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And for whatever reason, I felt more compelled in new dawn to nail all the achievements in all the areas, much more than I did in '5'. The saw blade gun was a blast. |
Honest question, are single console multiplayer games gone for good?
My wife and I will kill a game that's set up with that and while we play tomb Raider and stuff switching players each time we die (usually along with a tequila shot) we would rather both play at the same time |
local-multiplayer: Gauntlet, Crawl, Gang-beasts, Air Mech. and many more. the genre isnt dead yet |
Back down the Destiny 2 rabbit hole...addicted all over again.
Anyone play Mario kart on switch?
Well after finally being burnt out on Battlefield I, I played through Call of Duty Modern Warfare remastered meh. I am now into Wolfenstein the New Order. I love this game and cannot believe that I did not play it when it came out! I have The Old Blood and The New Colossus as well. Also played through Uncharted 4 The Lost Legacy. Left to play:
Bioshock Trilogy remastered (played back in the day but looking forward the remastered) Star Wars Battlefront II (campaign) Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition remastered |
Probably my all-time favorite game(s).......along with "last of us" |
I am getting hyped for Mario Maker 2. Cant wait to play with my 4 year old daughter.
I couldn't get into Last of Us. Felt like a "telltale" game for what i managed to get through.
:) Yeah, there's a lot of dialogue in the beginning, etc......but once you get past the clickers in the toppled office building, it was non-stop addiction from there on out! |
This looks really cool, coming out on the 6th of August. More of a fan of scifi stuff these days than fantasy. Haven't played the 4x stuff in quite a while but this may bring me back.
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/XEnokEJFQcY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wpvZsUEAvRw" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I bounced off of Warframe twice. Once when it was still in in alpha stage and there wasn't much of a game there. Again a few years ago.
But I started playing again about 3 weeks ago and am playing the shit out of it. It still throws a ton of stuff at you with little to no explanation, but it is a lot more accessible than it was, and there is a lot of interesting stuff to do. I know we have a few guys that either play it or used to play it. |
Odyssey is so much fun. Hadn't played an AC game since AC:3. But I never finished that game because it had some seriously frustrating flaws. Odyssey is so much better in every way. And it's ****ing huge. If you spent the time doing every side mission and exploring every location, it would take forever. The combat is lots of fun. The sailing is a blast. Straight up pirate mode where you're ramming/shooting other ships to damage them enough to board them and kill everyone and plunder their cargo. Your crew is singing pirate songs while you're cruising the seas, whales jumping in front of the ship, etc. You upgrade your boat/weapons/crew to fight bigger ships. The normal weapons modding/building/upgrading system is fun too. This game is a blast guys. Never thought I'd enjoy it this much. It's worth it just for the exploration itself, just to see some of the cool Greek sites. And like Breath of the Wild, you can pretty much go anywhere in the map and approach quests however you like, taking full advantage of the atmosphere. Highly recommend. |
I picked up Spider-Man on sale.
I really missed web swinging through the city ala the classic Spider-Man 2. I'm a bit concerned though. When I load up the game it says it's 48% complete but basically nothing has happened in the main storyline. |
On paper I should have loved Spider-Man. It was really solid on a lot aspects.. but I didn't love it.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aklE4ONP0YI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Halo MC Collection and Halo Reach out today on Steam. I know what I'm doing this weekend!
I picked up Ace Combat 7...waiting to try this thing out in VR....
They're only releasing the Master Chief Collection in installments, first with Reach. Played the first three levels last night, good nostalgia factor.
Darksiders Genesis comes out tomorrow and has been getting good reviews from critics. Top down, diablo-esque this time around instead of third person behind the back. Enjoyed all three in one way or another so I'll pick this one up to continue the story. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/t9VYfANeWtE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WVssYeb9TY8" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
X-Com fans rejoice! <iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RNtESq5CFvI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Got into Rust again with my buddies, **** i forgot how brutal this game can be. lol. Fun though.
Finished The Outer Worlds. Really enjoyed it. It really was the Fallout game we've been wanting since New Vegas.
I've been playing Squad. It has been out for a few years although they still consider themselves in beta, but I came across a content creator called Karmakut randomly on youtube and started watching his videos and then got hooked on them and bought the game. Pretty fun, but hard to get up to speed to do very well in it.
I had one match where Karmakut ended up playing in it as well, but was on the other side. Hoping I find a video of it to try to find my name in the ending scorecard. We beat his side, and I was too busy trying to see how he did in the match to catch how I did. edit: I know I did terribad in the match compared to him. He typically gets 20-30 kills in a match or more, my max so far is 5 :) |
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HJWWu8h7xZU" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Resident Evil 2 remake was so well done, I'm really looking forward to this. April 2020 is right around the corner, much quicker than I anticipated. |
Wow they copied the formula from the best Mech game ever Mech Warrior one with it's then 16 color graphics.
