me shake my head at how dumb it was for

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13286022)




RINGLEADER 12-15-2017 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13285981)
If you want to find plot holes you're going to. You can find them in the OT, too.

This one isn't really one, as it's easily explained away by "overconfident FO."


Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13286027)
It just made me shake my head at how dumb it was for



temper11 12-15-2017 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13286016)


none of these things "break" from Force Canon to my knowledge, which is admittedly limited to the movies for the most part. Or is there something in the books or animated series that says
is impossible?

RINGLEADER 12-15-2017 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13286036)


The middle hour of this movie wasn't fun. It was boring.

We're running out of fuel!!!!


RINGLEADER 12-15-2017 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13286038)

none of these things "break" from Force Canon to my knowledge, which is admittedly limited to the movies for the most part. Or is there something in the books or animated series that says
is impossible?

I don't think I'm bothered by the astral projection as much as Dane, but what a weak way to send such an iconic character out on.

Not since Kirk riding a bridge down a bunch of rocks have I seen such an iconic sci-fi character go out in such a weak, unmemorable way.

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 05:49 PM

There's nothing that states those things are impossible. People just have problems with new things.

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13286046)
I don't think I'm bothered by the astral projection as much as Dane, but what a weak way to send such an iconic character out on.

Not since Kirk riding a bridge down a bunch of rocks have I seen such an iconic sci-fi character go out in such a weak, unmemorable way.

Oh bullshit. He literally

That was one of the most badass scenes in Star Wars history.

It was zen as ****. And at the end he

It was NOTHING like Kirk, and you're talking to a huge Captain Kirk fan.

temper11 12-15-2017 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13286027)
It just made me shake my head at how dumb it was for

Well if this is to be believed...

"It's a recurring horror in sci-fi: the hull is pierced, a human is trapped without equipment in an airlock about to open, a door needs to be opened in order to expel something undesirable. With no air and almost zero pressure, the human body isn't going to last long without some form of protection.

But what does happen, exactly? Do your eyes explode outward while your blood evaporates? Well, no. The truth is both less dramatic and far more fascinating -- as we have discovered through accidents in space and in test chambers, and animal experimentation in the 1960s.

The first thing you would notice is the lack of air. You wouldn't lose consciousness straight away; it might take up to 15 seconds as your body uses up the remaining oxygen reserves from your bloodstream, and -- if you don't hold your breath -- you could perhaps survive for as long as two minutes without permanent injury."


BigRedChief 12-15-2017 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13285808)

there is no way in any multiverse we can imagine that Disney allows the bad guys to win at the end of this trilogy. Now, they can kill off people we love aka Hans Solo along the way to that win but the good guys must win.

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 05:57 PM

Oh man. So apparently

Rian is amazing.

How did that not leak?

okcchief 12-15-2017 05:59 PM

Star Wars Episode VIII SPOILERS thread
I’m pretty easy to please when it comes to Star Wars movies. I was ok with the Force Awakens and loved Rogue One. I ****ing hated most of what I just saw. So disappointed. Disney is obviously paying critics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

temper11 12-15-2017 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13286046)
I don't think I'm bothered by the astral projection as much as Dane, but what a weak way to send such an iconic character out on.

Not since Kirk riding a bridge down a bunch of rocks have I seen such an iconic sci-fi character go out in such a weak, unmemorable way.

Ok, it's not what you wanted, but like others I was equally worried that we were going to see him somersaulting all over the place kicking butt in ways that we've never seen him do, even when he was young. He's been out of the game now for how many years, collecting dust. He didn't want back into this fight, hadn't been training for this fight, and the one thing he had been doing all this time, was studying ancient ways and methods of the force. Astral Projection realistically might have been the sharpest weapon he had left to offer. This ending was probably the most fitting and realistic ending that could have been conceived. And Hamill did it really well.

KingPriest2 12-15-2017 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13286059)
Oh man. So apparently

Rian is amazing.

How did that not leak?

Yes Yoda was a puppet

temper11 12-15-2017 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by okcchief (Post 13286065)
I’m pretty easy to please when it comes to Star Wars movies. I was ok with the Force Awakens and loved Rogue One. I ****ing hated most of what I just saw. So disappointed. Disney is obviously paying critics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I liked it... and I didn't get paid. :hmmm:

Bowser 12-15-2017 06:05 PM

A ton of negativity so far, some of it definitely justified. Here's one positive -


KingPriest2 12-15-2017 06:06 PM

I think I did hear a new baddie like Snoke is going to be in the next film.

Kylo Ren as the new Supreme Leader?

KingPriest2 12-15-2017 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13286080)
A ton of negativity so far, some of it definitely justified. Here's one positive -


The throne room battle with Rey and Kylo killing the Praetorian Guard was cool

Also. With no crystal how can they construct light sabers since they destroyed Anakins?

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 06:09 PM

Visual dictionary scans. Spoilers galore!

temper11 12-15-2017 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13286080)
A ton of negativity so far, some of it definitely justified. Here's one positive -

It's interesting though... TFA was panned because it was too much like what we'd seen already. Just a remix of what has come before. So Rian steps in and flips the thing over... new story line, new force powers, stuff absolutely no one saw coming... and the movie is panned again. I honestly think the universe is so loved that living up to expectations is nearly impossible. Every single one of you could have written your perfect version of this movie and it would have been shredded.

Hammock Parties 12-15-2017 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13286096)
It's interesting though... TFA was panned because it was too much like what we'd seen already. Just a remix of what has come before. So Rian steps in and flips the thing over... new story line, new force powers, stuff absolutely no one saw coming... and the movie is panned again. I honestly think the universe is so loved that living up to expectations is nearly impossible. Every single one of you could have written your perfect version of this movie and it would have been shredded.

TFA and this movie weren't "panned." They've both been well reviewed.

Haters gonna hate.

We're miles away from the prequels. Those movies didn't register on the emotional spectrum.

I'm laughing and crying like I haven't since I was a kid.

temper11 12-15-2017 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13286101)
TFA and this movie weren't "panned." They've both been well reviewed.

Haters gonna hate.

We're miles away from the prequels. Those movies didn't register on the emotional spectrum.

I'm laughing and crying like I haven't since I was a kid.

Well reviewed critically... and I guess TFA was received well by the majority of the fans as well, but many of the conversations I've had with fellow star wars fans hated the fact that the story arch so closely resembled ANH.

okcchief 12-15-2017 06:23 PM

Really none of the Rey Kylo Luke stuff bothered me though I didn’t love it. The resistance story line was a steaming pile of shit, and there was too much of it. It got better as it went but so much bad to overcome.

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