Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud
(Post 13354638)
Yes, you are
And there it is: YOU may not care about Luke's fate but millions of others didn't like it. Word of mouth killed this film's chances of even getting close to The Force Awakens box office draw.
Either you have a bunch of people on ignore or you just haven't read all of the posts in this thread because it's been clearly explained why people didn't care for this movie.
Okay, again, I'm really not.
And there it is: YOU may care about Luke's fate but millions of others loved it. The movie was never going to get close to TFA's box office draw, so take that off the table.
I don't have anyone on ignore. That's pretty idiotic, isn't it? To ignore people on a message board? Even Chiefs Planet where so many are insufferable. I'm not asking why people didn't care for the movie. I understand why people didn't care for the movie. I disagree but I understand. And I won't argue with subjective opinion. That's completely stupid. What I'm trying to understand is how the film is a financial failure based on real world numbers, not on critical opinions of the film. If standard conventional wisdom is that a movie needs to make 2.5 times it's budget to make a profit... and TLJ did that and then some. And there is a strong case that at least 75% of the world wide audience liked the movie and that the people that didn't are a loud and vocal minority (which seems to be the case) then how is this movie an abject failure?
I get that you're "in the industry" and "know people" and I get that you hated the movie. A lot of people did. And that's fine. I'm not arguing opinion. I'm sorry that you didn't like it. That sucks. I don't want to discount others' opinions at all.
I happened to love it. I wish everyone had. But it feels to me like the people that liked it are calling it a success and those that didn't are calling it an abject failure. Both seem disingenuous and biased. So is there a truth? Is there a mathematical, factual reality?
What was the budget for the film? How much did it make? What is the correlation between those numbers? How is the biggest film of the year and 1.3 BILLION dollars ever a failure? That's what I'm getting at.
And, I'm sorry, as smart as you guys are, the only answers you're providing are "I HATED THIS MOVIE, RIAN JOHNSON RAPED MY CHILDHOOD, THIS MOVIE SUCKS, WHAT ABOUT LUKE, THIS MOVIE IS A FAIL!"
On an artistic level, folks see it and have defended why they think it's a failure. I get that. But financially, the numbers don't seem to add up. So what am I missing?