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There was a clear agenda pushed, it didn't sell, fans left. There was an argument to be made then that perhaps it was old farts just not liking new creators. Now Disney is doing the same thing with Star Wars. Stories don't make sense. Characters have no motivations other than plugging political agendas. White males are to be pushed away or sullied because it's current year. The characters replacing them earn nothing and are only heroes because the label is stamped on them. Disney just fired the former editor of Marvel because they've LOST MONEY for over 4 years. |
This movie is the end of the Skywalker saga and will end on a high note. The First Order will no longer exist after the movie ends and most every character will live happily ever after (or at least for another decade or so as the cast ages and we catch up with them again around 2028-2030). Hux is a joke of a character, too. |
I stated in the same post that I would love for them to say, "**** it!" and have Kylo win, and the saga ends with Rey going into hiding with all the Jedi texts. That ending would actually give the saga a future worth waiting for. |
He's a "happy ending" type of filmmaker and not the kind of guy to leave the galaxy in chaos under the First Order. As of now, the plan is for IX to be the end of the Skywalker saga and if Ren is the last of the Skywalker clan, he needs to die at the end. There's no room on Disney's schedule for an "Episode X", as Solo is set for 2018, IX in 2019, 2020 is supposedly the Obi Wan movie, then RJ's new trilogy in 2021 and Boba Fett in 2022. I would assume that based on the popularity of Solo and Obi Wan, there would be sequels in the works which would fill in 2024 and 2026. If Daisy Ridley and crew do return to Star Wars, it'll be the late 2020's before it happens. But yeah, Abrams will end the Skywalker Saga on a high note. |
That's just who he is - Spielberg lite. |
edit: For the record, I didn't see your Spielberg post until after this. |
I've signed NDA's and criticized while in compliance... |
It's not going to be dark, nor should it be, especially after Abrams and company basically ruined Han, Luke & Leia's happy ending after Return of the Jedi with their character arcs in Episode VII & VIII. |
Not that they'll be fired (three times now) and replaced as soon as you don't conform to the agenda. You are free to form your own vision (unless it conflicts with ours) and go in a bold (by our design) new path. You are there, you know this. I'm actually kind of pissed you aren't pointing this out... |
This trilogy served to do little more than tell us all that Han pretty much had a nice short run with Leia, then spent his golden years as a miserable vagrant torn up by his shitty parenting while Luke essentially did the same thing and Leia got to spend the next couple of decades realizing that her rebellion is probably amounting to nothing but a long slow grind into likely irrelevance. So much for dancing bears and fireworks. Nope - life is solitary, nasty, brutish and short, folks. Hope you enjoyed Luke smiling at those force ghosts on Endor because stuff pretty much went to shit for him and all his friends immediately thereafter. Awesome. I wonder if Disney will make a sequel to Tangled where Repunzel dies of cancer and or Frozen where Anna gets trampled by a horse and Elsa retreats into a shell after she loses control again and kills everyone in town. |
The allies won WWI.
Doesn't mean it meant nothing because WW2 started 20 years later. |
There are a TON of very good arguments to be made that the world is a much better place without the 'Miracle of the Marne'. If the Germans simply roll up the French, don't turn away from Paris and leave themselves exposed to British penetration up the gut, the Schlieffen Plan probably works. They invade Paris, the British get the hell out of Dodge (because Gen. John French wanted nothing to do with that war and wanted to keep his forces on the island to protect from possible German invasion) and eventually the Germans drop a hammer on Britain to stall their industrial capacity before a negotiated peace is reached. Apart from saving the lives of nearly 20 million people from WWI alone, WWII never happens because there is no power vacuum in Germany. So there's another 70 millionish people saved bringing you just short of 100 million lives lost as a result of the allied 'victory' in WWI. Hell, you probably don't get a radicalized Middle East because the Ottoman Empire gradually fades rather than being blasted out of existence and carved into a series of supremely pissed off territories. How many more are save there? The Germans just wanted to bow up on the British and establish themselves as a superpower. They weren't looking to take over Europe - they just wanted to make sure they got a seat at the big boy table. WWI Germany wasn't any more or less noble than Britain or France or any of the other 'empire nations' of the time. The world looks different today but it probably also looks significantly better. Britain's industrial capacity was crippled anyway after it bankrolled the entire war for its territories and France essentially lost a generation of young men either killed, wounded or emotionally broken. So yeah, if you want to get really technical, WWI was rendered meaningless by WWII and the allied 'victory' flipped on its head. WWII all but confirmed that the world is probably better off had the entire stalemate never happened, the Germans win the thing by December of 1914 and relative order is restored. |
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