Lumpy |
09-27-2011 11:32 AM |
Originally Posted by Mr. Plow
(Post 7946941)
I've had people tell me that, or I've heard people tell other people that "if you can't stand the thought of them with someone else, that means you love that person." I say that idea is BS (no offense Lumpy).
If you've been in even a semi serious relationship that you could see becoming serious - when the topic of breaking up comes up, you never like the thought of them with someone else. Nobody wants to think about their girlfriend with another guy.
To me, if you want to know if you truly love that person, the question you need to ask yourself is can YOU live without that her?
No offense taken. That may be part jealousy, (like what Setsuna said). You made a valid point too. But when someone comes on a public board and states that they love their gf/wife, but wants to end it, it makes you wonder what could be horribly wrong w/ their relationship?
EVERY relationship has ups and downs, but the worse thing someone can do is not think long and hard about how the break-up will influence their life. (Yes, I just typed, "long and hard". Heh.)
But, on the other hand, Buck's seeking someone outside of the relationship to fill a void. This leads me to believe that he probably does love her, but he's no longer IN love w/ her. I hope I'm wrong though and that he's just a guy that gets off by the attention from the other chick.
Regardless, if he wanted to pursue a relationship w/ this other chick, it's not fair to his g/f, (or the chick's b/f for that matter). But then again, nobody is married in this love triangle, so that eliminates a lot of complications.