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TomBarndtsTwin 09-07-2023 07:14 PM

It must be really killing the Bills watching this remembering we traded up in front of them to take McDuffie.

Good times.

Rainbarrel 09-08-2023 07:57 PM

The Jets could salvage this opening weekend

FloridaMan88 09-11-2023 09:20 PM

DiqLicker your latest Bills predication is off to another rousing start. LMAO

New World Order 09-11-2023 09:24 PM

Josh Allen already in midseason form

RealSNR 09-11-2023 09:24 PM


Josh Allen is too stupid and weak to be a great QB.

I don't know if he'll even get the Bills to the big game ever.

Jim Kelly will still be the Bills greatest QB.

mschiefs1984 09-11-2023 09:25 PM

Zach Wilson LOL

New World Order 09-11-2023 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by mschiefs1984 (Post 17103522)
Zach Wilson LOL

Well look who it is..

Sassy Squatch 09-11-2023 09:27 PM

Bills not even low-key third team in their own division. Especially with this iteration of Josh Allen going full reerun on a weekly basis.

Sofa King 09-11-2023 09:27 PM

This is hilarious! Dude is a certified turnover machine. He was created by Daboll and destroyed by us in the playoffs. He'll never make it to the SB. He'll never be Mahomes.

mschiefs1984 09-11-2023 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 17103525)
Well look who it is..

What's good my man

wazu 09-11-2023 09:27 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This tweet was sent *before* that play where he fumbled twice, including losing one of them. <br><br>Y’all can do the math. 🤷*♂️🤷*♂️🤷*♂️ <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; nick wright (@getnickwright) <a href="">September 12, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Sassy Squatch 09-11-2023 09:32 PM

The regression going from Daboll to Dorsey has been absolutely staggering.

FlaChief58 09-11-2023 09:33 PM


mr. tegu 09-11-2023 09:34 PM

Bills fans have talked some about him being lazy in the off season and not over analyzing film (Allen’s words but really probably an excuse to be lazy). He really is just not a smart player. Taking hits, jumping people or banging into guys 5 yards short of a first down at midfield, and generally just doing dumb things.

Bowser 09-11-2023 09:35 PM

Looking forward to the thunderous cries of "IT WAS A LEG WHIP" for the next week

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