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Pitt Gorilla 01-01-2018 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Just Passin' By (Post 13313756)
This is now closing in on a $200 million domestic lag behind VII.

14 days in, VII was at $629m domestic
14 days in, VII is at $445m domestic

On the foreign front, VII ended up at over $1.1b, while VIII is at $447m, at what would seem to be more than the financial halfway point for the movie.

Any updates?

vailpass 01-01-2018 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 13323046)
Don't make me whip out my light sabre.

:D I know. I'm sorry. I came into a Star Wars thread, nobody made me click it. I was amazed at the...intensity of the adults in the room.

Tribal Warfare 01-02-2018 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla (Post 13323070)
Any updates?

50% on Rotten Tomatoes

BigRedChief 01-02-2018 07:38 AM

Why is Kylo telliing her shes a nobody accepted as the truth by some? He lies to her all the time, why is this not one more?

She may have parents that were nobodies in Star Wars but, because Kylo told her while he was trying to manipulate her, seems to me anyway, that it should be taken with a grain of salt.

BigRedChief 01-02-2018 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 13324466)
50% on Rotten Tomatoes

Passed the BILLION $ mark globally.

Al Bundy 01-02-2018 09:55 AM

I'm going to see it again this morning.

RINGLEADER 01-02-2018 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 13324487)
Why is Kylo telliing her shes a nobody accepted as the truth by some? He lies to her all the time, why is this not one more?

She may have parents that were nobodies in Star Wars but, because Kylo told her while he was trying to manipulate her, seems to me anyway, that it should be taken with a grain of salt.

It would be consistent with the story that Rian told. At its core he's saying, through Luke, that the Force just is and the Jedi laying claim to it and creating a hierarchy around it was simply hubris of man. It speaks to all kinds of philosophies about how man laying ownership to things is bad. I get the angle he's going for and, in that light, Rey (and the slave kids) being able to access the Force without training is consistent.

I don't like it that much from a story-telling perspective because it makes the Jedi/Sith stuff moot, but I get it.

bowener 01-02-2018 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 13323086)
:D I know. I'm sorry. I came into a Star Wars thread, nobody made me click it. I was amazed at the...intensity of the adults in the room.

What is the difference between grown men arguing over a film/art/book and a football game?

Fish 01-02-2018 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13322815)
Star Wars fans waited for two years since The Force Awakens to find out who Rey's parents really are but The Last Jedi's answer to that mystery isn't the big revelation fans were hoping for. In the film, Kylo Ren tells Rey that her parents are just nobodies but he might not be telling the truth. According to writer/director Rian Johnson, the truth behind Rey's parents is "still open". It's up to Episode IX writers J.J. Abrams and Chris Terrio to resolve that part of the new trilogy's story.

Kylo Ren told Rey about her parents while they were sharing a psychic link through the Force. The former Ben Solo tells Rey that her parents were just junk traders who sold their young daughter in exchange for booze.

Johnson told the Huffpost that the truth of Kylo's reveal was "the most difficult thing dramatically for Rey in this movie to hear."

“What’s going to make life hardest on her? It would be the big ‘I am your father’ twist [from The Empire Strikes Back],” Johnson explained, recalling the scene when Darth Vader told Luke Skywalker that he's his father.

Johnson said that Vader's revelation was “the hardest thing the character could possibly hear in that moment,” and it was the "same thing with Rey and her parentage."

“The easy thing would be, ‘Yes, your parents are so and so and here’s your place in the world. There you go,’" Johnson said.

"The hardest thing she could hear would be... ‘No, you’re not going to get the answer. This is not going to define you. You’re going to have to find your own place in this world," the director added. "Kylo is going to use that even as leverage to try and make you feel insecure, and you’re going to have to stand on your own two feet.’”

Fans came up with more than a dozen theories about Rey's parentage since The Force Awakens came out. Some believe that she's related to Obi-Wan, some thought she's a Skywalker, so it's easy to see why fans are upset when The Last Jedi only revealed that her parents are just nobodies. However, Johnson said that Episode IX might provide a different answer.

