DaneMcCloud |
01-04-2018 10:13 PM |
Originally Posted by cosmo20002
(Post 13331707)
What a dumb take. It's like you know nothing about anything.
Mr. Mult strikes again. Or is that Ms.?
Originally Posted by cosmo20002
(Post 13331707)
A more sensible explanation is that there was a huge, historic, anticipation for TFA with the return of OT characters after 30+ years. And people saw Han die, 2 seconds of Luke, and a re-hash of Ep. IV. It turned people off, many of whom decided they had outgrown this Star Wars thing and/or decided the whole thing just wasn't that good anymore.
Or, the word of mouth for Episode VIII is so bad that people have stayed away and have refused to see it more than once.
Originally Posted by cosmo20002
(Post 13331707)
And don't dismiss Rogue One. What was the box office on that? If they are going to put out a movie every year, its going to likely dilute the build-up and excitement of each new one. Star Wars movies aren't rare events any more.
Rogue One wasn't initially expected to do more than about $500 million worldwide. Disney had very low expectations for a "Star Wars Story".
It ended up with $1.056 billion and sold a shit ton of BluRay/DVD/Digital Copies. It also increased the expectations of what a Star Wars Story is supposed to be and it's box office receipts.
Or did you miss the part about KK firing the initial directors after all but 10 pages were completed, hired Oscar Winner Ron Howard, recast a few roles, added a few scenes and did a Page One Re-Shoot?
Originally Posted by cosmo20002
(Post 13331707)
Did Empire do as well as Star Wars? I guess it sucked and killed the franchise.
You're a butt****ing moron and apparently, that includes every subject, not just your nonsense in the DC (and your various mults, which have been confirmed to me by the Mods).