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Chiefspants 01-08-2018 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13347719)
TFA wasn't my favorite but all the characters fit their roles except for maybe Poe. He wasn't really necessary to the movie. Come to think of it, Poe really wasn't necessary in TLJ.

The problem, at least as its been reported, is that Oscar Isaac's character was supposed to die in the crash on Jakku.

Oscar Isaac was really sad when he found that out, and somewhere along the way Disney realized that Oscar Isaac is a really, really ****ing good actor - so they wrote him back into TFA.

I don't think the new universe really had the space for two male leads like Poe and Finn, especially with the characters from the OT.

RINGLEADER 01-08-2018 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13347774)
The problem, at least as its been reported, is that Oscar Isaac's character was supposed to die in the crash on Jakku.

Oscar Isaac was really sad when he found that out, and somewhere along the way Disney realized that Oscar Isaac is a really, really ****ing good actor - so they wrote him back into TFA.

I don't think the new universe really had the space for two male leads like Poe and Finn, especially with the characters from the OT.

Makes sense. I always thought Poe was supposed to be the new Han, Finn the new Luke, Rey the new Leia, and Chewie the, well, the old Chewie.

Sweet Daddy Hate 01-09-2018 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13347196)
If Finn had bought it by flying into the ray gun I would have been happy to see something he tried to do end in success...


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13347420)
it seemed like the perfect ending to Finn's story arch and rian took that away as well.

With some corny ass We fight for what we love sjw bullshit.

We have rarely agreed in these debates, but I concur on both counts. God DAMN it is sad when Dave Fellatio and his crew of Bugs Bunny bitches are cranking out FAR more interesting characters and stories...ugh.


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13347488)
am I the only one that Liked Finn in TFA ?

I find Rose Tico to be the New Jar Jar of star wars you have to be a pretty big fanboy to excuse her and finn's story line on the Canto.

I initially liked him but found the relationship between him and Poe to be rushed and very unrealistic...



Hammock Parties 01-09-2018 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13347774)
The problem, at least as its been reported, is that Oscar Isaac's character was supposed to die in the crash on Jakku.

Oscar Isaac was really sad when he found that out, and somewhere along the way Disney realized that Oscar Isaac is a really, really ****ing good actor - so they wrote him back into TFA.

I don't think the new universe really had the space for two male leads like Poe and Finn, especially with the characters from the OT.

I'll say it again: Poe and Finn should have been the same character.

And that character could have been part of a love triangle with Rey and Kylo.

Rey torn between the former First Order lover trying to save the Resistance and the former Skywalker lover trying to destroy it.

No ****ing Rose.

GordonGekko 01-09-2018 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13347719)
TFA wasn't my favorite but all the characters fit their roles except for maybe Poe. He wasn't really necessary to the movie. Come to think of it, Poe really wasn't necessary in TLJ.

Poe to me is the only current character that has the spirit of the characters from the original trilogy, he kind of has that old American optimism. In The Last ****up, his screen time was the only time during the movie I thought was any fun.

Hammock Parties 01-09-2018 07:20 AM

Interesting thought....does Kylo know Leia is alive?

If he thinks she is dead is sets up an interesting situation for IX.

Hammock Parties 01-09-2018 07:22 AM

Ewan certainly looks more and more like Obi-Wan these days...


BigRedChief 01-09-2018 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13348602)
Ewan certainly looks more and more like Obi-Wan these days...


he's 46 now.

RINGLEADER 01-09-2018 08:49 PM

A Kenobi film would rock — especially if it followed the Rogue One template.

Bowser 01-09-2018 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13350688)
A Kenobi film would rock — especially if it followed the Rogue One template.

Oh, hell yes.

Hammock Parties 01-09-2018 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 13350653)
he's 46 now.

And looks remarkably good.

He needs to start hitting the crack pipe or something.

RINGLEADER 01-10-2018 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13350699)
Oh, hell yes.

Some kind of clandestine mission to form the rebellion and "get the gang together" of Mon Mothma, Adm Ackbar, Wedge, etc. I don't follow the EU stuff that closely or watch the animated series so I'm not sure how much of this has been covered, but it could be fun.

Especially with some kind of prologue where he has to stay in the shadows and help Luke not get himself killed as a child.

Of course, I would be very sad throughout knowing all the characters are going to meet with such underwhelming and inauspicious ends. Still can't believe Adm Ackbar just got sucked out a decompressing ship.

I seriously am starting to believe that KK didn't understand the importance of the original trilogy or the foundational mythos that made up a lot of what Star Wars is -- if she did there is absolutely no way she would have agreed to that TLJ script...

Just Passin' By 01-10-2018 02:34 AM

Monday's box office receipts


That's a drop of 87.5% from last week.

"He's dead, Jim"

RINGLEADER 01-10-2018 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Just Passin' By (Post 13351101)
Monday's box office receipts


That's a drop of 87.5% from last week.

"He's dead, Jim"

Wow that's bad.

I've been reading interviews with Rian Johnson all over the Internet doing damage control - basically saying all of the big points that people are complaining about (Rey's parents, Luke, Snoke's background, etc., etc.) may be revisited in Episode 9. Essentially he's walking back his entire story while simultaneously explaining that he couldn't include things like Snoke's origins anywhere in the movie lest it interfere with Rey's journey. Like he was filming a biographical documentary or something.

While I'm happy for anyone who found this to be a great movie I think it's safe to say that Rian really screwed this up.

Just Passin' By 01-10-2018 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13351104)
Wow that's bad.

I've been reading interviews with Rian Johnson all over the Internet doing damage control - basically saying all of the big points that people are complaining about (Rey's parents, Luke, Snoke's background, etc., etc.) may be revisited in Episode 9. Essentially he's walking back his entire story while simultaneously explaining that he couldn't include things like Snoke's origins anywhere in the movie lest it interfere with Rey's journey. Like he was filming a biographical documentary or something.

While I'm happy for anyone who found this to be a great movie I think it's safe to say that Rian really screwed this up.

Neither VII nor VIII should ever have been allowed to go forward, but they chose politics over plot. Now, Disney is going to have to find a way to fix what's really been a 5 movie decline, because it looks like even the fanboy base is finally figuring out that this stuff has all been shit since the OT was finished.

Luke's all they have, now, and even finding a way to set that part right and fix the story is going to take some serious tinkering. If they can do that, ditch the Pippi Skywalker and Emo Vader bullshit, and get better male leads with more interesting characters, they might still be able to right the ship.

I just have no faith in them doing that. VII showed that they don't really have many new ideas beyond the insertion of more radical politics, and VIII seems to have shown (from what I've heard here and read elsewhere) that the few ideas they do have are really shitty.

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