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GordonGekko 10-11-2013 07:38 PM

GordonGekko 10-11-2013 07:51 PM

Bowser 10-11-2013 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by GordonGekko (Post 10074075)

This is an old repost, but I always laugh at it. Much discussion has gone on in regards as to exactly what in the blue **** was going on to have that happen to that car.

Plus, that guy really needed to go directly to a convenience store and buy some lottery tickets.

GordonGekko 10-12-2013 05:41 PM

Valiant 10-12-2013 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by GordonGekko (Post 10076572)

damn.. If that is real, he is either dead or wishes he was..

Easy 6 10-12-2013 08:14 PM

Lord, that slam looked like a whirling twirling Jordan dunk... the wind just toyed with him, OW.

Lets tether up to a boat next time...

ThaVirus 10-12-2013 09:34 PM

I've read that hitting still water from extreme heights is basically just like hitting concrete. Must hurt.

Aries Walker 10-12-2013 10:24 PM

Yeah, I think it must.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dayze 10-13-2013 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 10077446)
Yeah, I think it must.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I think I had a similar experience on a rope swing after drinking about 15 Busch Lights. I still have an odd looking first knuckle on my ring finger after breakiing it.

mdchiefsfan 10-13-2013 07:43 AM

<embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' id='player' name='player' src='' width='533' height='400' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' flashvars='config=' />

mdchiefsfan 10-13-2013 08:07 AM

<embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' id='player' name='player' src='' width='533' height='400' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' flashvars='config=' />

BigRedChief 10-13-2013 09:15 AM

GordonGekko 10-13-2013 12:51 PM

Bump 10-13-2013 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by GordonGekko (Post 10076572)

lets put that on my list of things I'm never going to do

R8RFAN 10-13-2013 02:23 PM

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