“Anything’s still open, and I’m not writing the next film," Johnson explained. "[J.J. Abrams and Chris Terrio] are doing it."

Episode IX better give us a more satisfying answer because a lot of fans are upset about The Last Jedi's "revelation". It made it in our Top 13 Reasons Why Some Star Wars Fans Hate The Last Jedi.

He's been repeating this and the more I think about it, the less sense it makes. Each scenario could be used to show hardship for Rey, if that's simply the goal. It just depends on how it's written. As the many fan theories demonstrated, they could have taken it many different ways and with half ass decent writing, they could create any hardship they please in any manner. Be creative. For some reason, Johnson became insistent on taking any expectations for previous characters and doing a 180 on them for the sake of "Hardship." Clearly many people felt this did a considerable disservice to said characters. I agree.

vailpass 01-02-2018 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 13324866)
What is the difference between grown men arguing over a film/art/book and a football game?

Is this really the hill you want to die on?

bowener 01-02-2018 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 13325420)
Is this really the hill you want to die on?

I'm fairly certain I won't die on this hill. You seem to see film discussion as childish. I am confused since we all discuss football, a game played by adults, why you would be surprised by adults discussing a film franchise that they are passionate about.

vailpass 01-02-2018 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 13325513)
I'm fairly certain I won't die on this hill. You seem to see film discussion as childish. I am confused since we all discuss football, a game played by adults, why you would be surprised by adults discussing a film franchise that they are passionate about.

I don't even know what to tell you dude. Let's hit a star wars bar and figure it out over a drink.

DJ's left nut 01-02-2018 05:06 PM

I saw someone say "well this will be liberating for Abrams because now people will go into Episode 9 with the understanding that their expectations are irrelevant...."

Well, no. See, I'm just....not gonna go into Episode 9. Because 7 and 8 didn't exactly make me give a large rat's ass about Finn or Rey. And Poe is just fun as hell but if he gets blown up, it's not like there's been a chance to really develop emotional resonance there.

Ultimately I'm not sure I have any kind of give a damn about any of these characters at this point. So sure, I'm going to be less beholden to my own expectations but only because I don't really give a damn what happens in this universe at this point. It's just another movie now.

Congrats, Rian. You've created another sci-fi universe that I don't really care about. Might as well call it Avatar 2 or The Sixth Element. I'm not gonna go rallying up family members and buying reserved seats and all that shit again.

I'll just wait for an HBO free preview weekend in about 36 months and see if my then 7 year old has any interest in watching it.

oaklandhater 01-02-2018 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 13324492)
Passed the BILLION $ mark globally.

People were using Batman V Superman Box office to defend the movie too.

50% on RT should be a nice big red flag to Disney that they may have damaged the brand.

I've never not been excited for a new SW movie before ever after Clone wars I had hope.

TLJ was just an unfun boring slog of a movie.

DaneMcCloud 01-02-2018 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 13325971)
I saw someone say "well this will be liberating for Abrams because now people will go into Episode 9 with the understanding that their expectations are irrelevant...."

Well, no. See, I'm just....not gonna go into Episode 9. Because 7 and 8 didn't exactly make me give a large rat's ass about Finn or Rey. And Poe is just fun as hell but if he gets blown up, it's not like there's been a chance to really develop emotional resonance there.

Ultimately I'm not sure I have any kind of give a damn about any of these characters at this point. So sure, I'm going to be less beholden to my own expectations but only because I don't really give a damn what happens in this universe at this point. It's just another movie now.

Congrats, Rian. You've created another sci-fi universe that I don't really care about. Might as well call it Avatar 2 or The Sixth Element. I'm not gonna go rallying up family members and buying reserved seats and all that shit again.

I have no desire to see it again or purchase it on Blu Ray. Some of our best friends, who have two children my children's ages, are massive Star Wars fans, as in backpacks, pajamas, toys, video games, board games - you name it, they own it - don't even want to see it a second time.

This trilogy is a pale excuse for Disney merchandising. There's no resonance with the characters. About the only new character that's even halfway interesting, IMO, is Maz Kanata, who was underused in both films.

You're right: Episode IX is just another movie in a sea of movies.

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