<iframe width="800" height="600" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9CuGDHvc0NM" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Anyone playing COD warzone. FPS Battle Royale, free to play.
Fallen Order is pretty fun, but I need to get off this first planet, I think it'll become far more exciting after that. This first planet is pissing me off.
I've been doing Survive The Hunt on GTA 5. It is tremendously fun.
Someone in here mentioned Outer Worlds, and I think I might give it a shot - looks like a cross between Fallout and Borderlands!
Since I'm home so much, I started "Detroit: Become Human".....and I must say, incredible graphics - and some pretty intense decision-making, etc. Kind of reminds me of "Until Dawn", but with a bit more realism. Liking it so far. |
The team that made fallout new vegas made the outer worlds so makes sense.
my rocket league controller died. Ordered a new one on amazon, shit isnt going to be here for a good while. lol
On another subject, I got back into World of Tanks and am super hooked so let me know if any of yall play. |
Resident Evil 3 tomorrow! I don't care if it's only 6 hours playthrough, looking forward to killing Nemesis over and over again!!
Last of Us 2 just got delayed due to Corona.
Pisser was, I felt like complete shit yesterday and didnt even unbox it! Today though....can't wait. |
Beat RE 3 on Normal, a few thoughts:
- It's short, but good, it rests between DLC and a full game so I can see why each side has complaints. I beat it in 5 hours 14 minutes with 7 deaths, took 3 or 4 of those deaths on purpose to restart a section with more ammo after I saw what the game was throwing at me. - Jill is great, Carlos is done well, they flirt but are more just trying to escape the city. Not really any forced love angle, just two people who lean on each other to survive. It gets annoying eventually that they throw out the F bomb, especially Jill and especially towards the end, so the dialogue could've been delivered with more thought. - Nemesis is really well done at first, when he evolves into his second form, he becomes a reoccurring boss battle that happens four times overall. He should've been more menacing in certain sections of Jills campaign after the hospital, but it's a nitpick more than anything. The boss battles are different in how you have to defeat him, they were well done. - The weapons feel great, alot of power in them and you get them at good times during the campaign. The only weapon I wish I would've gotten to use more was the magnum. You get it relatively late in the game, but I had a feeling I would need to save the ammo, and I did, you'll end up saving your ammo for the third fight against Nemesis. Overall I would recommend it, although $60 is a bit overpriced for not as much material as RE 2 Remake was last year. I get to the point where I unlock everything in an RE game and then put it away for awhile until I come back to dominate again, and this one will be similar. They should've put the missing sections in the game from the original, like the clock tower, like the park, and like the Gravedigger worm fight. There aren't really any puzzles at all which is a shame, nothing even like the statues in RE 2 Remake. Only two or three safes in the game, so I wish they would've added more sections in the game to give it a little more variety and different combinations of enemies. I'm not mad about it, just wanted more after I was finished with the game and wished they would've delayed the game for another 4 to 6 months to implement it. I would recommend playing on Hard the first time, not necessarily for the challenge, but a Store unlocks at the end of your first playthrough, and you get points to spend towards items in that store. The harder the difficulty, the more points you get. At the end of my first playthrough I got 8660 points but if I want to buy two hip pouches for right off the bat, I need 9600 points, so I have to play the game again just to get items that aren't even top of the line. I don't mind, I want to narrow down my time, but I wish I would've known before my first playthrough. |
Had a blast though. Graphics are great, action is great. I think they could have made the Jill hospital and underground parts a little longer and harder (especially more of those pale-white zombies that were a bitch). would like to see some free DLC though, to justify the 60 bucks. But all that said, I dont feel ripped off at all, was lots of fun, and I havent even done the multiplayer yet. |
Been playing RE3 and loving it, which is no surprise because I love almost anything Resident Evil (except for RE6 and those god awful movies). It's not exactly a faithful remake but it's still a damn fine Resident Evil game, much like the last two. I'm just happy the series became great again. I never thought it would recover after 6.
Yeah I took the weekend to pretty much get all the unlockables like the assault rifle, rocket launcher etc. The rocket launcher, as expected, makes the game a cakewalk and lets you feel like a speed runner in some regards. Depending on the difficulty I can beat the game with the rocket launcher in around an hour. I wanted to get this game out of the way to make room for FFVII Remake on Friday.
Guess where I live that is no dice as it downloaded 100 gigs in an hour like normal. |
I'll do with RE 3 like I did the others where I waited them out and I got the 1 remake for free and I got 2 for 10 bucks.
Also did anyone here run out and buy animal crossing for the switch, that game is all the rage now. |
I bought Animal Crossing for my daughter so she could play with her friends and give her something to do while in quarantine. Worked like a charm so far, but I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet unfortunately.
