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DeepPurple 05-15-2019 08:28 PM

Not new new, but I did just see Black Klansman on HBO. It's a Spike Lee film, it's not really my cup of tea but I found it enjoyable. Except the opening scene had Alec Baldwin doing his take on a George Wallace type character, which really had nothing to do with the main storyline. Also the last few minutes was filled with news footage of Charlottsville, which again, different decade and not really part of the story.

The film ran 2+15, if the opening and closing scenes had been omitted, it would of been a much better film and 2 hours. The main storyline is portrayed as a satire, a sort of dramedy. The main character is played by Denzil Washington's son, which I didn't know until after I watched it. He spoke better English than most white people. It was really funny at times, like when he was talking to David Duke on the phone, most of you know who that was. The in person contact was played by Adam Driver, I really like him as an actor. There were some really tense times and it got downright hairy, it had you on the edge of your seat. I gave it 6 stars, if the opening and closing scenes were omitted, I would give it 8 stars.

Dayze 05-16-2019 02:42 PM

probably not a 'new' movie, but we watched LBJ last night starring Woody Harelson.
I thought it was pretty good. A little slow in parts, but I though he did a good job.
Though, sometimes while trying to mimic LBJ's accent, it was a little 'too' Woody Harelson. But overall, I enjoyed it. Jennifer Jason Leigh as Lady Bird.

chiefzilla1501 05-16-2019 09:14 PM

Not a new movie, but holy shit the movie Creep on Netflix is an intense as hell thriller. Mark Duplasse is outstanding and he's quietly become an insanely good actor after getting his start playing a goofball on The League. Apparently Creep 2 is even better but no way I'm watching that back to back.

Saw this as a result of watching Paddleton which he's also outstanding in, especially toward the end.

KCUnited 05-26-2019 02:03 PM

Went to see Hail Satan? this afternoon. It's a documentary about The Satanic Temple and they're "fight" to separate church and state. It's super well done in portraying something serious in a deadpan, witty, fun kind of way that doesn't fit the OMG Satanic Panic portrayal people normally associate with Satanists. I recommend it, maybe not a Friday night out in a modern theater setting, but it was perfect for a BYOB matinee in an old theater over a 3 day weekend. Sold out show with amazing people watching. Hail Satan \m/

Baby Lee 05-31-2019 05:02 AM

Booksmart is pretty much everything you would expect, and not a lot you wouldn't.

If you like the genre of kids getting their last kicks out before the 'big event' [whatever that is in a particular situation], you'll enjoy seeing how the fellow kids do that thing today.

If you think you've seen the definitive movie about high school blowouts, whether it's American Graffiti, Ferris Bueller, 16 Candles, Dazed and Confused or Superbad, you probably already have and might find this either a retread or a new chapter of an old comic book.

It's fairly true to form and fairly decently updated without being pedantic or overbearing or overly precious about this particular moment. It's got all the signposts and signals, with plenty new to gawk at, giggle at, laugh at or just be bewildered by.

It's funny, laugh out loud in short quick bits, but not an all-out farce or raunchfest like American Pie, though it does have some 'grownup humor.' It's sweet and bittersweet at points as well.

I can see why it's getting raves AND I can see why it's underperforming. It's not something that you simply MUST see, but it's something that will entertain if you're in the mood.

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-31-2019 05:59 AM

Sounds like a shitter.

MarkDavis'Haircut 05-31-2019 09:01 AM

Any one see Detective Pikachu?

Dayze 06-01-2019 08:33 PM

Watched Downsizing tonight. Well, about 45 minutes of it.
It. ****ing. Sucked out loud. Couldn’t even finish it.

Jesus Christ.

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-01-2019 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 14291530)
Watched Downsizing tonight. Well, about 45 minutes of it.
It. ****ing. Sucked out loud. Couldn’t even finish it.

Jesus Christ.

I am sorry for your viewing experience.

sully1983 06-01-2019 10:43 PM

Anyone seen Ma yet? I plan on checking it out sometime next week . Stay away from the full trailer though as it shows a lot.

DeepPurple 06-03-2019 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 14291530)
Watched Downsizing tonight. Well, about 45 minutes of it.
It. ****ing. Sucked out loud. Couldn’t even finish it.

Jesus Christ.

I'm sorry to hear that, I'm a big Kristin Wiig fan. I almost went to the theater to see it but the reviews weren't good.

keg in kc 06-03-2019 01:59 PM

I saw Rim of the World on Netflix after hearing it get talked up on Kevin Smith's podcast. They billed it as 'Goonies meets Independence Day". Which I guess it was, maybe, if you were coming from the perspective of a 5th grade class. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't very good, either.

sd4chiefs 06-04-2019 08:19 PM

Watched Bad times at the EL Royale the other night on HBO. Loved it.

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mikeyis4dcats. 06-05-2019 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 14289515)
Any one see Detective Pikachu?

with my 9yo. It was ok, for someone who knows nothing about Pokemon.

mikeyis4dcats. 06-05-2019 09:08 AM

Highwaymen on Netflix is pretty good. Bonnie and Clyde story.

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