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Prison Bitch 12-31-2017 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by unlurking (Post 13321631)
I don't know why I keep opening this thread.

To see what Dane thinks about it today?

BigRedChief 12-31-2017 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13317255)
^ Hard to argue

hamil is not a great actor.

Hammock Parties 12-31-2017 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 13321903)
hamil is not a great actor.

He's not. But this was one of his better performances. Certainly his best as Luke Skywalker.

The look on his face when Chewie bust in that door, or how he talked to R2, transported me back in time to my childhood.

Hammock Parties 12-31-2017 11:51 PM


Rausch 01-01-2018 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13317879)
You mean like Luke and Han after ANH?

Luke was a whiney bitch that got his ass kicked in the bar, never used a light saber other than failing to block lasers from flying robots, and only accomplished good aim in ANH.

Han was not a hero either. Han was a selfish murderer who had a few moral days...

Rausch 01-01-2018 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13318156)
No... just like i dont care to explain the better vox office performance it enjoyed a week later... also apparently unusual.

And frankly it doesn't matter.

Even if the 3 main review sites are right it means close to 60% of fans liked it.

Let's say that's true - it means all the fans that liked it will show up next time and likely 1/2 the fans that didn't like it will still show up next film to hope they un-**** it.

So the next film might be the worst thing ever made and it will still make nearly a billion world wide...

unlurking 01-01-2018 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 13322183)
And frankly it doesn't matter.

Even if the 3 main review sites are right it means close to 60% of fans liked it.

Let's say that's true - it means all the fans that liked it will show up next time and likely 1/2 the fans that didn't like it will still show up next film to hope they un-**** it.

So the next film might be the worst thing ever made and it will still make nearly a billion world wide...

Don't forget the fans that have to go see it a second or third time to figure out if they should have liked it the first time.

mnchiefsguy 01-01-2018 12:28 PM

TLJ wins the weekend. Jumanji continues to be the surprise hit of the holidays. Sony had modest expectations for it and it has by far exceeded them.

WhiteWhale 01-01-2018 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 13309298)
Where the **** is Luke a "coward" in TLJ? Of course, if this take is coming from 'The Jonas', then uh...yeah.

Nope. R1 has established independent strength for the side-films going forward. 'Solo' is going to be ****ing HUGE.

Alright, first up; Frick and Frack were a poor ****ing choice for the movie to begin with. If you want to call her on THAT, then okay.

Secondly. TLJ is going to be looked at MUCH differently after the release of Epi 9, and probably even BEFORE that once the eleventy billion mouths of the internet finish up with their collective piss-parade. ( People on the internet hate shit? Really? WOW! Like....SHAM-WOW! derp ).

If anything, It seems to me that Kasdan is the one constant in this shit that has jumped the shark or just plain given up. 'Solo' could be his chance to, god-willing, return to a level of writing that made 'Empire' STILL the best movie in the franchise. Watched it last night, and it's still the champ.

Or, maybe ol' Kirsh really WAS that ****ing good. His comments and interviews from the 'Empire of Dreams' documentary CLEARLY show a man who put a LOT of his own talented stamp on to that movie. Well, let's ask ourselves:

If 'Empire' is accepted far and wide as the THE best film of the franchise while the others( outside of ANH )seem to be lacking and coming up short, what is the one element that we are missing?

Murdering sleeping children is cowardly.

I know it seems bad ass and brave to you, but you're an idiot.

You're a loser who spent his youth reading the Expanded universe and fapping into a sock.

The narrative is sloppy, it's loaded with pointless filler scenes, and the main character has no sensible motivation. It also makes a habit of setting things up and massively under delivering. BAd ass jedi? Bad ass sith stronger than any force user in history? Let's just subvert expectations and have one die like a loony tunes character and the other will just vanish like a fart in the wind after astral projection... which might seem cool if Snoke didn't bend time and space. Given that, Luke looks like a weak idiot. I mean, what other option do you have with two highly over powered force users that are going to be killed off? What could Rian have done.... It's a mystery!

It can **** off. Even if you drop the fanboi stuff, the film still doesn't hold up. Generic over produced action schlock filled with deepity.

RINGLEADER 01-01-2018 01:34 PM

TLJ is over-performing week-over-week. $700mm-$725mm domestic is doable.

Bowser 01-01-2018 01:34 PM

Star Wars fans waited for two years since The Force Awakens to find out who Rey's parents really are but The Last Jedi's answer to that mystery isn't the big revelation fans were hoping for. In the film, Kylo Ren tells Rey that her parents are just nobodies but he might not be telling the truth. According to writer/director Rian Johnson, the truth behind Rey's parents is "still open". It's up to Episode IX writers J.J. Abrams and Chris Terrio to resolve that part of the new trilogy's story.

Kylo Ren told Rey about her parents while they were sharing a psychic link through the Force. The former Ben Solo tells Rey that her parents were just junk traders who sold their young daughter in exchange for booze.

Johnson told the Huffpost that the truth of Kylo's reveal was "the most difficult thing dramatically for Rey in this movie to hear."

“What’s going to make life hardest on her? It would be the big ‘I am your father’ twist [from The Empire Strikes Back],” Johnson explained, recalling the scene when Darth Vader told Luke Skywalker that he's his father.

Johnson said that Vader's revelation was “the hardest thing the character could possibly hear in that moment,” and it was the "same thing with Rey and her parentage."

“The easy thing would be, ‘Yes, your parents are so and so and here’s your place in the world. There you go,’" Johnson said.

"The hardest thing she could hear would be... ‘No, you’re not going to get the answer. This is not going to define you. You’re going to have to find your own place in this world," the director added. "Kylo is going to use that even as leverage to try and make you feel insecure, and you’re going to have to stand on your own two feet.’”

Fans came up with more than a dozen theories about Rey's parentage since The Force Awakens came out. Some believe that she's related to Obi-Wan, some thought she's a Skywalker, so it's easy to see why fans are upset when The Last Jedi only revealed that her parents are just nobodies. However, Johnson said that Episode IX might provide a different answer.

“Anything’s still open, and I’m not writing the next film," Johnson explained. "[J.J. Abrams and Chris Terrio] are doing it."

Episode IX better give us a more satisfying answer because a lot of fans are upset about The Last Jedi's "revelation". It made it in our Top 13 Reasons Why Some Star Wars Fans Hate The Last Jedi.

vailpass 01-01-2018 02:11 PM

LMAO Holy shit. Full grown men.

Mennonite 01-01-2018 02:26 PM

You guys need to watch real cinema like Ebola Syndrome (1996) or Riki-Oh (1991) instead of this space larping fairy stuff.

Hammock Parties 01-01-2018 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mennonite (Post 13322945)
You guys need to watch real cinema like Ebola Syndrome (1996) or Riki-Oh (1991) instead of this space larping fairy stuff.

Hey. Some of us like that stuff. Leave us alone.

BigCatDaddy 01-01-2018 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 13322900)
LMAO Holy shit. Full grown men.

Don't make me whip out my light sabre.

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