I've been losing myself in Kingdom Come Deliverance of late, which I picked up on sale for $15 on Steam. In some ways it's totally amazing, but at the same time perhaps the most frustrating game I've ever played. EVER. The combat is so difficult to figure out that it makes the Witcher games look like Pong. My character is level 10 and I still get beat down in the tournament like I'm a ****ing toddler by the guards who cost 50 pounds each. I assume at some point I'll get it, but I'm not there yet. At least I'm finally to the point where I can fight off the average random assailants that jump me when I'm attempting to fast travel.
It makes sense that everything should be difficult for some bumbling illiterate kid, and this game makes no bones about this. You're not Geralt of Rivia or the Dragonborn, or the Vault Dweller who can at least pick up a gun and shoot it correctly with the aid of a Pip Boy. Everything is a pain in the ass in the beginning. Hell, you have to get to level 5 before you can shoot a bow correctly without injuring yourself, and much like in real life, there is no target reticle in the middle of the screen. At this point I've wished death upon the game developers, their families and everyone they've ever met, but I'm still at it. |
Alien Isolation is $2 on steam. Its a true love letter to the franchise, and one of the greatest horror games ever. Buy it!
I know I'll hate it but I can't resist at that price. Just the opportunity to sit here, at night, in my house, in which I live alone, and the wind blowing the wrong way scares me....yeah, bring on the goosebumps. :D
The Ripley DLC looks cool too. |
apparently the aliens colonial marines game is quite good with this mod
https://www.moddb.com/mods/templargfxs-acm-overhaul so im going down this hole |
Anyone want to add me on steam my handle is nh7676
It's still a pain in the ass, but also fantastic. I rank it right up there with Witcher 3. I love immersive games like this, and it's frankly a great place to hide from all the shit that's going on right now. You have to eat, but not too much; you have to repair your armor, clothing and weapons; you have to bathe regularly so people will deal with you favorably; you have to feed your dog or he gets pissed and wanders off. If you're going into battle, you'd better prepare yourself beforehand, because you can't drink your potions while fighting. I mostly started over (no desire to play through the very beginning) and did a better job developing my character the second time around. I finally get how the combat works, although there is never a time you become immortal - I can still get jumped and killed by a bunch of peasants if they quickly surround me and start wailing on me from all sides, no matter what kind of weapon I'm wielding or armor I'm wearing. Which I guess is how it would have been in real life. I did break down and install one mod - it gives me a reticle for bow shooting. That just drove me nuts. Of course, even with the reticle it's still difficult; even with maxed out strength, agility and vitality, Henry still takes forever to pull the string back and fire. I was hoping at higher levels he'd turn into Legolas; ain't ****ing happening. The hunting aspect is great fun, though. I highly recommend this game, despite its warts. But unless you have the patience for the steep learning curve and slow skill development, it may not be for you. |
Just got Metal Gear Solid V and Assassin's Creed Black Flag for $12 total.
Never played either of these franchises before. :D |
MGS:V has a very bizarre story (it's a Japanese game so I guess that's to be expected) but the gameplay doesn't get better than that. It's an incredible game. Black Flag is super fun for a while but unless you're an OCD completionist, it gets pretty stale. |
Currently playing this, BTW, to cleanse my palate before going back into fully realized 3D worlds. <iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/EVsTmfaFXZw" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Nope, I'll get to that eventually :D
Just remember, this game is HARD. Only two difficulty levels - normal and hard, and normal is ****ing crazy. Can't imagine what sort of masochist would play it on hard. In the beginning your character couldn't fight his way out of a shithouse, and it takes him a long time to get him up to speed. There's a guard captain you'll run into who'll train you throughout the game. Make full use of him, and pay attention to the various nuances of combat, because it's a bitch. The game doesn't hold your hand at all. Frankly, it tends to slap it instead. The quests are rarely straightforward and your actions can definitely come back to haunt you later. Some of them are tedious as ****, so be warned. It's still a little twitchy, but most of the bad bugs have been fixed. Just now I was traveling between towns when a mercenary stopped me and challenged me to a duel. I lost. So then I sicced the dog on him and stabbed him to death while his back was turned. Yeah, I'm a sore loser. :D |
So I tried Witcher 3 (on PS4)......and it seems the controls are going to be way too tedious for me to get into.
Someone convince me that I can get past this training ground stuff and enjoy it??? |
Witcher 3 is widely regarded as one of the best games of the generation....
Just read some stuff about Metro Exodus.
They did a really bad job of marketing because I thought it was just a game about boring snow-covered russia, but apparently you get to explore the goddamn CASPIAN SEA?!?! IN. https://www.vgr.com/wp-content/uploa...-Caspian-2.jpg |
Of course, if you try Kingdom Come Deliverance, Witcher 3 will seem easy. :D |
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