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GloryDayz 01-17-2025 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Graystoke (Post 17913938)
Well, I am taking the plunge folks.
After 36 years of employment with the same outfit it is time.
My last day will be February 28th. We then go to Mexico for 2-3 weeks...maybe longer right???
Looking forward to going into this with Spring on the horizon. Got travel plans ready and in my head thinking of all I want to do!
I am pretty excited. 3 Months ago I was wishy washy about it, but now I am convinced, I am ready.
I may re-enter the work force as a consultant as folks have already reached out asking. I am not going to immediately commit until I have a 2-3 months of retirement under my belt.
BIG CHANGES on the horizon and I am pumped for the change.

Great attitude... "Maybe I'll stay longer" is my retirement slogan...

I'm happy for you..

Mosbonian 01-17-2025 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 17913975)
I still get calls for consulting companies, remote work etc. I just tell them I'm retired. Wellll until the next hurricane whacks my house. :)

I have been retired now for 9 months and have absolutely no desire to do anymore consulting...when I first retired I thought I would enjoy doing some consulting but the further I get from what I used to do the less desire I have. I am doing things I LOVE to do...found out that being a volunteer can be so rewarding.

BigRedChief 01-17-2025 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by ChiTown (Post 17914030)
The next 2 years are gonna be ball-busters, but they are also going to be 2 of the best years financially of my career. So, I'm gonna rack it up while I can :)

My last 3 years I made the type of money I'd never made previously in my life. I wanted to work until FRA. I was still at the top of the food chain to finish my career. Still enjoyed the work. But, you need a fully functioning short term memory to do my job.

You never know what may come up in your brilliantly conceived retirement plan. Plan accordingly.

GloryDayz 01-17-2025 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Mosbonian (Post 17914066)
I have been retired now for 9 months and have absolutely no desire to do anymore consulting...when I first retired I thought I would enjoy doing some consulting but the further I get from what I used to do the less desire I have. I am doing things I LOVE to do...found out that being a volunteer can be so rewarding.

100% with you. I still get the occasional call to help, and sometimes I do, but more chatting on the phone. ANd like you say, I'm doing what I love, I don't have time for stress. I still teach scuba so I guess some (my wife) says I still work, but it's a passion, I don't it when, where, and how I want, and I pretty much do it for free. But you're spot-on, once you retire and the stress fades, life gets amazingly awesome.

Graystoke 02-24-2025 08:13 AM

I am on the final week countdown!

Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan 02-24-2025 08:53 AM

Well, just went over my first year of retirement. So far, I've become the primary chef in the family and have learned that while I doubt any Michelin Chefs have to worry, I'm actually not too bad (reflected in my Christmas presents of a brand new knife set (very swanky) and a cast-iron skillet (my first).

Gotten quite a bit of writing done - finished a novel, three novellas, and six out of eight short stories for a collection. Worked with some absolutely wonderful artists for illustrations for two of the books and have several more novels/novellas I hope to finish in 2025.

Also survived my first go with tax season. Learned my 401K wasn't taking out enough for state taxes, but luckily, I had the foresight to put X into a special savings account to cover any tax shenanigans and there was more than enough to cover it.

Going to try and have some fun this year - got several conventions that I'm going to attend around the eastern US (and one in St. Louis this fall). Being retired means I don't have to take leave to go and can take a day or so longer to get there/back without stressing or driving 14 hours straight.

Also, got the first email from work asking if I was interested in coming back. I tried really, really hard not to send them a snarky reply back. I guess I should be flattered that they thought I did a good enough job to reach out, but no thank you. I'm not bored or frustrated with my retirement. I'm having a blast and am going to enjoy my freedom as long as the ol' body holds up.

RedRaider56 02-24-2025 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Graystoke (Post 17977757)
I am on the final week countdown!

Congrats. I'm down to 36 days.

My boss is asking me to stay an additional 30 days as they have yet to find a replacement for me. He hasn't sweetened the pot for me to stay, so my answer to date is "No" ;)

philfree 02-24-2025 10:36 AM

I've spent the last several months closing down our family business that we've ran for over forty years. It's ran its course and gave us a comfortable life but it's not fun closing it down. Everything is taken care of except closing down our Profit Sharing which is almost completed. At this point I am effectively retired at 63 which means I'm paying for my health insurance out of my pocket for a year and eight months.

We are in the process of selling off some property we operated our business on. That will give me a cash infusion to increase my investments and also a wad to blow.

I have no bucket list or anything like that. No real desire to travel and see the world.(The wife might differ on that) I'm just a tumble weed rolling along with the wind. Any way the wind blows!

BigRedChief 02-24-2025 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Graystoke (Post 17977757)
I am on the final week countdown!

Thats cool. finish line in sight. :thumb:

ThyKingdomCome15 02-24-2025 11:03 AM

So long old guy I never knew or worked with?

BigRedChief 02-24-2025 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by philfree (Post 17977895)
I'm just a tumble weed rolling along with the wind. Any way the wind blows!

As any good retirement begins.:thumb:

HemiEd 02-24-2025 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by philfree (Post 17977895)
I've spent the last several months closing down our family business that we've ran for over forty years. It's ran its course and gave us a comfortable life but it's not fun closing it down. Everything is taken care of except closing down our Profit Sharing which is almost completed. At this point I am effectively retired at 63 which means I'm paying for my health insurance out of my pocket for a year and eight months.

We are in the process of selling off some property we operated our business on. That will give me a cash infusion to increase my investments and also a wad to blow.

I have no bucket list or anything like that. No real desire to travel and see the world.(The wife might differ on that) I'm just a tumble weed rolling along with the wind. Any way the wind blows!

Wow, that had to be tough emotionally with all the memories etc.

Congrats on your retirement!

Best of luck to you and it sounds like you have a good handle on things. :thumb:

philfree 02-24-2025 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 17978371)
Wow, that had to be tough emotionally with all the memories etc.

Congrats on your retirement!

Best of luck to you and it sounds like you have a good handle on things. :thumb:

I have mixed feelings about it for sure but I'll make the best out of it. I regret not having a business to pass on like my dad did but I'll do my best to leave a nice inheritance behind.

GloryDayz 02-26-2025 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by philfree (Post 17977895)
I've spent the last several months closing down our family business that we've ran for over forty years. It's ran its course and gave us a comfortable life but it's not fun closing it down. Everything is taken care of except closing down our Profit Sharing which is almost completed. At this point I am effectively retired at 63 which means I'm paying for my health insurance out of my pocket for a year and eight months.

We are in the process of selling off some property we operated our business on. That will give me a cash infusion to increase my investments and also a wad to blow.

I have no bucket list or anything like that. No real desire to travel and see the world.(The wife might differ on that) I'm just a tumble weed rolling along with the wind. Any way the wind blows!

Try a little travel, you might find it pleasantly addicting...

Mosbonian 03-03-2025 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by RedRaider56 (Post 17977803)
Congrats. I'm down to 36 days.

My boss is asking me to stay an additional 30 days as they have yet to find a replacement for me. He hasn't sweetened the pot for me to stay, so my answer to date is "No" ;)

Be careful with that "can you stay" mantra. I did that and it took them 18 months to find my replacement. I finally had to give them a firm deadline that I was leaving.

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