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Mecca 07-06-2023 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 17006536)
I just finished Alan Wake remaster and now these are on my radar. I have the remaster collection and this would be my 3rd playthrough as well - such a great series.

You beat that game when it was just put on plus like 2 days ago? Or did you pay for it...

DJJasonp 07-06-2023 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 17006536)
I just finished Alan Wake remaster and now these are on my radar. I have the remaster collection and this would be my 3rd playthrough as well - such a great series.

i'm doing it as I heard they were going off of PS+ soon.......

Mecca 07-06-2023 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 17006562)
i'm doing it as I heard they were going off of PS+ soon.......

You have till July 18th...

DJJasonp 07-06-2023 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 17006502)
I have been itchin to replay those too. So good. I like the second one and Infinite but the first one is the cream of the crop.


I didnt have as much of a problem with 2 as others did. It did have a little less depth than the first one, but I absolutely love the setting, characters, story, gameplay, anything Bioshock is a win for me.

Mecca 07-06-2023 10:17 AM

Stray is also leaving if anyone wanted to give the cat game a go.

ToxSocks 07-06-2023 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17006567)
Stray is also leaving if anyone wanted to give the cat game a go.

I tried it for about 15 minutes thinking it might be kinda funny.

Turns out i was dead ass wrong. That game was made for cat people. No, not gamers who think it'd be fun to **** off as a cat and kill shit and jump around....but for actual cat lovers.

Mecca 07-06-2023 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 17006686)
I tried it for about 15 minutes thinking it might be kinda funny.

Turns out i was dead ass wrong. That game was made for cat people. No, not gamers who think it'd be fun to **** off as a cat and kill shit and jump around....but for actual cat lovers.

It gets better as it goes on the later levels have some challenge.

TLO 07-09-2023 05:50 PM

I just pulled the trigger and finally beat the final boss in TOTK. Great final boss sequence, cinematics, etc.

Was really surprised to find I was only at 69% completion. (Nice)

I'll probably replay through this game at some point, but my God what a masterpiece. I'll wait around for DLC content which I'll happily spend my $$$ on before giving it another run.

I don't know how Nintendo ever tops this. Of course I said the same thing about BOTW.

Otter 07-10-2023 03:55 AM

Project Zomboid kept popping up all over the place so I decided to give it a whirl over the weekend. It's available free on GOG Unlocked.

It's a real stinker. Controls, lack of any end game, graphics, the weird 3rd person view, plus about a hundred other things. Make sure you try it before you buy it because watching someone else play is no where near the experience of playing it yourself.


Stryker 07-10-2023 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17006544)
You beat that game when it was just put on plus like 2 days ago? Or did you pay for it...

No, I bought it used off eBay and then OF COURSE it comes out for FREE on PS+ Just my luck :banghead:

ThaVirus 07-10-2023 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 16864381)
What’s the verdict on Fallout 4 years later? It’s $9.99 on PSN right now and I’m nostalgic for a Fallout 3/New Vegas experience.


Originally Posted by Indian Chief (Post 16864415)
Not as good as 3/NV. I still had a good time playing, but once I was done, that was pretty much it. I didn't do multiple playthroughs like 3.

I finally finished Fallout 4 and I’d say I agree with you. The story was a bit strange and I definitely didn’t love it as much as New Vegas, but it was fun enough. The addition of power armors and settlements were interesting. Power armors were cool but the settlement shit could get annoying quickly. **** Preston Garvey for always having a new ****ing settlement mission everytime I speak to him.

I’ve probably got about 50% of the map either unexplored or not fully explored (discovered location but never entered the building). Now I decide if I want to do some more exploring or just move on..

WhawhaWhat 07-11-2023 08:29 AM

I've been playing Final Fantasy 16 and it's been great. Good characters, good story, looks incredible and the battles are fun.

Indian Chief 07-11-2023 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 17011373)
**** Preston Garvey for always having a new ****ing settlement mission everytime I speak to him.

I may have shot Preston in the face a few times in a fit of rage. Then reloaded my last save.

tredadda 07-11-2023 06:07 PM

Not sure if posted anywhere but it appears that a major hurdle to the Microsoft acquisition of Activision was cleared. Not sure this is good overall for gaming as more development studios get swallowed up. There seems to be little desire on the part of Microsoft and Sony to make games available on both systems.

Imon Yourside 07-11-2023 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 17013393)
Not sure if posted anywhere but it appears that a major hurdle to the Microsoft acquisition of Activision was cleared. Not sure this is good overall for gaming as more development studios get swallowed up. There seems to be little desire on the part of Microsoft and Sony to make games available on both systems.

PC is the winner, most Sony games even come these days.

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