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hometeam 04-04-2023 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 16887200)
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="Last Epoch in 2023" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I've been unable to put this down since Multiplayer coop launched almost a month ago.

I felt like it got redundant quick. Was just kind of base ARPG gameplay, nothing stood out.

Kind of like a print of a real painting. Looks good, but it aint the real thing.

Imon Yourside 04-04-2023 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 16889868)
I felt like it got redundant quick. Was just kind of base ARPG gameplay, nothing stood out.

Kind of like a print of a real painting. Looks good, but it aint the real thing.

They do many things BETTER than any other ARPG, The Crafting is unmatched. Gameplay loop is top notch very close to Diablo 2 in my eyes. You can make your own builds without having to look up build vids and serious number crunching. If something drops in Coop you can trade those items back and forth as many times as you like and coming in 1.0 is the Dynamic Trade system not seen in any other game.

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="*ALERT* Last Epoch TRADE Confirmed! Factions Inbound! Part 1" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

hometeam 04-04-2023 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 16889874)
They do many things BETTER than any other ARPG, The Crafting is unmatched. Gameplay loop is top notch very close to Diablo 2 in my eyes. You can make your own builds without having to look up build vids and serious number crunching. If something drops in Coop you can trade those items back and forth as many times as you like and coming in 1.0 is the Dynamic Trade system not seen in any other game.

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="*ALERT* Last Epoch TRADE Confirmed! Factions Inbound! Part 1" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

So I originally bought this game like 5 years ago. I have played it in several phases of development. I also put about 30 hours into the multiplayer, so I got my time out of it, but it was also plagued with bugs, server issues, weird gameplay loop etc. One thing I found was that In certain situations I could craft items over and over again without losing the mats due to server issues. That was pretty fun lol

I have a group that I play games with, including our venerable BUCK of CP fame. All of us ended up at the same conclusion, but ill be honest I bowed out first. At a certain point it just wasnt fun building up points to fight boss and rinse/repeating.

I also got more time out of the d4 beta than I could stomach putting into last epoch.

Not that its bad. I actually favor it over something like PoE, but I prefer d2, d3, d4 over Last Epoch.

Imon Yourside 04-04-2023 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 16889886)
So I originally bought this game like 5 years ago. I have played it in several phases of development. I also put about 30 hours into the multiplayer, so I got my time out of it, but it was also plagued with bugs, server issues, weird gameplay loop etc. One thing I found was that In certain situations I could craft items over and over again without losing the mats due to server issues. That was pretty fun lol

I have a group that I play games with, including our venerable BUCK of CP fame. All of us ended up at the same conclusion, but ill be honest I bowed out first. At a certain point it just wasnt fun building up points to fight boss and rinse/repeating.

I also got more time out of the d4 beta than I could stomach putting into last epoch.

Not that its bad. I actually favor it over something like PoE, but I prefer d2, d3, d4 over Last Epoch.

D3 is the exception, it gets boring within a few days of ladder reset. I'm done with D2 I played it way too long. I'll be playing Diablo 4 as well but to be honest I don't like what they're doing with the trading system as in very limited. I've read you CANNOT even share drops with your present coop buds. That's a huge turn off to me but yes I'll definitely be playing it, remains to be seen if I like it more or less than Last Epoch.

I also bought Last Epoch when it was first available and it was pure trash, it's come a long way and is a total passion project for the Devs that grew up on Diablo 2 as Did I.

Bump 04-04-2023 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 16889891)
D3 is the exception, it gets boring within a few days of ladder reset. I'm done with D2 I played it way too long. I'll be playing Diablo 4 as well but to be honest I don't like what they're doing with the trading system as in very limited. I've read you CANNOT even share drops with your present coop buds. That's a huge turn off to me but yes I'll definitely be playing it, remains to be seen if I like it more or less than Last Epoch.

I also bought Last Epoch when it was first available and it was pure trash, it's come a long way and is a total passion project for the Devs that grew up on Diablo 2 as Did I.

I was definitely going to buy D4, but now I'm kind of on the fence. I feel like it's going to be -grind dungeons to get desired legendary, then grind dungeons to get the rares with the 4 or 5 stats rolled how you want, put the legendary effect on the rare and then repeat to get perfect gear. That type of loop, I just find so meh and unexciting.

