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71. Chief Roundup
So analogy time. What if homers were coffees? You'd have your standard cup of nice hot black coffee in BCD/BigChiefDave/one of the overweight assholes of Fate in the True Fan gif. Apart from all the different blends you can discern between, he's Joe Everyman coffee. You can always count on him for an apology for one of the franchise's decisions they've made recently. Doesn't matter the time of day. Or the QB. Or the soft bitch pussy cum gargler of a LT one selects at #1 overall. He'll always be there. On the other hand, you've got BARRYSKOOLAID as a shot of espresso. His homerism is abrasive and extremely shocking and jarring. While BCD goes down easy among most unsuspecting people, I don't know that many fans who ever enjoyed reading the shit he wrote or podcasted about except if they hate themselves and love tweaking bitter people. Chief Roundup would be an iced coffee with sugar and shit in it. You can drink an iced coffee and appreciate the bitterness in the taste without having to get used to it. It's still got that gross coffee aftertaste; you know, the one that's like "How can we judge any of our QBs when our offensive line is only top 15-20? There's no way we should expect any QB to succeed when our line just isn't necessarily bad, but it's not good!" It's got that kind of flavor, but you can read it without wanting to put an axe through your internet device. Sometimes he even talks sense. I'm pretty sure that's only when he's smoking pot, though. Which is all the time. |
Very good man. It was a good laugh. Bolded part...Where did you think my handle on here came from. :D |
I really didn't think I would make this list. Thank you to those who made this possible.
SNR is the ****ing Lancelot of this goddamn Camelot Kingdom.
That was a good one.
9 pooties on roundup
70. Omaha
http://www.thefrisky.com/wp-content/...y_boo_boo7.gif Look, just shut up about the too fat thing, okay? It's not funny anymore, and I'm tired of people impulsively attaching it to the ends of posts of mine that they quote. I really have great ideas that I want to share with you all, but I can never get real conversations started because everybody always replies with "too fat lol!" And people still laugh and high five each other when that happens! For crying out loud, the fat girl conversation is YEARS old at this point. The real truth is I've been lying. I've never porked a chick lighter than 150 lbs in my life. Why? It's obvious-- in Omaha there exists no woman who is not obese. It's true. The best you can do is to hope she wouldn't tip the scale when weighed against frazod. That's right. 300 pounds. Against my worst enemies, I wish that their families would get raped by my girlfriend at the time. I actually ****ing love that shit. I eat it up. So there. No chick is too fat for me. Drop the jokes, please. Now let's talk about the Chiefs. The cheerleaders sure look great, don't they? |
I've enjoyed HonestChieffan the most so far. That's my best one, I think.
If the listmaker is reading this, I have some people I really want to dig into. I hope you've got them on the list. |
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