Bump 04-04-2023 06:24 PM

and the little of the beta I got to try out, the skill tree seemed completely linear. But you couldn't go past level 25 so you don't see the whole thing. But it was still linear. Level up, choose a skill out of 3 or 4 skills, then upgrade that skill with each one having 2 choices and you can only pick one. Then level up some more, choose a skill out of 3 or 4 and upgrade that skill with one of two options. Meh

hometeam 04-04-2023 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 16889891)
D3 is the exception, it gets boring within a few days of ladder reset. I'm done with D2 I played it way too long. I'll be playing Diablo 4 as well but to be honest I don't like what they're doing with the trading system as in very limited. I've read you CANNOT even share drops with your present coop buds. That's a huge turn off to me but yes I'll definitely be playing it, remains to be seen if I like it more or less than Last Epoch.

I also bought Last Epoch when it was first available and it was pure trash, it's come a long way and is a total passion project for the Devs that grew up on Diablo 2 as Did I.

So I believe the trade system in d4 is very similar to something like WOW.

Some drops are 'bind on pickup' and some are 'bind on equip'. Now what the scope of those are remains to be seen.

jd1020 04-04-2023 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 16890006)
So I believe the trade system in d4 is very similar to something like WOW.

Some drops are 'bind on pickup' and some are 'bind on equip'. Now what the scope of those are remains to be seen.

Blizzard is bound and determined to release the worst upcoming action RPG.

Imon Yourside 04-04-2023 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 16890006)
So I believe the trade system in d4 is very similar to something like WOW.

Some drops are 'bind on pickup' and some are 'bind on equip'. Now what the scope of those are remains to be seen.

Only rare and below are tradeable, that's really lame. I never liked WOW and I've never been a fan of raids. Haven't seen an MMO that I liked a lot yet.

Imon Yourside 04-04-2023 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Bump (Post 16889964)
I was definitely going to buy D4, but now I'm kind of on the fence. I feel like it's going to be -grind dungeons to get desired legendary, then grind dungeons to get the rares with the 4 or 5 stats rolled how you want, put the legendary effect on the rare and then repeat to get perfect gear. That type of loop, I just find so meh and unexciting.

I'm sure I will like the game but not being able to trade stuff your buddy was with you when you found is just plain dumb.

jd1020 04-04-2023 08:17 PM

Can you even stash the item and put it on another character?

No ****ing shot I'm playing that beyond 1 play through, if at all, over other similar games available for free.

Imon Yourside 04-04-2023 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by jd1020 (Post 16890130)
Can you even stash the item and put it on another character?

No ****ing shot I'm playing that beyond 1 play through, if at all, over other similar games available for free.

OH I'm sure you can do that, but trading in Diablo 2 was half of the game. No way People were going to get Zod runes etc to drop. You probably have a better chance at winning the lottery. Dupers made the game great tbh, if they had not duped those High runes the game wouldn't have been half as fun.

hometeam 04-04-2023 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by jd1020 (Post 16890130)
Can you even stash the item and put it on another character?

No ****ing shot I'm playing that beyond 1 play through, if at all, over other similar games available for free.

yes, I did it in beta

jd1020 04-04-2023 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Imon Yourside (Post 16890140)
OH I'm sure you can do that, but trading in Diablo 2 was half of the game. No way People were going to get Zod runes etc to drop. You probably have a better chance at winning the lottery. Dupers made the game great tbh, if they had not duped those High runes the game wouldn't have been half as fun.

I botted in that game and I never found a Zod. Highest rune I ever got was Ber and I'm pretty sure most of the Zod runes were cubed and then duped. Imagine all that grind and not being able to trade for endgame gear... lol. That is such a stupid ass change.

Pants 04-04-2023 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Bump (Post 16889964)
I was definitely going to buy D4, but now I'm kind of on the fence. I feel like it's going to be -grind dungeons to get desired legendary, then grind dungeons to get the rares with the 4 or 5 stats rolled how you want, put the legendary effect on the rare and then repeat to get perfect gear. That type of loop, I just find so meh and unexciting.

I'm not being facetious, this is a real question as I am just curious how people view ARPGs in general. What sort of grind loop do you like more? Something that lets you min/max abilities in interesting ways?

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